
George Bush

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I am particularly interested to hear how he is viewed inside the States compared to his perception outside. Basically he is considered a bit of an idiot in the UK.

wonder why..................

He started out really well in his presidency, I think it's all been downhill as each day passes.

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Christ! Just looked at the results. Even with me screwing the vote by going for "is the devil", he's still waaaay too popular. :o

I was watching the vid of GB Snr. doing a skydive a few months ago, and couldn't help thinking "if only those legstraps had squashed his nuts and made him infertile..."

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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It always amazes me how the liberal elite (I mean the talking heads and those with political clout) use the "idiot" tactic. So that bit about the intelligence of pond life bit is amusing.

GWB is not dumb. He is no Woodrow Wilson, either. But he is decisive, and I like that about him.

I just don't agree with his decisions much of the time.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The people voting for the second row down seem to have a pretty good hold on reality.

But have probably never lived outside the USA. Nothing personal against you Clint, it's just that most Americans I know who have lived in Europe or elsewhere have figured out some of the reasons why many countries hate the US, and agree that GWB is only making things worse.

This is just an observation - I'm not getting drawn into a long argument. I wish for your sake someone else was in charge. :(

EDIT: I know he was born by the time Snr did his skydive, but you get the point.

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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Most people is Europe would ask "Aren't you embarrassed?"

I was more embarrased by Clinton.

Here, here

Not to mention Carter.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I agree. Most people I know who are lefties have no problem bashing Bush on the level of schoolchildren (name calling, etc), yet they consider themselves to be the thoughtful, intellectual type. And of course everyone who disagrees with their vision of a socialistic utopia is a closed minded idiot who just doesn't get it. What's funny is, I used to believe all the liberal claptrap, up until the time I finally DID open my mind.

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I agree, I’m no Bill Clinton fan but the man was smart and I can admit that. Its naïve of people to think George Bush is an idiot because they disagree with his decisions.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I'm sitting here reading you guy's bash Bush and at the same time I'm watching the newly released torture video tapes of Saddam's henchmen/thugs/terrorists spreading terror by cutting off peoples heads/arms/legs/tongues and tying the arms of others behind their backs and then throw them off buildings, one after the other.

And you bash Bush.

People say we are losing this war on terror, but I see it different. I see openings of hospitals/schools and mosques where before were guns/ammo/and war bunkers. I don't just notice the death toll (which is incredibly low for such a feat) but I notice the millions of kids that have since been vaccinated.

I credit Bush for that.

People say we are killing to many people. Well if we are just targeting people who want me dead, then kill more.

We are winning in Irag and I'll tell you why. We are gaining the support of the Iragi people by educating them. We are teaching them freedom. Whether it be the tens of thousands of Iragi police we trained/educated or the children in the schools we opened or the mothers of the children we give medical care to.

The Iragi people are learning fast who is good and who is/was evil. I wish others would learn as fast to tell the difference.

------Have a good one!--------

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Most people is Europe would ask "Aren't you embarrassed?"

I was more embarrased by Clinton.

Here, here

Not to mention Carter.

You should both be embarrassed by your spelling.

It seems to be a attribute of Clinton haters that they can't spell. Dan Quayle syndrome?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't just notice the death toll (which is incredibly low for such a feat) but I notice the millions of kids that have since been vaccinated.

Which death toll? Ours losses or their losses?

Because according to a report released last week, 13,000 Iraqis died in the war, and 4,500 of them were civilians!

Maybe this is related with the negative view of Americans by other countries?

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Americans now fall into two categories: those who are embarrassed and those who should be embarrassed.

I'm among the former.

no you have it all wrong. Americans now fall into two categories: those who are embarrassed by the dems candidates for president and those that will be.

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