
My First Hang Gliding Experience

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Yo Skin, here are some more pictures of my ass (seeing how you like them so much). If you print them out, please do not put them under your bed, or in the bathroom. (and if you do, please do not tell me about it)
Location: Point of the Mountain, Utah
Year: 1987
Exit Altitude: 1,000 feet
Pilot: Bob Schick
Jumper: Johnny Utah
Rig: GQ Security System
Main: Unit (skydiving pack job)
Pilot Chute: F-111 skydiving pilot chute
Cutaway System: home made 3-ring release
Opening Altitude: low
Landing: 180-degree toggle hook turn

This was my first close up exposure to hang gliding. I got a call one day from Bob Schick (who I did not know) asking if I would jump from his hang glider. Apparently he had heard that I was the psychotic misfit to call. He said that it had never been done before. I have always wondered if that was true.

I bought a hang glider shortly there after.
Have Fun, Don't Die!
Johnny Utah
My Website
email:[email protected]

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Come on Tom, can't we have any fun?
Skin wanted me to be a smart ass and try to put a smile on peoples faces (I guess it didn't work for you). What did I do wrong now?

You didn't do anything wrong. I just figured we ought to share the smile with all the folks who never visit the BASE corner. You can still get here from there, and vice versa.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Great pics Johnny.

Thanks for taking that in the right spirit. Not just a great jumper, a splendid fella too. Good on ya.

I can't promise anything on the whole butt pics / bed / bathroom situation though. Sorry.

You still rule.

Best wishes,


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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[ Maybe in 1987 people were using those for BASE. But that was back when men were men--and I was in high school. :P

And back then half the women were men too...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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