
would you send it back?

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>Maybe I could get a mini bag made that matches my rig and a tshirt or something..maybe free spare handles?

I'd be really surprized if they give you a mini bag (60-70) or handles (about 70) in addtion to tshirts (20) since they are willing to do everything for free at minimal down time. Are you sure the mistake it on their side or could the order be off? It might just pay to wait till you can verify your order to avoid Mirage clearing time in their schedule to fix something that might not have even been an issue they caused.
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I've got to agree with Eric & Jess on this one. Consider yourself lucky if you get a t-shirt.

Mistakes do happen, and it happened to me, but as long as they're willing to make it right in a short amount of time, there is absolutely zero room for complaint or pushing for additional merchandise on their dime.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Hi Amber,
Look this thread has gone on for 3 pages, the bottom line is pretty simple.
YOU spent a lot of time and emotional energy into designing a bunch of rig that you thought wouyld be Ok, you polled all of us and finally decided on ONE colour pattern. Mirage stuffed that up, now since your not jumping it anyway, send it back and get what you designed and dont settle for what they thought you designed.
I personally really dilike, settling for somthing that isn't what I really wanted, just because someone else got it wrong.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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If they never got all they wanted from you... (money)they would contact you. I think you should at least let them know they cocked up - and point them at the thread to see the press their error is getting...

It's the year of the Pig.

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My opinion as humble as it might be..

You paid DAMN good money and if it's their screw-up they should do all they can to make it right. Between the two.. I like YOUR colors better, seems more "balanced". If it were me.. I'd send it back. I didn't look at your profile so I am not sure where you jump, but the weather is turning colder so if there is ever a time to send it back.. it's now!

Either way, it's a sweet rig.. (just your colors are better)


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THe rig is fine= "hey this was in our stock and it's close enough to that custom request, so.....;)"
My 100% Custom rig is due this week and I will compromise when I have Grand kids but not for $7000 worth of gear!
I'm happy that Amber has gear though:)
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I've worked in Quality Control for 16 years and have no patience for mistakes like this. Somebody wasn't paying attention, though they seem to have remembered how to bank your check alright.

Personally, I like your "as is" rig better. Maybe what you like about it is the way those two reserve flaps don't glare at you in bright blue all the time. My eyes got tired of the picture in about 5 deconds. Your blacker rig is much easier on the eye. But you do have the absolute right to hold their feet to the fire and should do it if you're not happy with it.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Did we really need to bring crap up that happened 9 months ago?Jeez!:SHeres what happened:

The problem was SEMI resolved. They sent me a new reserve flap to be replaced by a rigger in my area,only problem was it was STILL not 'my colors' it was the exact same thing they sent on my completed rig..all black w/white piping.They sent a 2nd res.flap which was again wrong and looked identical to the first replacement and the current flap on the rig that was shipped to me.Then they sent yet a 3rd flap and this was supposed to be right,finally.BUT it wasn't.It was the exact inverse of what I had wanted,but my gear dealer who had been working tirelessly with Mirage to fix this problem didn't realize it was still wrong until he had already had the rigger exchange the current res.flap for this 3rd one.

Mirage was exhasperated with me.My dealer(God bless him) was distraught b/c this had cost him the multiple shipping fees incurred by these several replacements from Mirage and still wasnt what was ordered,not to mention paying the rigger's fees to have them swapped. I was upset and very pissed/dissatisfied with the whole deal and finally called a truce..just called it even/stop sending replacements since after 3 tries no one could get it right.After seeing the rig w/the 'new' colors I guessed I could live with it.It does look a bit more individual..rather than a more 'stock' look that my initial colors had.Either way I was fed up and tired of the whole situation..so I gave up and took my rig home after about a month of hassle over a friggin reserve flap coloring.

I have since quit jumping for personal reasons.This rig has never been jumped or even assembled and remains tucked away inside the box I brought it home in.If someone would offer a reasonable buying price I'd probably sell it. Maybe I'll jump again;maybe not.I wish I hadn't gone through such hassle now,looking back on it.It was silly. (and as for the irksome PM that was sent in regards to this whole rig coloring drama proclaiming me a spolied brat..yes, you were right.I was...no hard feelings);)

If anyone cares to see what the final outcome was I've attached a rendition of the 'new' rig colors since I neved took pics.

Let it die people.


"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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