
Teacher for a day

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Just don't forget to untie the reserve handle when you go to jump again. Maybe tie it with something big and colorful, so you won't miss it.....

I always use three colorful pull-up cords. Colorful and dangly.

I had a friend who used a small nail in his closing loop at a public demo. He came very close to forgetting to remove it later.

When travelling, I use the cheststrap to tie the reserve handle, but you may want to put your rig on for the demo. A cheststrap is large and conspicuous too.

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I'm doing a presentation to 200 high school physics students next Monday. I've done it several times before, and I always start with the 4+ minute freefall scene from Point Break and ask them to critique it. (Of course, I expect these are more advanced than your middle school kids).

They also like to see the equipment - I get one of them to wear the rig and throw out the PC, and we pull the canopy out.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My son came home from school today and told me that his science teacher already told all the classes that his mom is a skydiver and I'm going to be in her class all day. He said people were talking about it before he ever got to her class, because he has her last period! LOL.

We're working on his hypothesis for his Science Project right now. He finally decided to do a simple drop test with like objects. I was trying to explain to him how to word it and what would happen with air mass. Finally, I took a sheet of paper and said, "this is your belly flier" then I balled up a sheet and said, "this is your freeflier. Which is going to fall faster"? He said, "ooooh, NOW I get it!" :ph34r: I'm going to try to incorporate science stuff into my presentation to make it more interesting.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Not sure if it's been mentioned already, I don't want to take the time to read through all the post. What I've done in the past is what some have already said, bring your gear, let them touch it, wear it, etc. Show a short video, and then if you have some creepers, get some kids on them and explain how you are able to move you body around in the sky. IE, legs out, then move the kid forward on the creeper. Turns are fun too. Work up to a four way with the kids on the creepers.

You know as a mother of young children, the attention span is very short, so you'll have to break it up.

The number one question I always get, "What happens if your parachute doesn't work?" Me: "I use the reserve parachute that I told you about." Child: "What happens if your reserve parachute doesn't work?" Me: "You'll be the first one to the ground!"
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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but andrea not all Freeflyers fall the same speed.....*coughaggiedavecough*.......sorry damn cold :$ *coughbigSOBcough*

I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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My son came home from school today and told me that his science teacher already told all the classes that his mom is a skydiver and I'm going to be in her class all day. He said people were talking about it before he ever got to her class, because he has her last period! LOL.

We're working on his hypothesis for his Science Project right now. He finally decided to do a simple drop test with like objects. I was trying to explain to him how to word it and what would happen with air mass. Finally, I took a sheet of paper and said, "this is your belly flier" then I balled up a sheet and said, "this is your freeflier. Which is going to fall faster"? He said, "ooooh, NOW I get it!" :ph34r: I'm going to try to incorporate science stuff into my presentation to make it more interesting.

Yeah!!!! cool! (lew jumps up and down B|)

Mama, I've done that presentation. It's fun. Talk about keeping kids attention, it's SOO easy when you're talking about skydiving. I came decked in all my gear, jumpsuit, rig, altimeter, googles, camera helmet, brought my skysurf board, etc... I explained the gear. I had a powerpoint presentation, that had a little school related info on it, and I showed a few video segments. It was a blast. the kids jaws were wide open the entire time. DEFINATELY BRING VIDEO. Oh yeah, and the best part, I played Oakenfold while showing the video... it was so great.B| I even let a kid pull my PC until the bag fell out...

ok, HAVE FUN!!! you will help your son with cool-points.


btw, I can ftp you my powerpoint if you want. but i can't attach it to email, too big.
editted to add photos :)

My Mom - "I may be stupid but i have really cool powerpoints" gotta love her

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I would suggest showing the equipment that we use, and maybe a short video of things we do in the air.

I taught for 10 years, and for the last 7, children and adults of all ages are just facinated about the sport. Be prepared to answer ALL the questions.

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I generally show my w/e video on Monday so my kids know I've had a good time too. They have all seen my rig and even a few have watched me pack it. It would make a good science presentation talking about volume.

Most of all have fun with it and the kids will pick up on it.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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It would be great to use your PP presentation, Lew, but I'm not sure I'm computer literate enough to do it! :S
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Today was my big day at school and I had a great time. I could hardly move because of my hard opening on Sunday, but I made the best of it and worked "line dump" into my presentation. I showed some videos, had some kids try on 3 different suits, the rig, explained all the equipment and even some of the science related stuff. I filled up all 5 periods with no time to spare and my son said I talked really fast! :P He felt like the celebrity of the day because kids were coming up to him all day long in the halls and talking about me being there. It was very cool.

The biggest surprise of the day came when this girl said, "my step-sister's ex husband (or something like that) used to skydive a lot in Deland. He doesn't do it much anymore but he lives and works up there." I replied, "Oh, who is it? Maybe I know him." She answered, "Bill Booth". :S
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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What a rewarding day this must have been, not just for you but your son as well! You probably have them all wanting to skydive! Did any of them think it was just to 'scary' to even think about skydiving and jumping out of an airplane?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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