
Why did she even join?

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True, if you're going to join then you should be willing to do what everyone has to do in a time of war.

My real question is, "What's up with Ken Schram?"

I'd love to see his bio and see if he ever served. Could be interesting reading.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This creature could have probably reported for duty, had a medical exam, and if her complaints were true, been given a medical excuse to keep her from going to Iraq, but she didn't. She took it upon herself to excuse herself. She made a commitment, she broke it. She should be thrown into a military prison for a few months and then dishonorably discharged. She doesn't deserve to wear the uniform, nor does she deserve any of the benefits members of our Armed Forces recieve.

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That article was right on...WTF?? I got out (after my FULL term of enlistment) to have my kids. My hubby is still a reservist on alert as I type, and with 3 kids, 2 of which are disabled, he is going to fulfill his commitment if required. Does he want to? Hell no! But that was what he swore he would do. -So apparently she was still in to suck up any benefits (and c'mon, there aren't that many anymore) right up until she gets called up. Medical problems? A-hem? Why didn't she bring those up BEFORE she started racking up retirement points I wonder?

Pisses me off.>:(
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Yeah, I saw that, but it doesn't tell me what I really want to know. To wit, is he just an arm-chair hawk like some other very popular radio and television talk show hosts, or does he speak from a position of actually having served himself?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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As much as I hate to say it....I really do have to go with Mr. Schram on this one. If she was that concerned that she would have to leave a child behind she should have either:

1- Not had a child
2- Not re-enlisted sometime over the 15 years that she's been in the National Guard

Also, I can understand that it's still dangerous no matter what you are doing, but she's a cook for crying out loud...it's not like she's going to be participating in much urban warfare in the mess hall!

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I actually have a little more info on that from personal experience....I went to elementary school with his daughter. He's always been a reporter as far back as I can remember.

I believe that he's even been questioned about that by readers before and he replied that he had not been in the military ever. I don't actually know for sure, but I'm pretty sure that he's always been 100% civilian.

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She may have her reasons. . .but they aren't good enough for me. I really don't get it. . .why join in the first place. . .she has 15 years in the reserves. . .she needs to report. . .
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I had always thought that you had to have a Deployment plan in your records stating who would take care of your children in the event you were deployed. I remember something of this sort when we had a POM in the army (POM= Preparation for Overseas Movement) otherwise you were declared unfit for duty and chaptered out.

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I don't actually know for sure, but I'm pretty sure that he's always been 100% civilian.

Hmmm. Yet he has no problem whatsoever in demending that a mother leave her children to go off and fight a war.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a legal obligation to do so, but it seems a bit disingenuous for him to be standing on the soap box.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Kai, you only have to sign the statement about the custody of your children if both parents are serving in the military, or if you are a single parent. It is assumed that the remaining parent would have full custody of the children should the servicemember be called to war.

I'm still steaming. She should have gotten out years ago if these things were such an issue...my lil' brother is terrified, but he's getting his orders in a week. What makes this woman better than my husband? Or my brother? Or me when I was in? Damn (explitive) (explitive) fragga-lagga grrr...
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Hmmm. Yet he has no problem whatsoever in demending that a mother leave her children to go off and fight a war.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a legal obligation to do so, but it seems a bit disingenuous for him to be standing on the soap box.

I understand your point completely. I firmly believe that she needs to fulfill her obligations that she made when she enlisted (and obviously re-enlisted) but at the same time I hat to agree with him. He is very known for preaching to the masses without having much knowledge about what he is preaching about (other than his sometimes made up facts...)

It's usually good for a laugh a couple days a week when he has a new "story"

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I'm not saying she doesn't have a legal obligation to do so, but it seems a bit disingenuous for him to be standing on the soap box.

My sentiments exactly. You need to have walked a few hundred miles in those shoes before you start talking like a seasoned veteran who lost a limb in combat.
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I don’t think she should have to go.
A lot of people join the armed forces because they need the money and benefits. She probably needed the benefits. I am not saying she is right but I do think it sucks that the rich make decisions and the poor die for them.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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His soapbox?
Walk a few hundred miles?
The rich make the rules and the poor have to die for them?

That is all crap. Just cause he wasn't in the military doesn't mean he shouldn't be reporting this. And it doesn't mean he shouldn't be blunt. No one forced her to join the military. That was her choice, kids or not. There are plenty of mothers and fathers fighting for what they enlisted for.

And if she is in the military just for the benefits and money (which ain't much to raise kids on) then she deserves to have her ass booted to iraq so she can feed the people that are over there actually doing some good. No one enlists hope/expecting to go to war, but that is always a possibility. Besides it's not like she's on the front line either...she's a cook.

What have you done to make your life better?

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Ok your right in a way. She knew what she was getting in too so she should go.
Here's what I think is wrong with the picture.
Most people who are poor/Middle class the army is the only way for them to go to college.
The recruits usually point that out. I just think it is unfair that the poor are always the ones dieing. I have nothing but respect for the men and woman who fight for there country.
I just would like too see if we offered free college to every one like a lot of countries that have a lot less money then us. Would people still want to risk there lives to go to Iraq.
Sorry don’t mean to hijack your thread just trying to show people where i am coming from.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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good ole non biased journalism! B|

Ken Schram is known up here in Seattle for his "non biased" journalism...

One of those guys that really makes his opinion known to everyone

These are contradictory, if he is "non-biased" then he would not be reporting "HIS" opinion.

If it's his opinion then it is biased:S:S
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