
You might be anal retentive if

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you eat the M&Ms in color order.
you fold your dirty clothes before putting them in the hamper.
you have to have all boxes in the kitchen facing the same way and in order by size.
you have all your canned goods organized by type, flavor, and use.
and they're all facing the front.
all you books, CDs, and movies have to be alphabetical order.
you require no less than 200 threads per inch on your sheets.
...and they are tucked so tightly that you really could bounce a quarter on them.
you alphabetize your spices.
you actually bother trying to convince someone that the 3rd millenium hasn't begun yet (or that it *has* begun).
you organize your closet by color, season, and fabric.
you flame every person who sent you email because the emails weren't spelled correctly or gramatically correct.
you remove the tires to wash inside the wheel-wells of your vehicle.
you collect the little postcards in magazine issues...
...for recycling.
every e-mail reply that you send has been through a grammar checker...
...and you correct the original message.
you're on a "calorie-counting" diet and you count the calories in the hot sauce on your "Big Beef Burrito Supreme"
you have issues with forum screen names

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you eat the M&Ms in color order

Hey...what's wrong with that & to be precise, I eat them in even amounts too:P:S

you organize your closet by color, season, and fabric

well, I'm not that bad, but I do have everything organized.....sweaters/blazers/longsleeve shirts/shortsleeve shorts/etc....you get the picture!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Oh good, I'm safe. These don't apply to me:


you fold your dirty clothes before putting them in the hamper.
you actually bother trying to convince someone that the 3rd millenium hasn't begun yet (or that it *has* begun).
you remove the tires to wash inside the wheel-wells of your vehicle.
you collect the little postcards in magazine issues...
...for recycling.
you're on a "calorie-counting" diet and you count the calories in the hot sauce on your "Big Beef Burrito Supreme"
you have issues with forum screen names


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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...if you spend your day compiling lists and organizing them to post on the internet. ;)


you collect the little postcards in magazine issues... for recycling.

I recycle them, but I do it by putting them in the business-reply envelopes that I recieved in other junk mail. I may not be interested, but maybe the people at Book World would be happy to get them. :)

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I may not be interested, but maybe the people at Book World would be happy to get them.

LOL....you're ever so helpful, Bill.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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. . if the doctor prescribes ex-lax.

ya know thats kinda funny....except its not...

I have some Kidney problems....I had to go to the emergency room a few weeks ago with some REALLY bad kidney pain.

I have to go back for some test....And they gave me a cool kit I have to use...Basicly its 3 types of laxative tablets, liquids ect......I guess they really want me cleaned out huh?

So I guess I am anal
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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DUDE! As your skydiving family, we all love you, but that was TMI!!

Impacted bowels, colonoscopy stuff and kidney related info should be limited to requests for {{{{VIBES}}}}.

I'm going to go heave up the rice I had for lunch now. :S
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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