
I'm trying out for The Batchelor!!!

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Okay, so a couple of the girls at work sign me up for The Batchelor. I'm young and single, why the hell not go with it, right? ;)

Okay, so here's what I have about me so far for interesting stuff I do. I work as a computer consultant/system admin for a bank in southern ohio. I skydive (DER!!). I've played guitar and drums, both for over 10 years. I'm still in school. IMHO, I'm the kind of guy who opens doors, says his pleases and thank yous, eats with his napkin on his lap, etc. I love to dance, and I took lessons in Latin, swing, and older classic stuff (tango, waltz) for several years.

Now most of you guys know me. Is there anything else semi-interesting about me that you'd put on here??? :P

BTW, I'm leaving out the fact that I'm an asshole, they kinda frown on that. ;)

Help me out!!!

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Boy, don't you have enough women all up on your jock? Do you really need 25 more? :D (Sorry if that was too graphic for some.)

Hey, did Trista and Ryan get married? Because so far, The Bachelor doesn't have the best track record for actually marrying people off.


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I'd recommend you sign up for the "Bachelor". The "Batchelor" may be some obscene cooking show. :ph34r:

I've nominated friends in the past as well. Unfortunately, they usually look for someoen fairly wealthy, stable, and a non-risk taker frm the looks of the other guys on there. boooooo-ring! :ph34r:

OTOH, I thought it would be funny if the paris hilton show was on a DZ instead of a farm. COuld you see those girls trying to pack parachutes all day? teehee.....


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What on earth are you gonna go and do this for? You wanna get married? I thought I taught you better:)

He saw all the action on that show and just wants to get some. And since he is a freeflyer, he wants it on video :P
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Boy, don't you have enough women all up on your jock?

If only that were true, you know how hard it is for me to get a date around here??? :S

Maybe it's cuz I'm an asshole freeflyer.... :P

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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OTOH, I thought it would be funny if the paris hilton show was on a DZ instead of a farm. COuld you see those girls trying to pack parachutes all day? teehee.....


thanks, i just spit my drink out my nose. i'm sure the guys wouldn't mind teaching them how to pack though... "OK now what you do is bend over and flake the tail... THERE ya go, oh, you missed one, let's try that again!"
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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OTOH, I thought it would be funny if the paris hilton show was on a DZ instead of a farm. COuld you see those girls trying to pack parachutes all day? teehee.....

How much would they have to pay us for jumping their pack job? :S However the thought of watching that may be worth it, the canopy is ment to fly, right?
Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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You sing. Can you write poetry? Worked for Ryan...

A bit of my original free verse for ya...;)

The first meeting
As we pass a look from her catches my eye
She knows
Haulting and staring entrancingly
No words spoken
No gestures given
Eye to eye in a world of our own making
Hair blowing in the wind
Hands and lips trembling not in anticipation, but in awe
At the true love found this day
All we have searched for
Longed for
Waited for
In this moment become manifest
One moment, two lives locked together in love
This is the dream
This is the wish
The moment is now
"What is your name?"

Does that work?? B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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