The "Cool Factor" and Safety

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The post in General Skydiving Discussions got me to thinking. It is good to look cool. For example. I'm not a very good skydiver so not many people jump with me. So, the only place I can show off is on the landing. That's why I always hook. Now everyone watches me land and they bring their video cameras.

What are some other things I can do to look cool?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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How to look cool even though you suck at skydiving -

1) Have matching gear. Be sure that everything matches - container, reserve, main, jumpsuits, altiimeter, audible, helmets, tshirts, shoes, socks, freefly pants, sunglasses, goggles, pin necklace, tattoos, all should be of the exact same colors. Be sure the color shades match too; nothing more irritating than having one shade of royal blue on your container and something two shades off that's also called royal blue on your jumpsuit.

2) New gear is cooler than gear with jumps on it, so either don't jump your stuff (if you're careful you can put it on and walk around the dz though) or buy new stuff whenever your current stuff gets more than 10 jumps on it.

3) Never, ever, ever jump with anyone who has a camera on their helmet. You should have a full blown camera set up though - and don't forget to have the dBox painted in a color that matches the rest of your gear!

The best way to look cool though... that'd be carrying another case of beer onto the dz.

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That's cool advice, I was going to get a new rig so that I can have a 70 square foot reserve. I'll go full bore and make the reserve the same tie-dye as my jumpsuit.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I'll tell a little secret......watching people land is like watching racing....most (I said MOST) people are there to see the end result of a less than perfect landing. Not so much the blood and broken bones, but definately the bounces, and barrel rolls, and the always impressive "chow" that happen

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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Is that why I'm not cool? Damn! Now I really have a reason to get the rods out!

Well, you get bonus cool points for being a fawning dad. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I thought we were all cool just because we skydive. B|

I've asked wuffo's what they thought of the dz and the people after they visit and most of what I get is, why do they wear that wierd clothes.

Never ever let your impression of "cool" compromise your safety. You will definately not be cool on crouches, in a wheel chair, or laid up in bed, or worse dead.

Blues skies and soft landings.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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What is the mohawk made of? Does much get torn off?

We did a jump with a young lad in an ape suit. The girl in the door behind him got a mouth full of fur.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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