
Which is better way to go?

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I want to get started in skydiving. Now that my Tandem is behind me. I have heard AFF is the way to go. MY DZ does not have AFF. Should I find a DZ that does AFF or is going the Static line ok?
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me
Then spank me like a bad puppy dog.

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you would have to progress into AFF anyway to get your A license. you might as well just find a DZ who offers the course. good luck to you.

billy d------------------------- "Escape may be checked by water and land, but the air and the sky are free." (from the story of Daedalus and Icarus)

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I did the static line course. I've heard that it takes a bit longer this way, but a bit cheaper. Once you get off the static line, stay current, get your license, stay current, and stay off the rope!

After you are off static line, you will soon move up to :20 sec of free fall, and you will start to learn what it is all about.
Good Luck, and most of all Have Fun!!

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I went static line... by the 20 jump mark you will prob be a better flier with aff, but after a few hundred its all the same.. (in my opinion anyways)

hell I did the s/l progression and non-jumpers think I am an awesome flier!

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AFF!....you'll be glad you did! B|

I have a classmate who's doing static line progression and he has better canopy skills than me (but who doesn't?)...but he hasn't had the WHAA HOOO experience of freefall right away like me either! It also seems like his program is slower and longer than mine.



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you would have to progress into AFF anyway to get your A license. you might as well just find a DZ who offers the course. good luck to you.

AFF and static line are separate programs. Static line students move on to freefall after 5 or more jumps. In most cases, static line and AFF end up costing about the same. I went with static line because the individual jumps were cheaper, so instead of making 3 jumps a month, I could afford three every other weekend.

If I was doing it over and I had the cash to do the whole program up front, I would seriously consider AFF. If I was in the same position (college student, part time job), I would do static line.

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Either way is fine. You'll end up learning the same things. If you do static line you'll have at least five solo canopy flights before adding freefall into the equation, if you do AFF you'll be done with your student jumps in fewer jumps than if you do static line.

If you're serious about learning to skydive probably the best advice I can offer is this - buy a copy of Parachuting, The Skydiver's Handbook (Poynter/Turoff, Para Publishing) and/or Jump! Skydiving made fun and easy (Buchanan, McGraw Hill) now, before your next jump. You can find them at most skydiving equipment stores, or on Amazon. Reading either or both a few times before you do your first jump course will put you lightyears ahead of people who didn't buy/read them... and the knowledge you'll have about the gear, emergency procedures and what you'll be doing on your skydives will go a long way in combating the nerves and fear you'll feel when you jump again.

Also, check out the Safety area of this website; there's loads of good info there.

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Thank You Skybytch,
I will find a book and start from there.

I also looked at the list of Washington DZs. The closest AFF DZ is 8 hours away. :o>:(
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me
Then spank me like a bad puppy dog.

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You said you jumped at Snohomish? Kapowsin can't be that long of a drive from Snohomish! Or am I wrong and it wasn't Snohomish you jumped at?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Kat, I started off at an SL-only DZ too. I waved bye-bye to her, and found an AFF DZ...I might recommend doing the same, but I'm basically as much of a newbie as you are, so take my advice not. ;)



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This time of year in Washington AFF is very very sketchy Jan.... few are the days when you can get full altitude... and holes big enough down there with My Pilot McNasty>:(>:(. I think in this case with her proximity to Snohomish.. she can get all of the lower altitude jumps out of the way.. UNDER the clouds. Then as spring gets here or days with open skies start happening.. she can go on to the longer freefalls.

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I used the info from this site. The listing of DZs in Washington. The only one listed in that with an AFF program was Westplains. I did not even see Kapowsin listed. Where is that at? I am in the military so I do not know Washington all that well.
Wine Me, Dine Me, 69 Me
Then spank me like a bad puppy dog.

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All these DZs offer AFF in Washington. Most info from USPA website.

Name: WestPlains Skydiving Center (640 Hits)
EMail: [email protected]
Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/wpskydiving/

Address: Hwy 2
City: Davenport
County: United States
Region: North America

Phone: 509-725-0808


Kapowsin Air Sports
Kapowsin Field
27611 146th Ave. E.
Kapowsin, WA
35 miles south of Seattle


Skydive Toledo
Toledo/Winlock Airport
5239 Jackson Hwy.
Toledo, WA 98596
60 miles north of Portland, Oregon

Contact Information:
(360) 864-2230
(360) 785-8786 (fax)
[email protected]



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Kapowsin is about 60 miles south/south east of Snohomish, near Tacoma. It is easy to get to just a long drive. As Amazon said, the weather here will make it difficult to get a lot of altitude for your AFF jumps so static-line may be a quicker way to get your license. If you decide that you want to do AFF anyway be patient. Talk to manifest next Friday. Some things may be changing soon to help you.

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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