
An attack that could rival or exceed 9/11

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Surely you don't think terrorism will stop with the capture of Bin Laden. If anything, it would probably increase. Perhaps thats why we haven't caught him yet.

Are you suggesting that America's reasons for having not yet captured bin Laden constitute a purely strategic attempt to prevent further terrorism?

And if you reread my previous post, you will notice that I never suggested terrorism would stop with the capture of bin Laden. My whole point was that it makes more sense to expend resources on capturing a direct American threat. Celebrate if you want to, but Hussein's capture will have no effect on bin Laden's abilitiy to stage another massive terrorist attack.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Surely you don't think terrorism will stop with the capture of Bin Laden. If anything, it would probably increase. Perhaps thats why we haven't caught him yet.


Are you suggesting that America's reasons for having not yet captured bin Laden constitute a purely strategic attempt to prevent further terrorism?

I'm saying it's possible. Neither you nor I know what type of strategy our military or govt. has. There are a lot of very intelligent people who engage in psychological and sociological evaluations of situations such as this and I can assure you the armchair stratagists on this site really have no clue what our real motivations may be or the reasons for them.


And if you reread my previous post, you will notice that I never suggested terrorism would stop with the capture of bin Laden. My whole point was that it makes more sense to expend resources on capturing a direct American threat.

Why ??? What effect do you think the capture of OBL will have on terrorists attacks? It seems pretty clear in you previous post that you felt we needed to divert more resourses to capturing him. If you don't think it will reduce the probability of another attack, then why would we do as you suggest?

Celebrate if you want to, but Hussein's capture will have no effect on bin Laden's abilitiy to stage another massive terrorist attack.

My point exactly. So why divert resourses to capturing him?

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>Surely you don't think terrorism will stop with the capture of Bin
> Laden. If anything, it would probably increase. Perhaps thats why we
> haven't caught him yet.

Ah, so you suggest we are purposely allowing him to escape to prevent an increase in terrorism? But capturing Hussein was a good thing to do? Hmm. I note two more US soldiers were killed today in Iraq. Too bad we didn't allow him to remain in his hole, eh?

>I'm really glad Bush challenged the terrorists with his "bring it on"
> statement. Better for the terrorists to be fighting against the best
> trained army in the world in Iraq than with our police over here.

The flypaper theory. Sorry, but I have an awful lot of friends over there now - and they are NOT bait. Hoping that terrorists kill a US soldier instead of an Israeli businessman is a fool's bargain.

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I PITTY the dumb bastard that tries shit on a plane again.. Can you say LIHOOOOSSEEERRRRRR...

No fucking way will passengers EVER allow that crap again..



I'm glad you think you could stand up to terrorists. I, for one, will not make that statement. Because I've been mugged. I was SURE that if it would ever happen to me I would fight back, but I stood there like a trained monkey with my sphincter shut so tight that you couldn't fit a piece of floss in between my butt cheeks.

I'm not sure how I would react if I was in a plane that was being hijacked, but heroics is not at the top of my list.

Flame away if you wish.

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>Surely you don't think terrorism will stop with the capture of Bin
> Laden. If anything, it would probably increase. Perhaps thats why we


> haven't caught him yet.

Ah, so you suggest we are purposely allowing him to escape to prevent an increase in terrorism? But capturing Hussein was a good thing to do? Hmm. I note two more US soldiers were killed today in Iraq. Too bad we didn't allow him to remain in his hole, eh?***

What I said above was neither you nor I "KNOW" what reason there may be and that you shouldn't rule out the possibility. There may be a reason it was time to capture Saddam and there may come a time when it's time to capture OBL.

>I'm really glad Bush challenged the terrorists with his "bring it on"
> statement. Better for the terrorists to be fighting against the best
> trained army in the world in Iraq than with our police over here.

***The flypaper theory. Sorry, but I have an awful lot of friends over there now - and they are NOT bait. Hoping that terrorists kill a US soldier instead of an Israeli businessman is a fool's bargain.

Where did I say that? I believe I said I'd rather have terrorists fighting our troops than our police. I don't appreciate you making up out of whole cloth, what I've said.

Edit: to add quotations

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I have to agree with the sentiment that as the purpose of terrorism is to terrorise the best way to defeat it is to continue life as noramally as possible. Yes take sensible precautions but otherwise live normally. The British have been doing this for many years with Irish terrorism - unfortunately you now have to learn to live with it as well.
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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>What I said above was neither you nor I "KNOW" what reason there
> may be and that you shouldn't rule out the possibility.

I generally rule it out not because it's not a possibility, but because it's pretty absurd. Do you really think there are forces out there with orders to NOT capture Bin Laden if they see him, but to tell the rest of the world that that's what they really are doing?

> I believe I said I'd rather have terrorists fighting our troops than our
> police.

And I'd rather have them fight neither. In addition, I strongly doubt that any potential terrorists in the US are buying plane tickets to Baghdad so they can join in the fight. The insurgents are primarily Iraqis, and Iraq has not been directly involved with terrorism against the US recently (at least, until we invaded Iraq.)

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>What I said above was neither you nor I "KNOW" what reason there
> may be and that you shouldn't rule out the possibility.


I generally rule it out not because it's not a possibility, but because it's pretty absurd.
Do you really think there are forces out there with orders to NOT capture Bin Laden if they see him, but to tell the rest of the world that that's what they really are doing?

Not according to Howard Dean and Madeline Albright. If you can't believe the leader of the Democratic race for president, who can you believe?


> I believe I said I'd rather have terrorists fighting our troops than our
> police.

And I'd rather have them fight neither.

So would I but lets deal with realities shall we?

In addition, I strongly doubt that any potential terrorists in the US are buying plane tickets to Baghdad so they can join in the fight.
Correct, they are flooding into Iraq instead of coming here.

The insurgents are primarily Iraqis,

I would agree the majority are. But, there are a lot of Al Qaeda who are in Iraq also. I'd rather have them there fighting the Jiihad than here.


and Iraq has not been directly involved with terrorism against the US recently (at least, until we invaded Iraq.)


........and since we invaded Iraq?

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>>In addition, I strongly doubt that any potential terrorists in the US
>>are buying plane tickets to Baghdad so they can join in the fight.

>Correct, they are flooding into Iraq instead of coming here.

So you think that terrorists are smart enough to learn to fly 767's, steal four of them and fly them into buildings, but they're all dumb enough to go where we lure them?

It took a handful of people to pull off 9/11. Increased security, better passenger vigilance, and better airspace defense may help prevent another one. Trying to "lure" them into Iraq by inviting them to kill american soldiers results in dead american soldiers, but does nothing to stop a terrorist who realizes that 9/11 was a lot more successful than a roadside bomb in Baghdad.

The days when we thought we were safe because all terrorists are stupid are gone. Not that anything has changed - 9/11 just made us realize that not all terrorists are screaming lunatics who shoot first and think later.

>>and Iraq has not been directly involved with terrorism against the US
>> recently (at least, until we invaded Iraq.)

>.......and since we invaded Iraq?

They're killing hundreds of US soldiers. If you call that victory, well, good for you.

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Iraq has not been directly involved with terrorism against the US recently (at least, until we invaded Iraq.)

Except for that foiled plot to assassinate former President Bush in the early 1990s and the continued monetary and training support of Palestinian suicide bombers which continues to be the largest destabilizing factor in the Middle East............which effects the US drastically.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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I think the constant “oversimplification” spin of the US administration has an effect on a few people. I really do not think that you guys understand how the “terrorists” work.

Al Qaeda is neither an Army that goes to war here or there (i.e. goes coordinated into Iraq to fight the US) nor is it even a firm organisation with a chairman, treasurer, board, formal communication etc.

It is a “loose” network between many small global radical Islamic groups who use violence and terror as a means to achieve their goal.

Groups like Jemaah Islamiah (JI) in SEA who were responsible for the Bali bombing, are on the rise again because the focus has been on Iraq. JI would never go to Iraq to fight US troops, but they would happily try to blow up US/UK and Australian tourists somewhere in Asia.

The flypaper theory is ridiculous if you know anything how Al Qaeda is organised. The main force the US is facing are disgruntled Iraqi’s who lost power and influence. Very little is known how many “foreign” fighters are involved and if any “co-ordination” from Al Qaeda is involved.

Al Qaeda and the groups like JI who are associated, are looking for “soft targets” not heavily armed troops. Why do you think the alert level has just been raised in the US?

UBL is an important figure head of Al Qaeda – especially because it is loosely organised and not much/regular communication is going on between the groups. That is why it would be a great blow to capture or kill UBL as this would remove the rallying point. Why do you think that UBL does the video or audio tapes sent to satellite TV stations. It is probably currently the only efficient communication channel they have. Removing UBL from the picture might trigger some attacks in the short terms but would do great damage to the terrorist network in the medium term.

The focus on SH was in my opinion a mistake. The allies should have finished the job in Afghanistan and captured UBL first, then move onto whatever was next on the agenda.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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What would you suggest we do?

Quite simply, if the bastards try fucking up our Christmas, we should cheerfully drop a nuke on their hly fucking city of Mecca and then tell them that's just a start.

And I'm a liberal Grateful Dead brown rice hippie type, so put that in your pipes and smoke it.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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What would you suggest we do?

Quite simply, if the bastards try fucking up our Christmas, we should cheerfully drop a nuke on their hly fucking city of Mecca and then tell them that's just a start.

And I'm a liberal Grateful Dead brown rice hippie type, so put that in your pipes and smoke it.

Yes that is "simple" - nuke a few hundred thousands innocent people and destroy Islam’s holiest site because you get attacked by a few terrorists who might be Muslims. Hmm, so if a catholic blows up a building in the US you would then put a nuke on to Rome & the Vatican I assume.
Your comments are extremely racist. "hly fucking city of Mecca" - why are you celebrating Christmas? You do not seem to understand even the most basic idea of Christianity.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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Interesting discussion. I'll tell you what each and every one of you can do to fight terrorism and protect the Homeland. Email Northwest Airlines and the FSDO in Detroit Michigan and ask why Northwest gate agents seem to not give a flying shit about security. Their actions are risking YOUR lives and mine every day. I've fucking had it with those idiots.

PS If you can't tell...I just got home from work and I'm a little pissed off! >:(

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Are you intentionally misinterpreting what I have said or are we inadvertantly arguing the same thing here?


I'm saying it's possible. Neither you nor I know what type of strategy our military or govt. has. There are a lot of very intelligent people who engage in psychological and sociological evaluations of situations such as this and I can assure you the armchair stratagists on this site really have no clue what our real motivations may be or the reasons for them.

Because this sounds a lot like the conspiracy shit that conservatives often attribute to liberals.



And if you reread my previous post, you will notice that I never suggested terrorism would stop with the capture of bin Laden. My whole point was that it makes more sense to expend resources on capturing a direct American threat.

Why ??? What effect do you think the capture of OBL will have on terrorists attacks? It seems pretty clear in you previous post that you felt we needed to divert more resourses to capturing him. If you don't think it will reduce the probability of another attack, then why would we do as you suggest?

Did I say it wouldn't reduce the probability of another attack? No, all I said that capturing Bin Laden would not produce a permanent end to terrorism.



Celebrate if you want to, but Hussein's capture will have no effect on bin Laden's abilitiy to stage another massive terrorist attack.

My point exactly. So why divert resourses to capturing him?

And that is my point exactly. Why divert resources to capturing Hussein when Bin Laden remains a real and present threat?
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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It's unfortunate that someone on the other side of the world can transmit a threatening e-mail for next to nothing, and our reaction is certain to cost millions. I hope that nothing does happen, but it is clear that we cannot afford to do this indefinitely.


What would you suggest we do?

Quit peddling panic and cosmetic solutions for political advantage, and try to get the intelligence CORRECT for a change.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What would you suggest we do?

***Quit peddling panic and cosmetic solutions for political advantage, and try to get the intelligence CORRECT for a change.

Who and how does anyone gain political advantage? I could understand it to a certain degree if the elections were near, but they are almost 11 months away.

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I'm trying to understand what benefit you see in capturing Bin Laden.

What about reading the whole thread? Here is a suggesting from my post:


UBL is an important figure head of Al Qaeda – especially because it is loosely organised and not much/regular communication is going on between the groups. That is why it would be a great blow to capture or kill UBL as this would remove the rallying point. Why do you think that UBL does the video or audio tapes sent to satellite TV stations. It is probably currently the only efficient communication channel they have. Removing UBL from the picture might trigger some attacks in the short terms but would do great damage to the terrorist network in the medium term.

When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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I disagree. The only thing that is going to stop terror attacks is when there are either no more terrorists or the terrorists get what they want. I think its naive to think the death of OBL will permenantly damage a terrorists orginazation whose twisted interpetation of religion is based on destruction of the "Infidels".

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Thats all well and good in theory, Bill.

But the reality is we haven't been attacked since Sept. 11, 2001. So explain to me how our strategy is wrong when the results are positive.

You have not been attacked on US soil and we do not know if and when it will happen again and we do not know if the actions taken so far have prevented these attacks. However we know:

1) There is still a threat for attacks in the US or you would not have the alert. If you want to reduce the threat of attack you need to go after Al Qaeda (not Saddam).

2) There have been a number of terror attacks outside the US since 9/11: Examples:
Bali bombing killing 200+ people of this ~ 100 Australians (your allies) 20/30 or so Brits (your allies) and also a few Americans plus people from other "coalition" countries like Denmark.
Riyad bombing killing dozens including a number of Americans.
Istanbul * 2: Bombing of Synagogues and the bombing of the British targets. Hundreds killed in these attacks.
And there are a few more I could mention.

Now these attacks were not in the US but they were directed against both US interests and especially your allies. Now this is supposed to be a "global war" on terror. If you are happy for people being blown up outside the US as long as attacks do not happen within the US, then you will loose the international support very quickly. And you will be experiencing another 9/11 at some stage.
The only way to avoid these things is to work internationally and focus on Al Qaeda.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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Thats all well and good in theory, Bill.

But the reality is we haven't been attacked since Sept. 11, 2001. So explain to me how our strategy is wrong when the results are positive.

You have not been attacked on US soil and we do not know if and when it will happen again and we do not know if the actions taken so far have prevented these attacks. However we know:

1) There is still a threat for attacks in the US or you would not have the alert. If you want to reduce the threat of attack you need to go after Al Qaeda (not Saddam).

2) There have been a number of terror attacks outside the US since 9/11: Examples:
Bali bombing killing 200+ people of this ~ 100 Australians (your allies) 20/30 or so Brits (your allies) and also a few Americans plus people from other "coalition" countries like Denmark.
Riyad bombing killing dozens including a number of Americans.
Istanbul * 2: Bombing of Synagogues and the bombing of the British targets. Hundreds killed in these attacks.
And there are a few more I could mention.

Now these attacks were not in the US but they were directed against both US interests and especially your allies. Now this is supposed to be a "global war" on terror. If you are happy for people being blown up outside the US as long as attacks do not happen within the US, then you will loose the international support very quickly. And you will be experiencing another 9/11 at some stage.
The only way to avoid these things is to work internationally and focus on Al Qaeda.

True, but I was responding to Bill's assesment of US security here at home. Please re-read the discussion and try to stay focused.;)

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