
Average Jumps every months

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So I sit here with 33 jumps after 3 months of jumping..and it made me wonder..

I know that I haven't jumped EVERY weekend...and some weekends I only got 2-3 jumps in TOTAL all weekend...
and I know that some people don't jump every weekend, and some people do many many jumps a day and jump 7 days a week...

If you look back...how many jumps do you do in an AVERAGE month. (go ahead and look back even a year or so and average it out)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Shorten the season for the people up north (8 months if we are really luckly... most likely only 6 months), and you probally don't want to see their average jump per month numbers. If you devide mine out over the entire year its still about 20 a month. Figure it out for the 6 months its truely jumpable (May-October) and its over 40 a month.

248 jumps since April 4th of this year... and only 9 jumps since Halloween. ;)
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Shorten the season for the people up north (8 months if we are really luckly... most likely only 6 months), and you probally don't want to see their average jump per month numbers.

*nods* true true....

Average jumps per month that you actually are able to jump (if you are unable to jump certain months due to weather conditions).

being grounded because of finances does not count. ;)

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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A good year for me: 25-30 per month
This year: maybe 15-20 per jumpable month


being grounded because of finances does not count.

It does, too!! Not like I wouldn't have made 20 jumps on July 4th weekend this year, if I could have, but I'm a just a filthy working joe, and the tandems just weren't there to pay me. Still, even if I'm not jumping, I'll remain at the DZ in order to drink beer and find fault with all the others who are still jumping. That should count for something, because beer, boobies, and fire are all part of skydiving.;)

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I was renting gear and getting coach jumps for my license, so that was expensive. I still tried to jump as much as possible considering the weather went to sh*t towards the end of the season. But yeah, I tried to jump as much as possible, though I am draining my savings dry...B|
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I don't do much jumping in the winter. Most times I'm done by the end of October, and don't start up again till March. This year I made 183 skydives between March and October. What helps me with the numbers is that I travel and I'm a LO at the WFFC and make between 7-10 jumps a day during the ten day boogie.
Please don't be discouraged by the low numbers you are making right now. When I first started out, I was lucky to make six jumps a month. Just make the jumps worth it. Jump with people that are going to teach you and you can learn something from them.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Depends....I have not jumped much since the Nationals.

When training its around 30 jumps mth AVG.
Most is 160 in one mth. So far Dec I have not jumped once.

I have averaged about 300 a year for 10 years.
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I've probably been maintaining 6-10 per month, but don't know how long money, or lack of, will allow that pace to continue!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Well, since I only have Fridays to jump (officially :ph34r:), I average about 8-10 per month depending on how many I can get in during that day...

I do take off mid-week from work if the skies are clear now that winter is taking many of my Fridays away. I jumped 4 days in a row a couple weeks ago...that's just unreal for me!! :)
During the summer, I'll have my own gear so I won't have to wait on availability, and I'll have a little more flexibility...so I'll probably get closer to 16-25 per month I'm thinkin'...instead of the 10 or so I get now.
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