
10 most overpaid jobs in America

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Number one overpaid job,


Number two overpaid job,


Number three overpaid job,


Number four overpaid job,

professional athlete

Number five overpaid job,

Idiotic morons writers, such as the damned fool that wrote this article!

Lawyers overpaid? Yeah, some of them are. Those with a lot of experience and talent will move up the income pyramid.

Me? I don't make much. I make more than most of the population, and I only had to borrow 115k to do it. It would be nice to make enough money to keep from treading water. But, that's in the future. Right now, I am struggling to stay afloat... Ergo, no jumping for me.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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10) Wedding photographers

Yup. Been there, done that. The DJ's too. Acctualy weverything about wedings is overpaid. Good business to be in if you can stomach it. Down side is you work weekends.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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8) West Coast longshoremen

If you know the facts, this is comical too. I am one of those overpaid westcoast longshoreman. I have spent over three years of checking in, standing at the longshore hall, not getting work to finally get a little over 100 hours of actuall work, and my "card". For what? to make $25 to $30 standing under a crain, hopeing a lashing bar or cone doesn't crush your skull? Makeing sure you keep your butt out of the way of fast moving machinery. To say it isn't dangerous is laughable. Tell that to the maimed and dead people out of Tacoma I have heard about in the last 3 years.

Fact is yes, a lot of longshore make the money that it lists in the article, but most, as in at least 80% of the guys that go down there make less than 40k a year and get none of the union benefits. It takes forever to actually get to where you make that money and are taken care of by the union. But look at it this way too, this is America, where else in the world can ANY person go on to make money like that? You don't need rich parents, a college degree or anything like that. A taxi cab driver, if he puts in the ten years or time waiting, and working, to finally be accepted, can make that money. Land of opportunity, that is a good thing.

Besides that, the majority of West Coast longshoreman, myself included, are not considered longshoreman, in the stats of the article. The ones that do the real labor are casuales, or unidentified casuals.


In early 2002, West Coast ports shut downas the longshoremen's union fought to preserve generous health-care benefits that would make most Americans drool. The union didn't demand much in wage hikes for good reason

Huh? Where is the crime in keeping what you have, and not asking for more? But again, the majority of west coast longshore labor is not "in the union" and doesn't get any health or union benefits.


according to the Pacific Maritime Association, their employer.

Oh, PMA, gosh who are they? Oh, the employeer, the one that Locked Out the Longshoremen that were willing to work???


stevedores have an ironfisted lock on Pacific ports. Given their rare monopoly, they can disrupt U.S. commerce --

True, but as demonstrated in the last lockout, the longshoreman were willig to work until the contract was settled, it was the PMA that locked them out. the PMA has the same monopoly, and work very hard to keep it that way.

That said, I don't think the system really works that well. I don't do it for the money. I only work once in a while, and really, for fun. Working on ships, driving brand new cars off of ships, heftying giant lash bars and chains around a wet and dark ship, and yes, I even drove a locomotive for an evening.:)


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It's always been an issue with me. We need to quit paying these meaningless professions outrageous amounts of salaries and put the $$$ where it belongs...to those who educate our children/future. If you pay teachers the big $$$ you will have the ability to pick the cream of the crop. In a way you still have outstanding people in teachers...they certainly aren't doing it for the money. It's all about dedication.

I agree with paying teachers more. I am a mother. But I am also a pilots wife. And let me tell you something. Overpaid my ass! By the time a pilot makes it to the majors and is promoted to captain, plenty of struggle takes place.

Every penny you have and some you don't have goes into training. Every waking hour is spent studying. Then you fly little more pay than the hours you log. When you finally aqure enough hours to be hired by an airline your pay is so poor that your family qualifies for food stamps, but the airline you fly for won't let you apply for them because it bad for the corporate image. Then at some point in your career you WILL BE furlowed. My family has moved 5 times in the last 3 years. My daughter has not had her daddy home for Christmas, New Years, Birthdays or ANY holiday her entire life. We spend holidays in hotel rooms traveling to be whereever daddy is.

At some point in my husbands career he will make over 100K. I don't expect that to be for another 10 years.

This career is not for the money. It is for the love of flying. Period.

Now you got me going! GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR.

p.s. I only stay with him because he looks sexy in the uniform. And he swoops better than me:$

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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GravityGirl - your post just goes to show that salaries tell a very small part of the story.

In truth what you have said is true about most professions. We should all realize that very few professions just pay a butt load of money for nothing. Most have been worked at for years with little to no pay and then gradually that pay increases and to the amounts recorded. And in other cases the money is there but the life is not.

I think it is easy to make judgements about things we have no experience with. Then someone who does comes along (as several have in this thread) shows that there is always another side.

I would like to hear from some CEO's making 200 billion a year but I guess they have no time for forums.

Now dz.com moderators! They are over paid! Man you should see what those guys make!
Oh and keebler elves. Is there an elves union cause they got mad cash.

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I know of no parents that both (or in case you find some other beef - no single parent) Who works a full time job plus homeschools their children. There just is not enough time in the day. If you meet or know one Introduce them to me so I can shake their hand for they are Gods among mortal men.

Some of us stay up late. I have my own business >> GRAVITY GEAR << Oh. I'm sorry was that a plug. I have a two and a half year old daughter. I am married to a pilot who is gone more than home. I also do the books for another business. Add up all of my hours and I'm working more than full time. My daughter is my #1 priority. I am so lucky that skydivers are cool and they don't care when Jett helps me measure them for a jumpsuit. B| Also I have a world of support at the drop zone so I can get some jumps in too!

In 2004 Jett starts Pre-School! Life is fast. Life is good.

Carry on....

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Don't let him get to you. I've asked him if he ever piloted an airplane and he ignored my question. It's very doubtful that he knows anything about pilots and piloting.

And yes, this post is another challenge for tunaplanet to answer my question.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I just dropped off the rent check at the landlady's office. She works for Coldwell Banker. There were a whole lot of Mercedes, BMW, Land Rovers and a couple Porsches. Yeah, life is really tough for those real estate people. Other parts of the country may vary, but then since they aren't as expensive for the buyers, they aren't as expensive for the agents either.

We're hoping this year to have the privilege of helping one of them make a few payments on their car.;)


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Yah, I'm biased. I was there when I save 4 lives (5 with mine) after my engine failed on takeoff in a 206. I was there when I saved 5 lives (including mine) when the engine of a 182 failed on takeoff. I was there when I saved the lives of 5 people when the engine of another 182 failed at 400 feet. I had 2 other engine failures in twin engine aircraft with more than 50 people total on board. Yah, pilots don't have do ANYTHING right or under pressure. You're right. WHAT was I thinking?

Wow, I don't every want to work at the DZ where all that happened to you. Sounds like they need new mechanics! ;)

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Everyone is talking about measuring overpayment as "payment" related to "contribution to society".

How about televangelists? When you make zero contribution, any payment is too much.

excuse me, but televangelists should be shot for spreading their disease of cult worshiping bull shit...not paid.

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excuse me, but televangelists should be shot for spreading their disease of cult worshiping bull shit...not paid.

The general sentiment of this thread, and posts like this one, seem to imply that only the one receiving payment is to be criticized. Why not suggest shooting all the people who are *paying* the money? A financial agreement takes two parties.

With that in mind, this whole thread is really kind of pointless... in a capitalistic world prices are determined by both the buyers AND sellers. To the writer of the original "10 jobs" article, if you think orthodontists, for example, are paid too much... don't pay them. Salaries aren't determined by difficulty or how "dirty you get", they're determined by what the market rate is. Every single citizen contributes to the market rate by his choices of how to spend his money.

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