
Heres a Wuffo for you...

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So I am taling to some friends in class, they all now that I jump. Well they are asking all kinds of question and one mentions that he has done a tandum ( all I could think is ......great a know it all that thinks he knows it all). So he is telling me about is time in Eloy doing his jump. He starts to describe swooping, so I fill him in on what it is and how you have to be pretty experianced to do it. I gave him that stats on the deaths and the info on how it has a small area for success and large area for error. His only one great wuffo comment was, doesnt look hard I could do it the first time. I kinda stoped incourageing him to continues jumping at that time. So to all you Swooper, you have my respect, but hay, its not that hard.


"I Yam what I Yam"

I am not afriad to die, only to die without living.

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Heh, everything we do during a skydive is easy. At least to wuffos. I've been working full time in the sport for the last 3 years and here are some of the things that wuffos have said to me.

Formation skydiving: It's just holding hands. How hard can that be?

Tandem skydiving: What do you mean me and my friends can't hold hands in freefall?

Cloudy days: There is a hole over there (at least 2 miles away from dz) why can't we jump through that?

After witnessing the winds gust to 40 mph after a load exited: What do you mean we can't jump till the winds calm down?

Skysurfing: I surf, snowboard and skate, it can't be that much different.

After witnessing a cameraflyer fall away from a tandem during opening: OMG! He wasn't connected!

Big ballz contest: Ever been boar hunting with a knife?

and my favorite...
This on really gets to me: I'm not that stupid!

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I used to be president of a skydiving club and gave information sessions to prospective jumpers once a month. After one of my presentations, a guy came over with some questions. At first nothing TOO out of the ordinary... how fast do we fall, how low could we open and still live, etc. Then he asks how many jumps he needs before he can open lower. I explain the opening altitude BSRs a little... but he stops me to explain he means opening LOW, as in like 800 feet. I tried to explain that he wouldn't really want to do that. But he tells me he's an aerospace engineer so he loves going fast. He was all set to sign up for AFF, but he never did. I was REALLY hoping he would. I'd love to see him fight off his instructors and have a cypres fire on purpose. What an awesome show that would be. I'd even pay for video. Hell, I shoulda offered him a free AFF jump. Maybe even let him borrow my rig to find out if the cypres really works. :)

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The one I keep getting on skydiving:

How hard can it be? You're just falling.

I never refute that statement. Let 'em think what they will. I don't know how they live without ever having known what it feels like to fly and without ever having seen the world from above the clouds as we do when we skydive. Their loss! ;)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I'm thinking that this guy should learn the old rule --"Better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think your a fool, that to open it and confirm the fact!"
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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"How hard can it be? You're just falling." Yeah, I'v had this comment a few times. You just throw them a rig and tell them to pull the rip cord before they hit the ground and not to breath when falling through clouds.

Q. Why do birds sing?
A. Because they dont have to pack when they land

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Cloudy days: There is a hole over there (at least 2 miles away from dz) why can't we jump through that?

It is possible to calculate the cloud drift vs the climbing speed of the plane to jump a sucker hole

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I have heard 2 things repeatedly that come to mind when dowing video:

"So do you fall next to the the airplane to make the video?"

"Does it hurt when you open your parachute, it looks like you are getting hung?"

I guess the effect of a good videographer falling next to a skydiver must be pretty misleading or something!
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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A guy at work who is sick of me talking about my jumps all week after a good weekend has said to me.

"Skydiving, no big deal. It wouldn't be scary."

Who here remembers much about their very first jump....

I remember the door opened, and then i was suddenly on the ground.....LOL I took the static line course for my first jump...and i also remember it was kinda high winds, and I was talked down backwards from the target..... but that's it.

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A guy at work who is sick of me talking about my jumps all week after a good weekend has said to me.

"Skydiving, no big deal. It wouldn't be scary."

Okay, maybe he's jealous. No offense, but is he the only one at work who's "sick of [you] talking about [your] jumps all week after a good weekend"? Your words, by the way. I love skydiving every bit as much as the next jumper, and sure, I love talking about it. But hearing someone talk about one thing over and over, no matter how exciting that thing may be, may get old real quick.

It's great to show enthusiasm for our sport, but too much of anything can become tiresome.



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How hard can it be? You're just falling.

That's when I wave my arms randomly in the air like windshield wipers and say "See? I could be an orchestra conductor!" Then I stop and give 'em the "you ignorant dumbass" look. And walk away.

They hate that.
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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How hard can it be? You're just falling.

That's when I wave my arms randomly in the air like windshield wipers and say "See? I could be an orchestra conductor!" Then I stop and give 'em the "you ignorant dumbass" look. And walk away.

They hate that.

That's pretty funny. I'll have to try that next time!

I usually give them a little smile like I've got a secret... ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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"Skydiving, no big deal. It wouldn't be scary."

Then when is he coming to the DZ and show how fearless he is?

I hear so many folks say "I would love to jump but my wife/husband/girlfriend/Mom/whatever - won't let me". All I can do is tell them "I'm sorry".

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I'm taking a friend over to Florida next week to do her AFF. Her nanny hasn't stopped CRYING ever since she found out. I was around her place last week watching Crosswind and the nanny left the room, I thought she was going for a smoke but later found out she was crying because shes certain that my friend is going to die! Shes even made her show her where the life insurance policies are and asked her if shes made a will! :D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I don't even talk about skydiving to non-skydivers. They just don't have any concept. You have to do it to understand the experience. Some of my friends don't even want to think about falling out of a plane, and certainly don't want to see my videos or hear my stories.

That's why I hangout on dz.com, to share with you guys!;)

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Cloudy days: There is a hole over there (at least 2 miles away from dz) why can't we jump through that?

It is possible to calculate the cloud drift vs the climbing speed of the plane to jump a sucker hole

Agreed. The problem was that the whuffo wasn't accounting for "cloud drift."

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