
Whats in your fridge?

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I actually felt pathetic today and was going to go grocery shopping. After seeing and reading what most of you have /don't have in your fridge, i don't feel bad at all now, and i'm not going shopping either. :P

I now have

Paul Newmans dressing
Half stick of butter
14 bottles of water that i froze last summer when the electricty went off for a week and we couldn't drink the water

Since I feel so normal compared to most of you, I ordered two pizzas and a salad and put them in there also. Now i have food for at least 5 days.

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Well I broke down and took pictures of my Fridage and since we were talking pnatries too I did that as well. And in the process I noticed my wife needs to go the store. I drank my last guiness earlier! AHHHHHHHHH:S

But we do have a bottle of Shiraz left from Christmas and we are drinking it now!

edit to add:

Oh and the mostly empty freezer looks like this at this time of year. Come May we get another whole cow and it is full again baby!

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What? Why have I been living this lie so long? Argh, the humanity!

Ok, ok, enough.. B|


And you thought skydivers just drank, jumped and humped.

Well, come on, be reasonable.. :D

.. In fact, just for that and to prove I am human, I'll pop down and take some pics now .. be right back :P

(I'm NOT bored, honest!)

'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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12 pack of heinies, 3 gallons of milk, lunchmeat, cheese,apples,onions,2 12 pks of soda, meat for dinner,butter,ketchup,a cigar, chinese cooking stuff,vegetables,and baking soda.-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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last night i finally moved back into my apartment after being gone for a month over christmas break. i went out to the grocery store w/ my sweetie and stocked up for the semester. came home, opened the fridge and it smelled like rotten ass in there. my nose is still recovering. it ends up my lasy ass roomie left raw chicken in the fridge when she went home for break. ugh........i could strangle her >:(

and it's not the first time she's done that>:(
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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