
Ann Coulter on John Kerry FORWARDED

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The point is that any political figure running for President, especially in a major party, is clueless as to the everyday struggles of Americans.

Americans drown in debt. We have no time or surplus to take time off from our jobs to campaign nationwide. WE simply cannot.

Everybody running for POTUS from a major party is exceptional. They identify more with Rock Stars on tour than anyone else.

And yes, you are right that Kerry does not. Kerry knows hardship (anyone on a combat tour knows hardship), and chances are he remembers it. Maybe Sharpton can say he spent nights in the hood with bullets flying over him. So did Clark and Kerry.

But why should a President be identified by where he came from? This is actualluy my problem with Coulter, as well. How about identifying what they plan to do?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I never said they should be indentified by where they came from but was simply offering a rebuttal to Coulter (damn I wish we could get that bitchy whore to join in the thread!). Although I do think that someone from a less than privileged background probably has more, let's say, compassion than those born with the silver spoon in mouth.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Yeah, that will go along with Kerry planting "average Joes" in his audience to ask prepared questions for him to answer.

No more egregious than the parade of minority Republicans displayed during the 2000 convention...

The difference is, Republicans have actually appointed minorities to high level govt. positions while the Dems just talk about it. Take a look at the number of minorities in Clintons first term as opposed to the number in his second.
Compare the number of minorities in GWB's Admin. to Clintons.
I would say based on those numbers, the minorities "displayed" as you put it were well represented as the number who were "included. Once minorities start to realize the DNC doesn't really give a rats ass about them, and starts to support the RNC, they will be represented in even larger percentages.

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Once minorities start to realize the DNC doesn't really give a rats ass about them, and starts to support the RNC, they will be represented in even larger percentages.

Yeah, and with GWB offering all those jobs that Americans are "unwilling" to take, I'm sure he's gonna make a lot of hispanic friends too. It's all one big happy family in the Republican party right... as long as you net over 150K a year....

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Clark was once a butter bar.

Early in his military career, but it's my understanding he finished out as a General. :D

"Butter Bar" is a moniker for an O-1 (2nd Lieutenant).

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Although I do think that someone from a less than privileged background probably has more, let's say, compassion than those born with the silver spoon in mouth.

Actually, in my experience, I've found the opposite to be true. Most of those whom I know who started with nothing and ended with something think that if they could do it, others could, too. I'm one of them. I started the first six years of my life in Section 8 qualifying housing. It sucked. I worked my ass of to get where I am. I'm poorer now than I ever have been, though most would not think so.

Most of my associates, with a few exceptions, think like me, since they started with nothing, too. We helped ourselves because we thought we could. We thought we are no better than others. And we try to show by example how to end the cycle.

It was the ones with rich parents putting them through school who usually had their thoughts aimed at helping those whom they believed couldn't help themselves. They tended to view those who came from my background as being unable to help themselves (one of those girld could not have afforded her Mercedes without her parents' help, you know.) They had their finger on the pulse of the poor - that is, "those peasants cannot do it without my help." In other words, they had an inflated sense of self and a deflated sense of the poor.

That's why I think they wanted to help the poor. This is why Kennedy stands for the rights of the poor so much, since those of his ilk believe peasants cannot do anything right, and need the help of the enlightened and self-anointed to show them that they cannot do anything on their own. What did Ted Kennedy do to deserve his money? Many of the poor believe these poverty pimps. Why doubt them? They are rich. So many of the poor do not try to get out of it.

Of course, I may be wrong, but that's the way I see it. Anyone who tells someone else that they cannot do it because the system is set up against them has an idea that resonates with them. This same concept that "it is someone else's fault that I'm in bad shape" got David Duke elected.

It works on both the right and the left.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Lawrocket - you nailed it

However, 'real' compassion is tough love, not pity.

So I'd say those who made on their own are more, not less, compassionate in that giving too much charity weakens those who expect (and eventually demand) it and we are much too compassionate to create dependencies in others.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Once minorities start to realize the DNC doesn't really give a rats ass about them, and starts to support the RNC, they will be represented in even larger percentages.

Yeah, and with GWB offering all those jobs that Americans are "unwilling" to take, I'm sure he's gonna make a lot of hispanic friends too. It's all one big happy family in the Republican party right... as long as you net over 150K a year....

As far as I know, why yes it is. You say that like there's something wrong with making a decent income. Most of the people I know who make good money, worked their asses off to do it. Unlike the Ted Kennedys and John Kerrys of the world who claim to "understand" the common man.

The Reps. I know who have a high income encourage and inspire others by example. I will tell you Benny, once you get that economics degree, don't fall into the "working for a paycheck" mentality. Get your ass out there and find something you are interested in that you can turn into a profit making business. Then you will be the one calling the shots and making the decisions about what's best for your company.

Don't associate yourself with the losers of the world because they will only seek to drag you down to their own pathetic level and beat you with their negativity and comfort themselves with mutually shared jealosy and misery.

Once you realize this, odds are good your attitude and political leanings will change.

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

Sharpton is a piss-poor example. He, with his fellow "Black Three Stooges" members, Mason and Maddox, makes his living off racial shakedowns, just like Jesse Jackson.

The bogus Tawana Brawley case is only one egregious example among many. He's not fit to wait on tables in DC.


No, but the people of DC are moronic enough that they'd probably gladly make him mayor -- or if not, at least a police officer.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The bogus Tawana Brawley case is only one egregious example among many. He's not fit to wait on tables in DC.

Much as I hate Sharpton for being a worthless opportunist, I think the Brawley case was not of his doing. She claimed to have been attacked and he made a political opportunity of it. Then her claims were found to be lies and he was stuck.

He does plenty of other stuff to dislike, but I think he just got suckered like everyone else on that one.

Something woulda been wrong with telling the country that he just found out she had been lying all along, pulling his support for her, and apologizing for being so strident in accusing white police officers of a brutal racist attack without all the facts?

As far as I know, he never renounced the lying bitch. This shitwad ruined the lives of several good people because she was gonna be home late with no excuse to give her momma. Do you realize that?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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As far as I know, he never renounced the lying bitch. This shitwad ruined the lives of several good people because she was gonna be home late with no excuse to give her momma. Do you realize that?

I realize that. I just said that he initially got suckered into it like the rest of us. I never did understand why he continued on after she was exposed as lying. I doubt that the truth is an important necessity for him very often anyway.

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Don't associate yourself with the losers of the world because they will only seek to drag you down to their own pathetic level and beat you with their negativity and comfort themselves with mutually shared jealosy and misery.

Once you realize this, odds are good your attitude and political leanings will change.

How do you define a loser?

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Funny...I know lots of people that are democrats who aren't anything like that. Lots of them are carpenters, and electricians, plumbers and steel workers. They're working long hours at hard jobs and not asking anyone for anything. They're motivated and enjoy their work. Just because someone chooses a blue collar job doesn't mean they are miserable, or unmotivated. Maybe they're happy doing that work.

What I see from your post is someone who is bitter and blames those less fortunate that you can't have more than you already have.

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Someone unmotivated who sits around waiting for the world to magically make their life better and then gets bitter and blames the Govt, businesses, and those who are motivated for their misery.

Alright. I connected that with:

don't fall into the "working for a paycheck" mentality. Get your ass out there and find something you are interested in that you can turn into a profit making business. Then you will be the one calling the shots and making the decisions about what's best for your company.

I.e "make big bucks and be a bigshot - the alternative is being unmotivated, sitting around on your arse waiting..."

What I am saying is that the last part of your message had an obvious connection to the first part and I read an implicit association between success in business life with being a winner, and everything else being a loser. Any educated individual would see it as an overly simplistic, degrading and black and white way of looking at winners and losers, so I am glad you do not adhere to this kind of mentality and that it was me making too quick a judgement.

Thanks for clarifying the matter for me.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Funny...I know lots of people that are democrats who aren't anything like that. Lots of them are carpenters, and electricians, plumbers and steel workers. They're working long hours at hard jobs and not asking anyone for anything. They're motivated and enjoy their work. Just because someone chooses a blue collar job doesn't mean they are miserable, or unmotivated. Maybe they're happy doing that work.

What I see from your post is someone who is bitter and blames those less fortunate that you can't have more than you already have.

Where did I say Democrats are losers. What I see from your post is someone who is defensive and blames others for their own shortcomings. Pretty much fitting the definition.

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A winner is someone who is sucessful at whatever it is they choose to do whether it's being a Missionary, Plumber, Salesperson, Accountant, Military Officer, Attorney etc. A winner is someone who strives to be the very best at what they do no matter what it is. You are confusing my specific advice to Benny (which BTW we took to PMs).

I know many salespeople who worked very hard, made a lot of money, and started their own business. Same with a good friend who is a CPA. Seems the people who sit around and bitch the most about how "unfair" the world is, are the ones wanting to suckle up to a free nipple provided by someone else rather than create an independent world of their own.

Geeez.. I could go on and on about people I know who are working 8-10 hours a day and then come home and work on their Ebay business. They are motivated to improve their life and are actually doing something about it.

I could also show you losers who are in the bar every night, getting drunk all the time and bitching about how unfair their boss is and how he is nothing but a greedy bastard who owes them something. Get real people. Nobody owes you shit. It's your life. Whatever happens bad.... it's your fault. Whatever happens good... thats your fault too. (rant off).:ph34r:

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I will vote for ANYBODY who runs against Bush. John Kerry, Jonathan Edwards, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton.......Michael Jackson......

The only good thing I can say about Bush is that at least he isn't a Democrat.

Unfortunately, to vote against him I'm stuck with someone who can't even make that modest claim.

Since I rate voting for a Democrat up there with intentionally watching a football game (I will die of old age before doing either), I'll probably throw my vote away on whoever is the Libertarian candidate.

Blue skies,


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