
Kerry Implodes ????

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I love making you say "Errr... " Bob. Whilst I'm not too familiar with the Juanita (any relation to Matthew) Broderick case, did they ever indict him for that? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Last I heard accused of rape does not necessarily a rapist make. Same things you boys are pointing out about accusations of GWB lying. I think Heather was pretty dead on with her post although I'd vote for a skydiver, he or she is sure to have more balls than just about anyone else who's been elected.

I know you wouldn't do any illegal drugs Bob, just yanking your chain.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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I love making you say "Errr... " Bob. Whilst I'm not too familiar with the Juanita (any relation to Matthew) Broderick case, did they ever indict him for that? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Last I heard accused of rape does not necessarily a rapist make. Same things you boys are pointing out about accusations of GWB lying. I think Heather was pretty dead on with her post although I'd vote for a skydiver, he or she is sure to have more balls than just about anyone else who's been elected.

I know you wouldn't do any illegal drugs Bob, just yanking your chain.

Which is why I said I've never had anyone "accuse" me of rape. The operative word here being "accuse". :o

Not only would I not do any illegal drugs, I don't even like it when my doctor prescribes legal drugs.

Don't get me started.:D:D

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>If I was to post a story of a woman who was sexually harrassed at
>work by their boss, everyone would be up in arms.

Is this a Clinton or a Schwartzenegger reference?

Either one. People like to make political mileage out of sexual misadventures. That is who is driving this (obviously).

Sex between two consenting adults isn't a huge moral issue for me. If that is all this is about, then I don't care. It would be great if it didn't happen at work. It's against the law for everyone else.

However, I really don't want to hear about new chapters of this story for the next 4 years. Every single week, we heard about Clintons new escapade. Some weeks there was overlap. That is the part that I object to. What an idiot.

It wasn't all frisky adult play either. Kathleen Wiley made charges of unwanted groping that occured after a warning.

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>If I was to post a story of a woman who was sexually harrassed at
>work by their boss, everyone would be up in arms.

Is this a Clinton or a Schwartzenegger reference?

Actually, bill, I find a great difference between Ahnold and Clinton on this. Why? Because the misdeed happened when one had raised his hand to support and defend (and enforce) the law, and one had not yet done so.

At least to me, there is a BIG difference.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Is this a Clinton or a Schwartzenegger reference?

ZZZiiiinnng......... Good one, Bill :ph34r:

ZZZiiiinnng . . . not really that good, Bill.

Schwartzenegger: Accused of sexual harassment and playful (if inappropriate) titty grabbing. Sources mostly anonymous or unrevealed.

Clinton: Accused of rape, physical assault, and indecent exposure. Sources widely known by name.

. . =(_8^(1)

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SWEEET I was wondering if there was going to be anything like this.. I will vote for Kerry for sure now.

If its true it means he has a dick and actually uses it once in a while. That is something conservative anal retentive moralistic men like our current president show no evidence of whatsoever.. well except for when they did it for procreation 22 years ago to get the twins.

Sorry but when guys on the Ultra Right hardly ever get laid they just get nastier and nastier.

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>Accused of sexual harassment and playful (if inappropriate) titty grabbing.

Tell ya what - go talk to a woman who's been sexually assaulted and describe how some titty grabbing is playful and just a bit inappropriate. Let me know how it goes.

>Sources mostly anonymous or unrevealed.

You mean other than the 11 who gave their names. And as I recall he was the one who claimed he gang-banged a woman, so that's hardly an anonymous source. And of course his assault of Anna Richardson is on videotape, so it's hard to claim that one is made up by the lying liberal media.

Oh, BTW - one of them, Rhonda Miller, was immediately labeled a felon by Arnold after her accusation. She wasn't. Don't know if you heard about that one.

>Accused of rape, physical assault, and indecent exposure. Sources
>widely known by name.

Indecent exposure? My god! Don't tell me that someone saw him naked! Next thing you know, Janet Jackson will bare a boob, and it will be the end of civilization as we know it.

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In no way is Skydekker a troll. A pinko commie maybe, but not a troll


Am I having another flashback?????

WHOA.... I could have sworn the COLD WAR was over....and it is the 21st century.

Commie Pinko's ( you left out the fag part.. shame on you)

America love it or Leave it...

I could have sworn there for a second I was back in 1968 in this thread.

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Tell ya what - go talk to a woman who's been sexually assaulted and describe how some titty grabbing is playful and just a bit inappropriate. Let me know how it goes.

I'm not trying to make a case that unwanted physical touching or even sexual talk is OK, even if it is meant to be "playful". It's not.

I'm just saying that lining up Arnold and Bill side by side on this topic isn't fair. It's Mr. Tactless against Mr. Face Basher.


Indecent exposure? My god! Don't tell me that someone saw him naked!

Yea, Paula Jones allegedly had a short bent penis shoved in her face by the ever playful Mr. Clinton. What else would you call that besides indecent exposure?


Next thing you know, Janet Jackson will bare a boob, and it will be the end of civilization as we know it.

That was just another case of the hedonists in our society shoving their crappy values down the thoats of everyone else.

. . =(_8^(1)

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>It's Mr. Tactless against Mr. Face Basher.

Again, not sure which one you mean there. Do you mean the one that stated publically it would be awesome to jam a woman's face in a full toilet?

>That was just another case of the hedonists in our society
>shoving their crappy values down the thoats of everyone else.

I'm amazed that got as much attention as it did. Movie showing "hero" criminals killing dozens of people - no problem. Live coverage of war on prime time TV - hey, it's educational. But a breast? It's a top story. There was far more press devoted to her breast than to the 30,000 people killed in the Iraq quake two months ago.

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I think the sticking point has to do with the lying under oath, as opposed to lying in general.

I guess telling the truth does not form part of the Presidential oath of office. Time to fix that!

You seem to hold Bush to a higher standard than any of the libs.

never pull low......unless you are

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I wouldnt know but when guys get all frustrated they want to go start wars as long as they don't have to fight in them.

We are glad that Clinton did not do this ever!:P
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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>Accused of sexual harassment and playful (if inappropriate) titty grabbing.

Tell ya what - go talk to a woman who's been sexually assaulted and describe how some titty grabbing is playful and just a bit inappropriate. Let me know how it goes.

>Sources mostly anonymous or unrevealed.

You mean other than the 11 who gave their names. And as I recall he was the one who claimed he gang-banged a woman, so that's hardly an anonymous source. And of course his assault of Anna Richardson is on videotape, so it's hard to claim that one is made up by the lying liberal media.

Oh, BTW - one of them, Rhonda Miller, was immediately labeled a felon by Arnold after her accusation. She wasn't. Don't know if you heard about that one.

I love how the left defends Clinton, but then hangs Republicans out to dry for the same thing.

That friends is comedy
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I love how the left defends Clinton, but then hangs Republicans out to dry for the same thing.

That friends is comedy

No, that's hypocrisy.

Let's remember that Clinton was the first to withstand the assault. Can you really blame us for using the weapons you introduced against you?

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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