
damn i need to slow down when i drive

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lol lucky! I wish i had gotten a warning...both of the times i got pulled over...lol Instead i got two yucky speeding tickets >:(

I've gotten 2 speeding tickets and only been driving for 3 years haha...oh well it coulda been worse! One was for 70 in a 55 the other was 81 in a 65:S

I've learned to slow down-sometimes lol.


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I have NEVErR gotten out of a ticket . . . :D

Ya just gotta flash a little clevage, Kel. I'm going to be a cop someday, so I'll help you practice next time we're together. :):P:D


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Heh, I got a warning for running a RED light and I freakin' swear.. it was yellow... but oh well

I recently got pulled over (first ticket) for going 84 in a 65, but I actually think the state trooper let me off easy... I was probably going about 90 something...

Needless to say, after I paid my court fees and signed up for defensive driving... I'm slowing down... Too much jump money..GONE!

I'll still speed... but not 25-30 mph over :D


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I'm with Daizey . . . how is it that a 16-year-old BOY gets a warning, while a 23-year-old woman with a rack gets a ticket EVERY TIME? I have NEVErR gotten out of a ticket . . . :D


Ha, I've gotten pulled over more times than I have years... I don't get out of it every time, but there have been a few. Kel, my ex told me the trick for you ladies is to feign a "feminine" emergency.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Heh, I got a warning for running a RED light and I freakin' swear.. it was yellow... but oh well

I recently got pulled over (first ticket) for going 84 in a 65, but I actually think the state trooper let me off easy... I was probably going about 90 something...

So.....who did you buy beer for...the cop, or your skydiving buds? :D


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Ha, I've gotten pulled over more times than I have years... I don't get out of it every time, but there have been a few. ***

Me too. Been driving 20 years, Gotten 20+ speeding tickets and maybe 10 or so warnings. However, 75% of all these have come in the last 10 years since I started skydiving. :D I also got a ticket for running a red light. Hell, that was at 2 AM and there was freaking NOBODY around! I waited and waited for my left turn, then said fuck it and screamed around right past a cop sitting there with his damn lights off. >:( I've also endured a year and a half's worth of license suspension (for too many points). My passion is speeding. I just have a lead foot. :D:D Really, I've got to find a way to slow down or my insurance is going to stay sky high. I have been dropped twice by insurance companies in the past for my record. :S

Blue Skies
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I just (two days ago) personally helped pull a part of someone from a small car (think escort like).

key word: Part. some of him went to the morgue, the rest stayed on the passenger side of the car.

Not to bring the mood down or anything, but pleeeeease..drive carefully. It can happen in the blink of an eye.

stay safe

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Mini Vern you animal you. Did you forget to mention you got a ticket the first day you had your license.

Besides it's real tough to get a ticket in FL, God bless our fine law enforcement community :)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Dude...no worries. Let me get you another cast-iron shoe for your right foot. :D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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You got a Warning?!?!?!?!! Argh, I freaking come to a rolling stop in the middle of nowhere at an empty 4-way stop and get hammered for $150, and then then a week later, get nabbed for 79 in an 80 zone for a court fee (no Speeding fines mind you, only a court fine for less than 10 over) of $120 in the middle of rural Kansas.....
Oh yeah, and three weeks after that, $50 court fee for a burned out tail light I didn't even know had gone out. Ticket was for $110, but since I fixed the Prob within 48 hours, the droped the fine (not the court fee) so I ONLY had to pay $50.

How many jumps is that??? total $320, that is 21 lift tickets I want back from the City of Manhattan and McPhearson Kansas....

You are a lucky luck lucky guy, Kelly......:P
=========Shaun ==========

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Oh yeah, don't let me forget my being arrested by the MP's when the dickhead MP misdialed my lisence plate on a commercial vehicle on a military compound. I spent an hour handcuffed in the back of a MP car before they figured out their fuck up. Then no apologies, just "get on your way now."

I have the worst luck........
=========Shaun ==========

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dude. if you're tires arn't squeeln and peelin you aint doin it right.... If you've got to get your dog out of the pound, you've got to get your dog out of the pound..... have fun, be safe.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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What's the deal for speeding tickets over there? Over here it's very strict (if you're caught). You get a fine, you get points on your licence. 6 points in the first 2 years and you lose the licence. 12 points in your life, and you lose the licence.

Don't you have something like that? ;o|

'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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