
what would happen if.....

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not only arming pilots... but just let anyone who is properly trained in weapons carry on flights....
like if you have a concezled weapons permit you can carry a gun with you on a flight...
if someone hijacked a flight out of texas there would be 20 good ol boys ready to take the dude down...
On one side of the coin it would be easy to get weapons on board for potential hijackers...
but on the other... would you rob a bank if all the tellers were packing? or the customers?
just curious

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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20 good ol boys ready to take the dude down...

.....and one of them would go too far and bring a rocket launcher to the party, with the words of Sean Connery's "That's the Chicgo way !" speech from The Untouchables ringing in his ears.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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the conection being the deteriant of knowing there is fire power to counter the hijacker...

like, who would rob a bank if the tellers were armed?

Do i think pilots should be able to carry if they want.... yes

Passangers... NO!

Do you think 5 guys with box knifes would have been able to take over a plane if there had been one gun onboard? I don't, unless they were crafty.
just an interesting senerio I thought about when I could not sleep at 3 this morning.

Don't get flusterd DD.... one i would never seriously advocate this...
two it is the internet you get lots of morrons like me posting stupid shit

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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20 good ol boys ready to take the dude down

1 would take him down
15 would shoot the shit out of the plane and cause explosive decompression
4 would kill other passengers.

Didn't you see "Mythbusters"? Explosive decrompression will not happen. The plane would decromress, everyone would have to breath oxygen until they were low enough to breath, noone, well except the hijackers, would die.

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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1 would take him down,
4 would miss and kill other passengers,
3 would get drunk on the free booze and start threatening people,
1 turns out to be a criminal and decides he's the next DB Cooper
1 gets excited and shoots himself in the leg as he's un-holstering his pistol, bleeding out before he gets to the ground,
10 would shoot the shit out of the plane causing everyone to have to breath O2, and $200,000 worth of damage.

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That puts way to much "law" in the hands of the average citizen.

Everyone knows that only people who work for the government are capable of handling emergency situations.

All citizens should just meekly stand around and do nothing when bad things are happening.

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If every citizen with a concealed weapon permit were allowed to carry on board aircraft, we would have way to many incidents/accidents related to firearms on board....plus, if there was a hijack attempt, and 20 armed people on board....there would likely be 200 rounds expended and 50 innocent people killed..

Leave it to the professionals.


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Didn't you see "Mythbusters"? Explosive decrompression will not happen. The plane would decromress, everyone would have to breath oxygen until they were low enough to breath, noone, well except the hijackers, would die.

If a bullet happens to find its way to the cockpit windows, explosive decompression is a very real possibility. I guess it wouldn't be much of a concern if all those rounds found their way to the cockpit anyways, since there would be nobody alive to fly the airplane..

As much of an advocate as I am regarding concealed carry for citizens...I am adamantly against anything like THIS. Too many people in confined quarters...and too many people that can't shoot for shit.


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Well, they don't have to carry jacketed rounds. They could have Glazer's (sp?) silver tips. Will go through people but won't through most other hardened objects like cockpit windows. That damn window is rated to take a goose at 250 knots. I think it has a chance of not shattering at least. My be a loud whistle but won't just blow out.

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not only arming pilots... but just let anyone who is properly trained in weapons carry on flights....

People like this could also be on the airplane. Armed. Forgery thread

I know you said "properly trained" but the definition for that is not real clear.

Wendy W.
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Well, they don't have to carry jacketed rounds. They could have Glazer's (sp?) silver tips. Will go through people but won't through most other hardened objects like cockpit windows. That damn window is rated to take a goose at 250 knots. I think it has a chance of not shattering at least. My be a loud whistle but won't just blow out.

So if they allow citizens to carry on board aircraft...now we have to have somebody to check their ammo as they go through security to make sure they're using the right stuff....well, at least it will give the other half of the TSA(the half that's always standing around doing nothing) something to do. :D

Yes, the windows have a good chance of not shattering or giving out completely after time...but have tests been done on this? I wouldn't bet my life on it. Hell, I wouldn't bet that the windows would stand up to the birds they are tested to stand up to. I sure as hell HOPE they will...but won't bank on it.

I took a birdstrike on the co-pilots windshield a couple years ago. We were climbing out of 9,000' doing 300KIAS(coming out of IAH). The windshield visibly flexed on impact, and then continued to vibrate the remainder of the short flight(at 150kias). We thought for sure it was gonna give at any time. The FO had his head well below the windscreen level for the rest of the flight just in case. That scared me more than losing an engine did....we know the airplane will fly without one engine...but how well will it fly with a big gaping hole in the front?


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LOL....ok then. Man, I thought we were going down the road to saying pilots shouldn't carry either. Was gonna have to get really upitty.

Nooo, I think that they should, and recive the same amount of training that law enforcement, if they want it (and get paid to do so)
And do you really think all the wild west gun shoot out would happen? Someone robs a 7-11, another person or police is carrying, normaly there is never a shot fired just the fact that they can control the situation... most of the people i know that carry... hope they never have to use their gun...
just like I hope i never have to use my reserve...
but every second of every jump i am ready.

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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1 would take him down,
4 would miss and kill other passengers,
3 would get drunk on the free booze and start threatening people,
1 turns out to be a criminal and decides he's the next DB Cooper
1 gets excited and shoots himself in the leg as he's un-holstering his pistol, bleeding out before he gets to the ground,
10 would shoot the shit out of the plane causing everyone to have to breath O2, and $200,000 worth of damage.

Hey, I didn't say it was a good idea. :S :)

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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I guess it never dawned on you what would happen if a bound breech a pressurized cabin?

Not much, actually, it really is an urban myth. You'd have to breath oxygen, but the plane wouldn't blow open and no one would get sucked out.

The pressure difference isn't high enough to give you that, after the first 1-2seconds, it would be just like being in a jump plane. Even if there was a big hole, you wouldn't get "sucked" out, just like you don't get sucked out when you open the jump door.

All in all, its common sense.
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That puts way to much "law" in the hands of the average citizen.

Everyone knows that only people who work for the government are capable of handling emergency situations.

All citizens should just meekly stand around and do nothing when bad things are happening.

So John,

ist it a good idea to let all who are allowed to carry concealed on a plane with their gun?

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The check in procedure would differ a little… [Picture a big sign – “Packing Heat – Queue on Left. Unarmed – Straight Through] Then you have a scene reminiscent of Monty Python’s Life of Brian where the poof is handing out crosses. The TSA agent stops each in turn and asks carrying a weapon “Are you a terrorist? No… good, straight through, join the queue on the right…... Are you a terrorist?”

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