
Laid off. Downsized. Displaced. Freakin' ditched.

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G.I. bill is to good to waste how about going to school to be a pilot, A&P mechanic, or the good standy Music school so you can get a job as a Piano Player in a whore house.:)
New idea:S go to school to be a sheep herder;) Travel the boogie circuit with your stock during the summer and the Frat circuit once college starts.:S:S


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I have an 'A' only...however...I would need a 'B'...and then a 'C'...to become a coach...and then an instructor...it could work, if I could get the DZO to fill out the freaking paperwork....

TY!!! It's time to conduct business again...:)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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G.I. bill is to good to waste how about going to school to be a pilot, A&P mechanic, or the good standy Music school so you can get a job as a Piano Player in a whore house.:)

...I do not intend to be a piano player in a whore house. I intend to use waht the gov't gave me to better myself as a citizen. Sound good? :):P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I've been there. Found out Jan. 2003 that I'd be unemployed sometime that year. Finally got my 60 day notice that as of Sep. 2, 2003, I'd be unemployed. During that time I made the decision to move out of Wisconsin, did a few trips to places I was considering, jumped at those locations, and moved. Of course, I moved twice - once to Cali and then to Florida.

It's depressing to get the layoff notice, but it's also a huge opportunity to do something.

Good luck! You'll do fine. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Collect unemployment benifits too. They are paid by companys that like to lay people off....

also apply for NAFTA if there is a group of you getting laid off... I think there only needs to be two or three... works if proof can be given about jobs going elseware... also South Coast Business has given me $5000 (in an account only for tuition) for schooling... It comes from a federal grant for laid off workers... so that might be available to you also...
I don't know about WA. but I could tell you were to go if you were in oregon... good place to start would be to ask the employment department where to go.... and being a veteren you will get that on top of the GI bill... so you can use that for "rent" cough cough JUMPS!!! cough.... he he

if you have little or no debt this could be a great vacation... I love being able to concentrate on just school, and not how it is being paid for... I wish the first three years could have been like this... I would have a 4.0 eh o'well....

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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Is that NAFTA only if your job is going OUT of the country? Mine is being moved far far away, but still in the US :(

I sure wish I didn't have debt. After I lose my job, the credit cards still want at least $600/month... and that isn't even for housing :S

I don't know how you all do it, jumping whilst unemployed. I'm happy I bought a 100 jump package over winter, at least I'll be able to jump some, but the rest o my unemployment will have to go to pay bills & put a roof over my head. >:(

I'm in finance, and NO ONE in finance is hiring in Chicago, all the jobs are movin to NY.

Sorry, ACME, didn't mean to hijak - HUGE VIBES to you... at least you have VA benefits to back you up also - good luck!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Does that mean you plan on relocating? Or are you trying to stay in IL? You better put a jump aside for me!!!!!!!!B|;) Hell, I'll pay for your jump ticket!

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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no relocating... I've wanted to move for the last 6 years of my life. now I've found stupid ;) friends that I love & a man that could potentially be the love of my life - grrrrr, no, no moving for me; just a new career.

A jump will be set aside - no worries :)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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i took the redundancy payment and went to florida to do my AFF :)

Bumed around the summer doing some freelance gigs, and am now back in steady employment. Man i wish i was unemployed again...

Are you getting a payment? if not you really should barter for some extra money if your one of very few people who can do this training.

IF your not getting a payment, suggest that you may just leave. They still need you, make them pay for it. :)
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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Collect unemployment benifits too. They are paid by companys that like to lay people off....

also apply for NAFTA if there is a group of you getting laid off... I think there only needs to be two or three... works if proof can be given about jobs going elseware... also South Coast Business has given me $5000 (in an account only for tuition) for schooling... It comes from a federal grant for laid off workers... so that might be available to you also...
I don't know about WA. but I could tell you were to go if you were in oregon... good place to start would be to ask the employment department where to go.... and being a veteren you will get that on top of the GI bill... so you can use that for "rent" cough cough JUMPS!!! cough.... he he

if you have little or no debt this could be a great vacation... I love being able to concentrate on just school, and not how it is being paid for... I wish the first three years could have been like this... I would have a 4.0 eh o'well....

-I'll check into those, thanks! I haven't heard of most of those programs that you mentioned, but I'll definitely look around to see what I can see...:)) however we have plans to have the truck paid off by August so our debt situation will be about as close to ideal as we can get. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Me too. :( Since last June.

I live pretty lean by habit, so I have/ had zero debt, a small apartment and a fairly decent wad of cash when it happened.

It's been an interesting test of character. No wife, no kids, some money and all the time I want to accomplish anything I choose. So what did I choose? Did I write a novel? Do charity work? Start a business?

No. All I want to do is skydive. Kinda pathetic really.

Not exactly sure I'm passing that test...:S

It's been a hell of a fun ride though.:)I was bummed when it started. Now I'll be bummed when it has to end.
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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Sounds like the start to the best season I've had so far...

Last year my contract got dropped due to "re-organization and downsizing" just before the start of the season. I went straight to the dz and started working fulltime. It was FUN as hell while it lasted!

Good luck! :P

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I once worked for a telecom company for over 9 years. I was receiving over 60 emails a day that required a response. I was on the phone in teleconferences most of the day while typing emails.

On the day that I left, I changed my phone message to "I am away from my desk. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." That was 6 years ago. :ph34r:

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Unfortunately, that's exactly what it means Jeff....[:/]

Hubby and I will be taking a few trips to Southern Cal to scope some property for the future...we may stop in Sacramento Airport down or back...who knows? ;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Hey sincere 'thanks' to everyone who posted on this or the other jobless threads...and thanks for all the PM's too! I sure appreciate it, and I know the unfortunately growing number of us finding ourselves sans paycheck do as well. :)
I'm in a much better position than most, so I should be thankful for that...I know I've seen posts from some that are living awful lean in these times, and my heart goes out to them.

About the emotional impact on getting a pink slip...that was really the roughest part for me. Believing in the possibility of making yourself so terribly valuable that a company couldn't lay you off is a thought of the past. Yes I was asked to please find a new position within the company as they would like to 'retain' their better people...but it still feels like a sharp stabby thing hanging out of my shoulder blade...[:/]
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I didn't get any notice before getting laid off, but, the first 2 months were fun, relaxing and jumping, then money ran out, so, now, I'm doing what I can to save some money, buy a plane ticket to India and get a job. :D

-Funny you mention that Ivan...my company has been outsourcing to India for some time now...[:/]:P:S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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That sucks....You seem like the type to overcome....get the cool bunny pic back up.....and have at em:)

Yeah Den...I'm gettin' my game face back on!

"All herald the return of the 'bitchy bunny'!!" >:(>:(>:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Welcome to the club.[:/]

Been laid off since 22 August - a couple of interviews, but basically nothing since.

Fortunately, I'm in school full-time so I don't have to jump through the UI hoops every week, but that will be coming to an end some time in June, if not sooner.

In answer to Quade's query - in WA state, any company that employs over 50 people is obligated BY LAW to give at least 60 DAYS NOTICE of a layoff.

That gave me time to get over the initial reaction and get my quackers in a row as far as what I would be doing in applying for worker retraining, etc. I was also fortunate that Boeing had a Woksource Center set up exclusively for their laid-off workers, so I was able to speak to a Worksource counselor who was aware of my situation as well as (almost) all of the benefits I was entitled to. Your mileage may vary.

Whatever you do, don't apply for retraining in a discipline that could end up getting the "Bangalore Torpedo" (id est - OUTSOURCED) some time in the future. Go for a "hands-on" gig that CAN'T be sent to Mexico or India. Consider health care. The first wave of Boomers are all about to retire, and the health care system is going to grow huge soon.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Nafta is jobs lost to our neighbors to the north or south.... there is another program for jobs lost to third world countries over seas.... except I cannot think of it right not... however the "retraining" is the same... more or less extended UI bennies and money for school... it is some foriegn trade acronim.... ??? ... anyway with no bills it is easy but with a $600 dollar a month payment just to CC's ...
you would probably go bankrupt.... however that might be an idea to say f^&*( work for awhile lol

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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Thank you for the info, good to know there's some kinda compensation for people that lose their jobs for "the greater cause"

Nafta is jobs lost to our neighbors to the north or south

figured as much, guessing NY, NY doesn't qualify as a foreign nation [:/], even if I think it ought to.

Yea, I kinda screwed myself living the high life :S, oh, well - i hear burger king has a good management program.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Now that the Burban is all decked out you should see if Tyson is in need of a shuttle service. Keep your chin up and see you on Saturday. You will be there wont you?

"If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive."
Josh Whipple 7/15/70-2/10/05

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