
Biggest potty-mouths

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Ok...so a co-worker of mine is talking to me on the phone today, and he we have this conversation:

Him - "Jaye, you can so tell that you came from outside mortgage...you talk like it."

Me - "Talk like what?"

Him - "Well, you don't have that respectful tone that comes from working in an environment trying to please customers all day. You say whatever the hell. Plus you cuss a lot. Like management."

Me - "Think so, buddy? Go f*ck yourself."


The conversation went on, both of us discussing time and place for everything, of course. And how our conversations change based on who else is listening/who we are directing it to...

So what do you all find? What jobs/industries use more potty-mouth language than others?
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construction and trade skills, by far

...though I had to learn spanish to know they were swearing :P

No cubicle drone will ever be able to talk like someone who can take their shirt off at work. cops and 911 folks are pretty high on the list too.
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Im in the mort business also... and yes we can get out of hand sometimes, but jsut becuase we are "professionals" doesnt mean we have to take shit from people... most of us (not including me right now) are on commissioned income, so if we want to loose a deal by saying go fuck yourself, then so be it, its our money!:):):)
and sometimes, (not really stereotyping, but kinda) a little hard personality with some colorful language is good for "b" paper business. it helps those client relate a bit more to the business world:):D
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A typical conversation with my boss goes as follows:

Boss: Hey bitch, did you do the assignment I gave you.

Me: Yea, infact I did asshole, but look at this though...

Boss: Look at what???

Me: (stick up my middle finger)

Boss: you little fucker...

Both: hahaahahahah


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yosh has got a point there, but customer service folks can be the same way. (and it's not their buck going down the drain)

at some point, I bet 85% of them hit a breaking point where "that's all they can stands, they can't stands no more!"
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Attorneys. You really have to modify your language for the client.

Say your client is a higher up person. Don't hesitate to call the opponent a cocksucker.

If you are a public defender, you must be able to say to your client, "Listen, motherfucker. I know what this fucking judge wants, and the judge doesn't want to hear from you. And above all, this is a fucking arraignment, so shut the fuck up or else the judge will deny bail."

Say you are on the phone with opposing counsel. Polite and easy going. Talk about kids and golf and other things to butter them up unless you know them well. If you know them well, bring up another lawyer that you both hate, and call him a motherfucker and a dumb shit. When you speak to the motherfucker dumb shit, be nice, but make sure you don't let them know that everyone thinks that person is a motherfucker or a dumb shit.

"Effective cussing" is an important tool in a lawyer's bag. You must know when to be clean. You must also know when the rare opportunity is to turn the air blue with a profanity laced tirade. Of course, no cussing or swearing ever happens when things go your way. Indeed, lawyer cussing is always done in a civilized manner - that it, you never yell it.

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Name one other sector where there exists a promtional requirement of yelling at a tree for fifteen minutes without repeating yourself. :ph34r:
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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oh please, have you ever talked to a trucker?

I mean, I've never heard of "middle management's mouth" have you?

truthfully? Ive done both.
I was middle management for 5 years in the equipment rental industry... I used to get in trouble for cursin so much... the thing is... I never really knew how much I did it.

I also spent time over the road... lots o times it gets to where I cant even listed to the CB... and NY and NJ are the worst. most of those guys cant make a sentence w/o putting "fuck" in it.

I would say its a toss up, from my experience. B|
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Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Indeed, lawyer cussing is always done in a civilized manner - that it, you never yell it.

-Hmm, maybe some other atty's should take that advice...according to a relative of mine, her soon-to-be ex-husband's atty was getting all rattled and yelling during the...whatcha call it? The thing where they first come together with their own attorneys and try to 'talk' it out? Well anyhow, my relative's almost-ex husband's female attorney was yelling and screaming throughout this...leaving HIGH suspiscions that she was screwing her client. (Infidelity was part of the reason for the divorce anyhow...surprise surprise...)
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