
FAQ by a whuffo

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fair point. But my reply was not just fired at you - but the general feeling from skydivers that "whuffos" are stupid because they dont know about skydiving. There are posts after posts about this. Its one gripe I have with skydiving. Sorry to aim it at you.
just my whuffo head speaking!


It's alright...Thank you for seeing my point of view...I grew up with elitests around me and I took it personally. In that case, I apologize. And you only learn by asking questions, so we should try to answer them no matter how off we think they are.:)
Variety is the spice of life...B|

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Before you slate a "whuffo" just think what they may know about that you dont - but does that make you stupid??????

Hi Michael,

I absolutely agree with this. I find in general that most people are very well informed in at least one area, making them an expert in whatever it is they have been educated/trained in. I would seriously never classify a person as "dumb" because they may not have as much knowledge in an area that I have. They may be (and probably are), brilliant in other areas that I don't have a clue about.

To me this was just a "fun" thread, and no harm was meant.

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> 3. why you jump out of perfect good airplane (whuffo, go figure) <

answer #1 Obviously you haven't seen the planes we jump out of.

answer #2 Because a perfectly bad plane wont get us to altitude.

BTW this is the question that I have been asked the most by non skydiving people.
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and my favorite "asked by skydivers"

why jump from low fixed objects? dont you like freefall?

ha ha,mac you gonna be happy at that new gear you get,then you can start to take some delays:ph34r::D

so far i only jumped 1 object that couldnt be freefalled(143ft S),the rest could tecnical be freefalled(i not always did this).

but again how can they know mac?you just have to tell them how LOW you actualy can freefall:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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good you started BASE jumping it dont seems to be so dangerus as skydiving,you sure wont hit as hard if you go down:o

OMG!! :S

The question I had once or twice is if I've had to use my reserve... not a stupid question, but I don't have that many jumps. I know it couldn't happen anytime, but it goes to show how whuffos see the sport. I also have been asked about the breathing which I find strange. On my first tandem I never even considered that... I mean I've hiked on a mountain at higher than 12,000 feet.
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good you started BASE jumping it dont seems to be so dangerus as skydiving,you sure wont hit as hard if you go down

In that case, I'm taking up base jumping! :D:D:D:D
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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The silliest is a tie between why jump out of a perfectly good airplane? And what happens if your chute doesn't open?

The cruelest question is how can a single mom jump out of an airplane?

Believe it or not a few people have asked me that...I have learned to ignore it
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1) Doesn't it hurt your neck when you fly upwards (after deployment)

2) Whats to learn? You're just falling.

3) Wow are you an instructor? (Asked by someone when I'd completed just 30 Jumps)

4) Do you jump with people tied to you? (Kinky eh?)

5) How do you breath? (130mph wind up the nose helps)

6) How many times can you jump in a day?

7) Is it bad for you:S
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The cruelest question is how can a single mom jump out of an airplane?

hmm my gf is a "single mom",as we dont live together(im not the dad to her kids).I see no problem why she shouldnt jump if she wants to(her last skidive were 1,5 year ago as a student on sl progress).in fact her kids ask her why she dont jump as much as i do.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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out of topic - when u consider a skydiver as a whuffo in BASE

we are all wuffos to somthing;)
people who dont jump out of air planes are wuffo "skydiviers"
skydivers who dont BASE,are wuffo "BASE jumpers"
BASE jumpers who aint girls,are ... well not...:ph34r::D

Girls are the top of the food chain,then BASE jumpers,followed by skydivers and then the rest:P:D:ph34r: oh well... hope you guys has as much fun as i....

we all know about somthing others dont,just fun that we always speak about others as people who dont understand....

Sorry for hijacking this tread mate:P;) please keep posting funny Q´s from wuffos they are all fun..:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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The one that gets me is "Why do you wear a helmet......" Once I explaine it they usally understand.

yeah i get that a lot too. the annoying thing about it is that they think they are sooooo clever when they say something like "I don't think the helmet is gonna help you if you fall from 10,000 feet!! haahaha" :|

MB 3528, RB 1182

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There's something to the thought that there are a lot of possibilities between a perfect (no "incidents) skydive and one where you go in at terminal.

Think of it like this: when you ride a motorcycle, if you plow into an 18-wheeler at 80 MPH, a helmet won't do much. But if you get knocked off and slam your head against the pavement, you'd rather have a helmet.

There are a lot of bad things that can happen, but don't fall under worst case scenario. Think of things like hard landings, getting kicked in the head during freefall, collision with doors, other jumpers, trees. Hitting any one of those things with a helmet rather than your skull will make life a lot easier. and possibly longer.
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What makes me laugh is that a skydiver puts a un-tested piece of toot on thier head or body & thinks they are safe, not hitting your head on a plane is safe, staying away from idiots is safe, landing safley is safe.

If you can't do these 3 very simple things, then you rely on your equiptment too much.

SHIT happens, but we don't jump in an inflatable air bubble just in case our chute dont open, if you cant jump without an, aad, rsl, helmet, alti, why the F?%$ are you jumping out of airplanes for, it's a long way down for second thoughts & it's a hard place at the end of it.

Do you feel it is safe with all these devices, your more of a worry to me.

P.S. this is not aimed at anybody, just to a way of thinking that I find scary in our sport.


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