
Invasion of Zimbabwe? Who would bother?

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Isnt it funny how Apartheid got South Africa banned from the commonwealth, but no-one says a word when the situation turns around.
Poor Iraqi's, lets help them from the Brutal hands of Saddam. but. I dont care bout a few ppl in Zimsomething.

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Oh heaven forbid you oppress the minority. I mean, blacks are minorities there, too, right? They must be since they are here in my pseudo realm of academia. Oh whites, what do they need help for, they oppress people everywhere. :S

You'll also look to see how christians are reviled by most media outlets, while universally islam is portrayed as a peaceful religion. Yet christians are persectued by muslims in many places. Not one place is the opposite true. I haven't seen many christian terrorists, have you? Since when does being a christian white male mean my rights mean less than others?

ok, everybody ingnore the site I linked to, it's a spoof I jumped on too quickly :$
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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well, you can say clinic bombers count too, but they're not attacking another religion, just people less "devout" than themselves.

actually, I would say most of the fighting in that particular pit of the world is less religious than most believe. [another place that must once have been one of the most beautiful on earth] It seems to be ethnic/familial/grudge-territorial lately. Since the dynamic changed before the embassy bombing, religion has been more of an excuse than a reason, I think.

any place where they'll kill you for saying "tomatoes" wrong is not somewhere I want to be.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The last thing on earth Africa needs or wants is the Americans coming to "Help us",

So when the shit hits the fan, you won't be calling US for help!?! I'll bet you will. Just like everyone else has and does.

I can assure you, the last country our government would ever ask for help is the US. Unless of course you have produced an over-supply of sweet potatoes and need a market for them.:P

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And to whoever said "they still need to prove the guys were mercs," you're forgetting something. They don't have to prove shit.

I am the person who said that and I was very clearly joking. Allow me to refresh your memory :


It still has to be proven of course that they are actually mercenaries and not a bunch of witch doctors with a plane load full of garlic, onions and olive oil, supplied by the WHO, on their way to SA to help treat our Aids sufferers! :P

Ps. If you insist on keeping this a political thread (which was not the intention), I live only about 500 miles from the Zimbabwe border. I am extremely well informed about the situation there and I'm not 'forgetting' anything. Robert Mugabe is a paranoid, homophobic megalomaniac who has demonstrated over and over again that he doesn't give a damn about his own people. Since the so-called land-resettlement began Zim's agricultural output dropped by around 80%. Zim used to be a net exporter of food. Now around two thirds of the country's people are living below the breadline while Mugabe and his cronies live in luxury. Mugabe has shown his contempt for the law so often that it is not even reported on anymore. Whenever a judge rules against him or his party (which has been almost every case the courts heard), the judge simply gets removed. Whenever the one opposition newspaper prints anything Mugabe doesn't like, the newspaper's offices get bombed.

Short of a military overthrow there is nothing the rest of the world can do. Sanctions will only hurt the already starving ordinary folk (most of whom are already dependent on international food-aid). The most recent elections were condemned by every international observer (except of course the ANC's delegation - no surprises there), so the electorate are powerless too.Peer-pressure from other Southern African leaders is almost non-existent and where it does appear to be present it is mere lip service.
Nope - that once beautiful and successful country has already become another post-Uhuru African basket case with very little hope of recovery.

This was all predicted even before Lancaster House but Brittain was too eager to get Rhodesia off their hands to consider the long term effects of their sell-out. So- here we are.

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This was all predicted even before Lancaster House but Brittain was too eager to get Rhodesia off their hands to consider the long term effects of their sell-out. So- here we are.

I'd say this is a fairly good sumamry for those needing basic introduction (obviously not you).

Synopsis of Phantoms of Africa - Series 1, Seeds of Strife
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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"Oh God... A fashion victim... "

I reckon if more people had natty hand dyed/printed funky apparel, there would be less misery in the world.:)

But yes, I do own a few items of Zimbabalooba chic.:):P

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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The last thing on earth Africa needs or wants is the Americans coming to "Help us",

So when the shit hits the fan, you won't be calling US for help!?! I'll bet you will. Just like everyone else has and does.
We are not perfect, but we do give a shit!!! We will make mistakes, but most of the time we will be there when asked! Then we have to ask others to come help US.
Let me ask all of you, How many of your countrymen died in the towers on 9/11, and how many of your countrymen went to Afganistan?

Flame Away!

That's exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. These people tell me that I don't understand or I'm not compassionate about what their countries are going through, and they SPIT on American and show CONTEMPT for America, but they are the first ones on the doorstep later on asking for fucking handouts.

The same people who insult America and call it "imperialistic" for having the most minor hand in world events then come begging for that helping hand at some other point in time. How can you criticize my "American attitude" (tm) when I daily see my country assailed NO MATTER WHAT IT DOES. NOTHING IS RIGHT, AND NOTHING SATISFIES THE REST OF THE WORLD where America's actions are concerned. So in frustration, I say in this forum that I think those other countries that belittle us for any help we do offer, or any conflict we do try to resolve, should sweat it on their own. And I get attacked for saying that. Go figure.

If I say America should not get involved, I get told that I'm spoiled and isolationist and uncompassionate.

But what happens when America does get involved? We get insulted and people say that we're trying to control the world and enforce our way of thinking on everyone else.

Somebody PLEASE tell me what they think America could use as a non-schizophrenic guideline to "do right by" the rest of the world. Because just like that old quote, "You can't please all of the people all of the time." No matter what we do to please some, doing just that will displease others. So I give up. I guess it's a good thing that I'm not the one responsible for our foreign policy.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Why then did we have marines die in Somalia?

Because you were there using them as a tool in the cold war.

America rarely enters another country if it does not have a political advantage. That is clear. Before the 2nd Gulf War, we went to "liberate the Iraqis". Looks like they are very happy to be liberated! No, of course not, we went to get oil, Bush just didnt think it would be that much of a long term risk. Anyone heard of Neo-colonialism? And dont tell me America isn't guilty on a massive scale.

Check this out. America wouldnt recognize Zimbabwe as a nation after they wrote a Decleration of Independence BASED ON THE U.S. Decleration. How screwed is this country? Wouldnt support another country trying to follow in its footsteps!

Ohhh, okay, so now the measure of a country is that it has to go into other countries, spend its wealth making them better -- but that country better not benefit in the slightest from the whole effort because then it will be accused of opportunism and plundering!

Could you please cite for me any other countries that do this selfless sort of altruism around the world, expecting nothing in return?

I thought it was LIBERIA that was formed to supposedly follow in the footsteps of the U.S.A., not Zimbabwe. Which one of us is misremembering the facts? I'm not truly sure. But anyway, using a similar or identical Declaration of Independence is a far cry from setting up a government with the same sort of Constitution. Is that what you mean?
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Mugabe started confiscating farms from white farmers and giving the farms to his cronies.

Please take a look at the attached picture. The body under the blanket is that of Terence Ford. He bought his farm from a black farmer using a loan from a black bank yet the 'land settlers' decided he had no right to it and killed him. Anyone who thinks Saddam is a bad man obviously isn't familiar with the work of Robert Mugabe. I was chatting to a chap from Zim this past weekend, his folks' farm was 'resettled' 10 years ago. He told me of a new problem they now have, all the subsistence farmers on those resettled farms have now become dependant on foreign aid (why work all day when the food is handed out free?). Now if/when the foreign aid does stop they will be well and truly fucked. No more big farms feeding the country and producing a surplus for export, only lots of little goat farms which aren't even being 'farmed'.

Mugabe needed to go a long time ago and Mbeki needs to stop supporting that scum.


Contrary to what some here would believe, I've been reading about the mess about the farms and that piece of shit Mugabe for several years now here in Florida, and it's turned my stomach what he has done. The theft of the white-owned farms is truly despicable. (and would be no matter whom they were stolen from, of course)

But this is a good question -- what the hell should the U.S. do? Should we come in and liberate you all from Mugabe, or leave you to clean your own house? We're accused of indifference if we do not, and we're accused of "colonialism" or "selfish motives" if we do.

And be fair -- the average American does not have an iota of control over what our government or military do overseas, for good or bad. So cut us American civilians some motherfuckin' SLACK, okay?!
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Lot of 'I' in posts referring to work done by the US (and lots of other nations including my own UK) in other countries, aid, mliitary intervention etc. Funny pronoun to use when YOU have not done any of this - your military has, so credit them not yourself.

Their (our) contribution to what peace and stability that there is in the world should not be used as reflected glory. If YOU didnt do it, then YOU shouldnt mouth off about what WE are doing. If YOU want to have the real right to claim responsibility for it then YOU can join US in risking your life, living in shitty conditions and giving up the things you love (including skydiving!!>:() for months / years at a time for a pittance while people back home claim the glory for it.

Thankyou for listening!!:P;)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Hey Clay
When you get your ass down here I'll introduce you to a few interesting people.
Does 'Selous scout for 16 years" get your attention.
Or another rather amusing chap that spent a week in a tree at Cuito Carnivale directing arty fire.:o:ph34r:

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man, you realize you are gonna get this entire thread deleted because of the stuff you are saying now.
calm down.

(and in before the lock/delete)

You must be kidding me. Deleted because of what I've said? Check one post down from yours: I got called a "fucking idiot" in plain English. I thought that's the type of personal attack that would get a person banned or get a thread shut down. Wake up.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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There is some extraordinary bigotry going on in here.

Please state your practical definition of "bigotry" and cite some specific instances, okay? It's a pretty strong accusation, to call people bigots. I think we deserve to know who you think is a bigot, and those people deserve to defend themselves if they believe the claim is false.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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