
Arabs for John Kerry

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News from Aljazeera:

"In a head-to-head race between Kerry and President George Bush, 54% of Arab Americans polled in Michigan, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania said they would vote for Kerry verses 30% for Bush..."

Full Story Here

And there are world leaders supporting Kerry over Bush. See this link. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040310/ap_on_go_ot/us_koreas_election_1

Why didn't Kerry just name them as a government supporting him? GWB told him to name some of them.

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And there are world leaders supporting Kerry over Bush. See this link. Clicky

Quote from that source:
"Pyongyang would rather take its chances with Kerry than open a serious negotiation before November with Bush..."
North Korea favors John Kerry for President!

Now there is a ringing endorsement!

That must be one of those world leaders that Kerry says supports him, but which he refuses to name. Now I can see why he wants to keep them secret.

Thanks for that news link, lawrocket.

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Well, what with all the voter polls that must be flying around right now I was wondering why you chose to display this one.
Without any kind of explanation it seems like a waste of time.
I'm confused thats all. Help me out here.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Sheesh. What John posted is simply a fact, nothing more. It doesn't even require a response. Would you like him to come over to your house at supper time and cut your meat, too?

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News from Aljazeera:

"In a head-to-head race between Kerry and President George Bush, 54% of Arab Americans polled in Michigan, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania said they would vote for Kerry verses 30% for Bush..."

Full Story Here

Only 54%? I'm surprised it's not more. 54% of Britons don't trust Bush, and even more Germans.

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Do you think that our foreign policy ought to be designed with the primary goal of making all other nations on earth love us?

Or do you think we should stand for certain principles like freedom, democracy and human rights, and not give a damn about the opinions of those who don't agree with those goals?

Personally, I don't give a shit about the opinions of those that think that suicide bombings of innocent people are justifiable (as per that link). And we shouldn't be courting the favor of such monsters.

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Well in that case you shouldn't care who North Korea supports either.

If a dangerous, tyrannical national leader supports John Kerry for President, don't you think that says something about which candidate that dangerous leader thinks best serves his own interests?

Do you want a President which dangerous leaders think will leave them alone so that they can wreak their havoc, unchecked? Or do you want a President who will give dangerous leaders pause, and restrain them from wreaking havoc?

The endorsement of Kim Jong-Il is not exactly a compliment for John Kerry.

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Do you think that our foreign policy ought to be designed with the primary goal of making all other nations on earth love us?

Or do you think we should stand for certain principles like freedom, democracy and human rights, and not give a damn about the opinions of those who don't agree with those goals

I would prefer our foreign policy to based on moral superiority as a ROLE model instead of bludgening other nations into agreeing with us. Our SUPPOSED pinciples of freedom( for who), democracy( you gotta be shitting me we dont even have that in this country) and human rights( better than some worse than some countries ) We need to fix out own shit before people dont think we are nothing more than what this administration is Backwards greedy religeous whackos who want to foist thier worldview on others.

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Come on, John. Kim Jong isn't dangerous and tyrannical, he's just misunderstood.

Yeah, if we just show him some love, I'm sure he will implement democracy, free his people from tyranny, quit squandering his national revenue on the military, and allow his citizens to progress out of the 18th century.

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I was just pointing out that you were dismissing the opinions of one bunch of evil bastards while calling attention to another bunch of evil bastards.

I will certainly agree with you that North Korea is possibly the most dangerous country on the planet at the moment but i don't think that either candidate would have any success in changing the regime, if indeed they thought it was wise to even try.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Do you think that our foreign policy ought to be designed with the primary goal of making all other nations on earth love us?

As worded, no. Never said or implied. But I also don't think we should be so arrogant in so many ways. That includes invading other countries with only token support from the rest of the world, with pathetic justification based on LIES.

This is a great way to CREATE many more terrorists than we can possibly kill, as well as squander our status in the world and a huge amount of the respect that was out there once, especially around 9/12/01. Some of us believe that it helps to have friends and to keep them.

>Or do you think we should stand for certain principles like freedom, democracy and human rights, and not give a damn about the opinions of those who don't agree with those goals?

Gee - in the eyes of the rest of the world, seems like WE are the ones who don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks, including our allies. I like those principles and would love to see them spread. I just think there are sometimes more effective ways to spread them than by force. Force should be justified, or it is counter-productive in the long run. Maybe the short run.

>Personally, I don't give a shit about the opinions of those that think that suicide bombings of innocent people are justifiable (as per that link). And we shouldn't be courting the favor of such monsters.

More incredible arrogance - a teeny narrow little American view. Can you possibly see and understanding how other people see us and more importantly, WHY? And how this affects us?

Fuck 'em all! We have power and are willing to use it whenever we like. We're justified because they're monsters! (Gee - sounds a little like what they say about us) Unless we want to be the masters of a world-wide police-state, I don't think this alone is a good long term strategy.

Yeah, there are exceptions - I'm hardly a pacifist. I just think a more balanced, less arrogant approach might be more effective and sustainable in the long run. And for fuck's sake - if we are fighting a "war on terrorism", how do you think it looks to billions of people around the world when they see us LIE and use that as an excuse to go "regime-changing" and nation-building where it suits us?

But golly, he was a bad old brutal dictator! We did it for all those principles of freedom and democracy and human rights! Swell! Don't you think some of those billions of people wonder why we didn't care so much about those principles when it came to Pinochet, Marcos, Suharto, Somoza, Pol Pot, etc. etc. ? They see us as arrogant, greedy, selfish pigs. And not just the Republicans!

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Personally, I don't give a shit about the opinions of those that think that suicide bombings of innocent people are justifiable (as per that link). And we shouldn't be courting the favor of such monsters.

So if we put this together with the first post you think most Arabs living in America support suicide bombings?

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Do you think that our foreign policy ought to be designed with the primary goal of making all other nations on earth love us?

Or do you think we should stand for certain principles like freedom, democracy and human rights, and not give a damn about the opinions of those who don't agree with those goals?

Personally, I don't give a shit about the opinions of those that think that suicide bombings of innocent people are justifiable (as per that link). And we shouldn't be courting the favor of such monsters.

On 9/12/2001 the USA had the moral support of almost all of the world's nations, and the offer of military support from many. Since then that real asset has been squandered by the arrogance and unilateral actions of the Bush administration, to the extent that even traditional allies are totally pissed off with the USA.

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