
Teching the lil'ones new words.

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Not long ago; my bud....., began to teach a small phrase to my 5 yr. old son. On and off this went, til one day in class he said(with smile on face)............
"daddy rides the bologna pony" aahh shit! :ph34r:(My reply) to his teacher. Got any buddies like this too?;and what did your lil' one learn too? like poppa
said... kid's say the darnest things!:$

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Wow, that's bad. I have a friend who's 4 year-old daughter yelled this at the grocery store in front of lots of people:

TAYLOR: Mom, I'm ready to fucking go!
MOM: Taylor! We do not talk like that!
TAYLOR: Oh yes we do!

There's really nothing a mom can say after that.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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a good year ago our dropzone "mascot" was Sadie -- the cockatiel....
everyone tried soooooo hard to get the bird to say "hook it" or "freefly"

now that the bird is in a pet store, i wonder if it says either of the above?! :S

see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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I have a buddy whose boy (at age 4) told another daycare student to "get on your knees and smile like a donut"...

Needless to say, parent-teacher conferences were involved...

It still makes me laugh... and a little jealous. This dude's nastier at age four than I am at thirty!

Elvisio "school's out forever" Rodriguez

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I am the one that taught him to say "Daddy rides the bologna pony". But I thought I was doing a good thing. I was only trying to teach the kid what his dad does for a living. I think it's better to tell him that then to take him down to the corner that his dad was working. The sight of you in the assless chaps might have scared the poor litle tyke:P
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:D:D:D:D:D O.K. so payback is a......
bee- otch'... Hey; let's not forget what you also taught lil'
Jeremiah. This is caresses lil' guy:) this came as a phone message.......funny shit!:$ He too is flyingbrick's
lil' guy too. Flyingbrick thought this was funny shit too!:ph34r::ph34r: "what are close friend's for? and fun to be with.....
to F#^&* with each other til we all cry from laughing so damn' hard. Caress this is for you:PB|B|
bartsdaddy this ones for you:D:D
and to flyingbrick...:ph34r::S:ph34r:

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TEE-HEE;) And Little Jeremiahs' new thing to say is I want to be a ladies man, smart and sexy like my Uncle Pat!

Mik-ee, I did not know you were working the corner! And you wear assless chaps:o:D:D:D You slut, I'm tellin your wife! Umm, can I get a picture of you dressed like that first, before I tell her? I'll post it right next to your last nude skydive:P

And As for you BartsDaddy, Mike may have to wear them for work, But your ass would look soooo nice in them also!:P(No offense Mikee)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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I've been trying to teach a little 1 1/2 year old (belongs to one of the tandem masters) to walk up to his female passengers and say "what up ho?".

He tries but it just doesn't come out that way.:ph34r:

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Dad rides the bologna pony is a far cry from up yours fuckwad, but still innappropriate in most situations. El Peludos' son Nick is 6 and he is the most awesome nephew I could ask for. Its not like that is the only thing he says!! -Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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a good year ago our dropzone "mascot" was Sadie -- the cockatiel....
everyone tried soooooo hard to get the bird to say "hook it" or "freefly"

Saidie was a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo...

and she had quite the vocab when we were younger and she lived with jason and I... that DAMN bird woke me up all the time!
this space for rent.

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You are very fortunate not to put up with, bartsdaddy's antics;):P:P he is very talented when it comes to (F#%@^*&) shit up... a real shit stirrer!!! GOD BLESS HIM!! Hook up with this clown and I guarantee ya' a real "shit and giggle time"!! Hey caress; I hear that the city of "San Bernardino" wants to tax his curb side business ...... and NO he ain't sellin just asschaps...BWahahahah Pat, you are a true "asshole" Don't worry, mammasan will find ya' a new position as senior (benny boy) BWahahahahahaha:$:$

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Pat is selling asschaps on the corner in San Berdooo? He told me he was running a male "escort sevice" and he was the only employee! And that the ladies were keeping him so busy, he is hardly ever on the corner anymore! I guess once you get a good reputation for customer satisfaction, you end up a very busy entrepreneur.:D:D:D

Judy, he isn't really a "male escort" I'm just kidding! Yes, Pat is a card and he gets our kids to say pretty silly stuff. Mike and Pat have been at this for years(since I was a young girl) They have that Jack Lemmon/Walter Mathau/Grumpy old men relationship. These two are complete comedy to be around. Hook- up with them, and have a good time!
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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i accidently taught my nephew to say "ah, shit!" when he was 3.

didn't know he was around the corner... was running to grab my cellphone and i missed the call and exclaimed "ah, shit!" pretty loud. turned the corner, and there was the kid.

he started repeating over and over "ah, shit.. ah, shit" i was so scared my sister would find out i had taught him that that i kept telling him... no no no.. i said "banana split." it didn't work. :|



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Oh Girl, You are not the first person to teach a little one that kind of stuff! I've had Jeremiah say AH Shit at the race track because he heard someone else say it!:) If you are a parent and you can not handle that situation with your child, then I don't know what to tell ya!- My children learned very quikly what is acceptable words, and what aren't. I did not have to hit either one of them to teach it either! Just talked to them. kids are smarter than most give them credit for.-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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Haha! That's funny!

When my brother was 2 or 3, he rode those cars that go around in a circle at KiddieLand. He started honking the horn and shouting, "Move it, god dammit!!! Move your ass!!!" The ride kept going, and my mom stood by watching with her face bright red while my great-grandpa laughed and laughed.

My brother was vacuuming and washing the dishes one day, and his son was following him around. My brother told him that he was doing "woman's work." He got my nephew to run up to his mom and say, "Daddy's doing woman's work!" I think he's still in trouble for that! :D
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as a side thought, dont you think its an odd thing in our society to teach kids not to say bad words, but as they get older, it becomes okay? and besides, words are only words. damn and darn are the same thing, they mean the same thing. but somehow, darn is acceptable while damn is not. hmmm. :S Personally i think the whole "bad word" thing is a bunch of bullshit. :D its just a more colorful way of expressing your feelings, imo.

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Good Point, but while we can have this opinion in the real world, the school board says that your kid gets in deep shit and suspension for colorful metephors. I did not say that I enjoyed enforcing this rule on my children, but come on there has to be a line within reason. I certainly do not want my children saying Fuck, Shit and other vile crap until they are old enough to be responsible for their own mouth. You are free to choose to raise your children how you like, that is what this country is for. However that does not obligate me to follow your line.-Caress

Once again an interesting point of thought.
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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I know it is difficult because Brian is a shit and he pisses you off F*#$ing dick head! I think you are doing marvelous at advertising for Pat. Hell, he is going to be a rich man. I hear all the ladies at the tax office in San Berdoo are employing his services and "blowing off" his taxes for the corner:D The county will end up owing him if those girls "keep it up":ph34r:-and you thought he was going to get in trouble:D:o:D-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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