
The Passion of the Christ

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Today I went to see this work of art by Mel Gibson. Wow! My life is changed forever, Again. I have already been saved by Grace and through the blood of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. However, I never realized how much He suffered for our own sins. This Man, this God, this Son of Man loved us so much to take on all the sins of the world. What greater love! A sin free man enduring all that suffering without God so, that through him; we are Forgiven of our sins. This movie is for everyone. It is not Anti-Semitic. It is for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheist, everyone! Christ dying on the cross was the only way to save Mankind. Thank You Mel Gibson, your Movie strenghtens my Love for my Savior.

Dave Smith

In Christ
Dave Smith

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I found it to be fairly accurate. Thanks

You believe that Ponchos Pilot was a benevolent, impartial mediator and went along with the will of the Jews? In reality he was a tyranical dictator who sentenced Christ to crucifiction for the crime of sedition. Jesus said he was king of the jews. That was treason, only caesar could be King, that's why Pilot condemned him.

I don't know about the accuracy of the physical torture that he suffered, but the reasons portrayed for his condemnation are very inaccurate.

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What's interesting is what James Caviezel ([pronounced "kuh-vee-zell"] Washington State's own, BTW - he's from Mt. Vernon) went through during filming. He got hypothermia, was struck by lightning, etc.

I'm not sure I want to see it. Seeing somebody tortured, even if it's make-believe (except for when Caviezel got a 14' cut on his back that required stitches) isn't my idea of a fun night at the movies.

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I believe that god doesnt exsist. Isnt it odd how many will cling to what believers write...and cannot make up their own brain-washed minds?:P

Clearly anyone that doesnt believe in nothing, as you do, is brainwashed.
Why cant they see that???!?!

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His name was Pontius Pilate, and no, Pilate didn't sentence Him for sedition. That was what the Jewish elders accused Him of.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I found it to be fairly accurate. Thanks

You believe that Ponchos Pilot was a benevolent, impartial mediator and went along with the will of the Jews? In reality he was a tyranical dictator who sentenced Christ to crucifiction for the crime of sedition. Jesus said he was king of the jews. That was treason, only caesar could be King, that's why Pilot condemned him.

I don't know about the accuracy of the physical torture that he suffered, but the reasons portrayed for his condemnation are very inaccurate.

Unless one of us were actually there - we will never know whether Pontius Pilate had kind moments or not.

But you see, this is not the point of the story.
The nuances - or even the more significant points that serve as a backdrop to the story are not central to what the bible, and the faith associated with, are talking about.

The story as told in the bible, and the real meaning behind all of this is about a supreme sacrifice made on behalf of others. And this was made by a person who did not deserve to die - but was unjustly accused of things, trumped up so as to make him a candidate to be put to death. It is not about blaming Jews or Romans. It was Christ's (or more precisely God the Father's) plan to come and to die for the sins of the world. This, to pay a debt owed.

It is completely moot as to who actually "killed" Christ. Mel Gibson has said he takes his share of the blame for this. But I would go so far as to say that indeed, no man killed Christ - nor could they. He let himself die and in that way, no one could have even prevented it. To do so would have been to be able to usurp the will of God in this matter. As He said, " there is no greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends."

In all of the comments and even fury flying around about this movie - the central message should not be lost in the side arguments. The message is about life-saving grace offered at a great cost, and it is in that act, that we understand what true love is, and what is worth dying for.

It is curious, if not peculiar, that many people who have complained about the graphic nature of the torture think nothing of watching Friday the 13th, Halloween, and all manner of rip-into-their-guts movies without complaint. Or movies with close up shots of people getting shot in the head, etc.

It is a very violent world, and it was 2000 ago as well - perhaps even more savage in some ways.

If the graphic nature helps someone to understand how much he suffered for others, and one has faith to believe what is being said, then it will be well worth the trip having had that appreciation. It is, after all, about life and death we are talking about - even if that implies a belief in eternal life or death.

For those who choose not to believe in this - that is completely their choice and you will receive no critism from me. But to get hung up on trying to dissect and correct personalities of the day misses and avoids the entire point of what is for many considered the best example of divine Love and forgiveness through a selfless sacrifice. An act that few would aspire to, let alone live out. For those people, as for myself, this act, in all it's pain and suffering, means clearly that God loves us that much - and Pontius Pilate, the Jews of the day, or the believers who followed him are just the backdrop in the big scheme of things as God's plan was fulfilled.

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Just came home after seeing the film. It blew everyone in the Theater away.

It is worth seeing, whether Christian or not. I particularly appreciated that it was not in English, it was in Latin and Aramaic, and I did hear some Hebrew. I always find it hard to believe when for example, in a WWII movie the Germans speak in English with a German accent. Nobody spoke English at the time of Christ.

Maybe its not important, maybe it is, but the Roman soldiers were portrayed mostly as seriously sadistic, clearly in charge, yet Pilate was very sympathetic to Jesus and afraid of the Jewish mob that wanted Jesus crucified. Maybe its because I'm a Jew, but it appears inconsistent.

I know that I may well regret this post.

Blue Skies
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Franklin D. Roosevelt

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By the way, an interesting thing happened at work today. People were getting their ashes, as it is Ash Wednesday, and there was much talk about the film.

I work with CT scanners, and one of ours was being removed for upgrading. A bit after noon, the scanner was out, and what was left was a giant cross on the floor. The CT table was perpendicular to the gantry of the scanner, of course, and with it all removed, on the the dust and stuff that was under it was left, leaving the image of a giant cross. Considering what was going on today it was pretty amazing to see.


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Not criticising your religious beliefs, but you do realize that this is a movie that has been criticized by many biblical scholars and historians for being fairly inaccurate.

its funny though, that Hollwood has even critisized this movie

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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