
Are skydivers more dog, or cat people?

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So I notice a lot of people with dogs one here. Just wondering if there is some connection between skydivers and dogs.
Maybe most skydivers are highly energetic like I am, and like dogs, cuz they play. I cant take a cat, never wants to go get the stik!

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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You see, here's the thing. A person can own a dog, but you never own a cat. Cats own people, or at the least they tolerate their humans... :D

You know the joke...
Dogs look at their humans and think, "They love me, pet me, feed me... They must be Gods!"
Cats look at their humans and think, "They love me, pet me, feed me... I must be a God!":ph34r:

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Well, obviously, it means that I hate cats. I have had cats as pets in the past, and I loved them with all my heart when they were my pets...but I truly prefer dogs as pets. Now, that I am a little older, I really have developed a dislike for cats. I don't have the time to deal with their finicky attitudes...just like I have no time to deal with people with attitudes. I find dogs to be very sweet, loving animals, though. Usually people with dogs are very nurturing, healthy and loving, as well.

Yes, I would hope that most people that skydive are "dog" people. Dog people are usually (not always) much less moody and more laid back than cat people. They usually don't get pissed off as easily as cat people...lol.

Edited: Wow, I am so glad and surprised that no one has flamed me, yet. :)

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Dogs look at their humans and think, "They love me, pet me, feed me... They must be Gods!"
Cats look at their humans and think, "They love me, pet me, feed me... I must be a God!":ph34r:

Cats don't have owners, they have servants. :)
(drink Mountain Dew)

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Neilther. I like the ability to go anywhere when I want to and not have to worry about a fur shedding poop machine that is not welcome in 90% of the places I go. I broke up with my last ex because of the undue attention she paid her little korean rat dog, and because she got mad that I wouldn't allow her to bring the little shit with her when she visited. I need a epi-pen injection if I'm around a cat, and I'm almost as bad around dogs. Dogs are so annoying, (I cannot respect and animal that is happy 24/7/365. Cats are so much more like humans) so the lesser allergy thing is mitigated.

Goldfish. They're easy and they die quickly, so you don't get bored with them.

Edit: I had two cats. When we got rid of them I developed anaphylactic reactions to them. If they did not cause allergies, I'd get a cat.

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Cats don't have owners, they have servants.

Ain't that the truth!

Rosa, it may be that you had a breed of cat that is very independant. There are many breeds that are different (just like dogs). I know my balinese cat follows me around where ever I go, just like a dog. She's the best companion. I take her on car trips and she's my best friend. I think it all depends on the type of cat. Ragdolls are VERY friendly were as Persians are stuck up 'furniture cats' (they're good for show). They're all different, just like dogs (and just liek people for that matter).

Dismissing cats on a whole because of the actions of a few is unwarranted.

Cats are great!! B|


Yes, I love my cats. Yes, I spend alot of time rescuing cats. Yes, I have pictures of my cats at my desk. Yes, I think of my cats all the time. Yes, planning trips revolves around caring for my cats. Yes, they take up all the room on the bed at night cause I don't want to move them (they're too cute).

Yes, my cats own me, and I love it!
Arianna Frances

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I like both but have a cat for a couple reasons. Our family always had a cat (probably the biggest reason) and they require little effort. I can leave her for the weekend and when I come back she's fine. Dogs are too much work.

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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I have had several cats. All different breeds. I I LOVED my cats, but I will never want to own another because I don't find their actions to be cute or amusing. I am sorry, but I simply do not feel the same way about cats as you do, Jennifer. :)
I don't hate almost anything in the world...ever, but I am pretty sure that I strongly dislike cats. I may even hate them. :ph34r:

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I'm the oddball then, I prefer cats.
Dogs, by comparisson, are clumsy, messy and weak-minded. Some bark at their own shadow.
Cats seem to have more courage too. When cornered, a cat will almost always fight to the last whereas many dogs would quiver and pee themselves in the face of real danger.

BTW... bvsdjumper, many others have probably noticed too, but that's a curious avatar you have there. Homer's mouth looks strangely familiar.

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Cats! Less high maintenance. Set a bowl of food and a bowl of water and a clean litter box every week, and they are good to go. Dogs got to be let outside every few hours, attack visitors, bark loudly at any noise that frightens them, stink something awful. Cats at least take baths...

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

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you must have only had interactions with litle mop-like rat dogs. The dogs I own would eat those things for breakfast.

My dogs dont' get backed into corners because they're the biggest non-humans around. One dog actually backed up a horse. When's the last time some hissing piss machine with claws did that?

ps - my dogs are also capable of tracking down unwanted cats. I don't ask what they do with them. :ph34r:
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At least dogs can skydive.

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — Animal lovers are howling over a skydiving Florida dog.

The parachuting Dachshund — known as Brutus the Skydiving Dog — is to perform at this weekend's Air and Space Show at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

"What we feel is this is cruelty to animals," said Shirley Cram, shelter director and treasurer for the Volunteers for Inter-valley Animals. "It's exploiting the dog. It certainly isn't fun for that dog to jump out of that plane."

Brutus' skydiving partner disagrees.

"He gets all excited when I'm getting my gear ready," said Ron Sirull of Delray Beach, Fla., contending Brutus enjoys his aerial activities. He added, "He's totally up for it."

Sirull said his dog's veterinarian has signed off the activity being safe for Brutus.

"There's always a misconception that Brutus jumps by himself," said Sirull, adding the dog is tucked into a special pouch affixed to his owner's chest.

Brutus also dons custom-made goggles for what Sirull calls his "fleafall." While Sirull has 1,000 jumps, Brutus has logged 100.

"That's equal to 700 jumps in dog years," said Sirull.

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