
what's love all about?

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I guess I am destined to never really know or even find the person who can help me figure it out. There were times that I thought I had found the right formula for things to work, but again I was wrong.

The one thing I have figured out is that what can make some people feel that they are on top of the world can basically destroy another persons world. This can be true even if that was not the intent. Perhaps that is just the way the whole balance thing works out. I guess it's time for me to look for my balance in places other than where I thought it would be found.

I hope that one day I will find in me the ability to look past my own precieved loss and hope the best for those that I have truely cared about, but I do not think it will come easily.

Guess I will just not bother wishing for things that are not to be...roaming the wilds isn't all that bad of life, it's just not complete.
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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The one thing I have figured out is that what can make some people feel that they are on top of the world can basically destroy another persons world. This can be true even if that was not the intent.

Sounds to me like you know exactly what love is. I think you've said it better than I've ever heard it put.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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To love is to be unselfish. Puttin others needs before your own. Communicating, being happy, never feeling like its a chore to be around this person. They should pick you up and not bring you down.

Love is only what you make of it and its only as good as the effort you put into it. When you find someone who loves you for you, nothing else will matter. Your flaws and little quirks are cute to them and they embrace you, support you, and encourage you to do things that make you happy and successful in life.

What do I know? Absolutely nothing. I haven't scored a decent guy in so long. I'm not really looking but sometimes that's when the best opportunities come along. Keep you eyes and heart open to possibilities. That will mean heartache but it will also eventually lead you to love of another or something else that will make your life better for having it in it.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I hear you...
This is when i love the moment i step out in the wind the most, and these beautiful days at the dropzone, chilling away...
As it soothes this feeling and brings new hope to the words: "Everything will be fine.."
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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True love comes from the inside...when you can love and accept yourself for who you really are...then that is where it all begins....then finding someone who themselves feel the same way....and dont need the constant re-assurance of others to tell them this.

You will not find love and happieness from anyone but yourself. Once that is accomplished, and you dont allow yourself to alter that in anyway...then life is love no matter who you are with.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I hope that one day I will find in me the ability to look past my own precieved loss and hope the best for those that I have truely cared about, but I do not think it will come easily.

No, it won't. But you're an awesome guy rainbo. In time things will all make sense. Anytime you need a hug, i'm here for you. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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what's love all about?

Very few know.


I guess I am destined to never really know or even find the person who can help me figure it out.

Most people don't either. It seems that most people settle. Most people grasp at something for fear of being alone. Most people confuse love and lust. Most people cannot be honest enough for love. Most people aren't happy enough with themselves to be in love. I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I don't do anything in the list mentioned above, but it's just what I've observed.

We all have our own thoughts on love. Nothing is right or wrong, but it seems to work best when couples have similar ideas on love. To me love means that your life with that person comes first. It doesn't mean that you can't do anything without them, it means that when you do something without them, you realize how much cooler it would be with them. It doesn't mean that you try to win them over with gifts all the time, but it does mean that you think of them often enough to pick up laundry detergent while you're at the store because you know they're out. It means that once that stupid giddiness stage (that I hate) is over, you still want to hang out with them often. Love can also suck, though. We all know couples who really loved each other, but they just would never work as a couple. Love also means you have to compromise, and that sucks, too.

I know nothing, though. I avoided relationships for 22 years. They seem to do more harm than good. People stress about them way too much. I never saw much good for wasting away my high school and college years with a boyfriend. Maybe I missed out, but it's nice looking back on those years and knowing they were pain/stress free. In my opinion, the population would be happier as a whole if they stayed single longer.

When you figure out what love's all about, fill everyone else in!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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To love is to be unselfish. Puttin others needs before your own. Communicating, being happy, never feeling like its a chore to be around this person. They should pick you up and not bring you down.

Absolutely well said!!!!

Being able to let go of past hurts, baggage, and willing to give yourself fully to someone who gives back without reproach...it IS out there.
Patience, time, going through heartache, will all bring you closer to your "True companion".
Sometimes it takes a million heartbreaks to get you to that ONE amazing person. But, I beleive it will be ALL worth it in the end.
Be yourself...love yourself...and that real amazing powerful love will come.

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***I avoided relationships for 22 years. They seem to do more harm than good. People stress about them way too much. I never saw much good for wasting away my high school and college years with a boyfriend. Maybe I missed out, but it's nice looking back on those years and knowing they were pain/stress free.

Okay, so i've only avoided relationships for 18 years but.. I think along the same lines as you. During the sadder times in my life, I begin to wonder if avoiding relationships was (and is) worth it. Maybe one day I will understand... and maybe I won't...

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Being able to let go of past hurts, baggage, and willing to give yourself fully to someone who gives back without reproach

The problem is most people dont deal with these things, they just run ahead and drop them. Only to have them slowly manifest in the minds and in there souls, causing them become heavier and heavier, and have major self issues....

Taking the time and allowing your self to morn is a good thing. Not doing that just makes matters worse in the long run, i know cause i tried that once, and i'm still recovering from the damage.

Kevin, you know that I know that you know that I know....;)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Okay, so i've only avoided relationships for 18 years but.. I think along the same lines as you. During the sadder times in my life, I begin to wonder if avoiding relationships was (and is) worth it. Maybe one day I will understand... and maybe I won't...

You do whats right for you. Everyone is different. I think to myself that i should not have dated some of the guys i did, but then i realize everything i've done up until this point has made me who i am today. And you know what? I like who i am. You can't dwell on the past, all you can do is learn from it. Even the relationships that have gone bad, had some fun times and good memories.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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During the sadder times in my life, I begin to wonder if avoiding relationships was (and is) worth it. Maybe one day I will understand... and maybe I won't...

I'm actually the oposite. During the sadder times in my life, I was glad that no one was there. I don't like to burden people with my problems. I also didn't want to become accustomed to "leaning on" someone as a way to make myself feel better. I've been through enough crap to know that I definitely do not need a special someone to ever make me feel better. I can do it all by myself.

However, during some of the happier times I've had, I thought that it would've been cool to have a special someone to share it with. Sure, I shared these moments with my friends, but it's different sharing a moment with someone who is not just a friend but is your partner as well.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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This is so true. I have lost before but in the process gained. My biggest gain in life came from a failed relationship, that being my two beautiful children. They can teach a lesson, if yoou want to unbderstand unconditional love yoou need only to look into the eyes of your children. From that perspective I am a very lucky person. I do not think that you can find that looking into the eyes of another adult, maybe someone will prove me wrong.

But at this time I do feel a loss. I know in time that will pass and I will be "me" again.
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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if yoou want to unbderstand unconditional love yoou need only to look into the eyes of your children. From that perspective I am a very lucky person. I do not think that you can find that looking into the eyes of another adult, maybe someone will prove me wrong.

Actually, I hope adults don't have unconditional love for one another. That would make people doormats. You can't treat me however you want and still expect me to love you unconditionally!!! I won't love someone that lies to me or doesn't give me respect.


But at this time I do feel a loss. I know in time that will pass and I will be "me" again.

Supposedly, time heals all wounds. But, I've also been told that there are things you may never fully get over.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Val, I agree with everything you just said and on your point-of-view of relationships.:)

To tell you the truth, I think I am just now figuring out what love is all about, and as everyone always says to me...All in due time...Don't chase it, let it find you...;)

~R+R:)...I think it found me...:)
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Have you ever thought of becoming an inspirational speaker...?

Haha! I'm too opinionated for that! :P


and as everyone always says to me...All in due time...Don't chase it, let it find you...

From my days at Purdue, it seemed to chase me all over Harry's! :D I never dated in college because I was too concerned with where my career was going. Plus, it's difficult enough for one person to find a job. Imagine trying to find a job somewhere for someone! I thought I would wait to date until I got older and settled in somewhere. I kinda messed that one up...seeing as I'm not settled...and I'm dating someone not where I am...


but there have been times, only a few, where I questioned myself....

I can understand that. I questioned why I broke up with certain guys over one small disagreement. I thought, "Well, if I would've talked it out with them..." But, everything works out for the best, right?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Please do not misunderstand my point. Iwould not want to treat anyone like that or be treated that way myself. The phrase may not be appropriate, but, there is something that I can truly say I found in my children that I have yet to find in an adult, I thought I did but appearently not. It is hard to describe but one day you will understand what I am saying. This is the part of love that I am able to understand.
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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Please do not misunderstand my point. Iwould not want to treat anyone like that or be treated that way myself.

Oh! No!!! I'm sorry if that's how it came out!!! I don't think you would lie/disrespect your partner! Sorry if that's how it came out!

I was saying that I will love somebody, but if they cross me, that love is gone. Hence, it's conditional.


I can truly say I found in my children that I have yet to find in an adult, I thought I did but appearently not. It is hard to describe but one day you will understand what I am saying. This is the part of love that I am able to understand.

I definitely understand having unconditional love for one's children. I don't have children of my own, but I spend a significant amount of time around my brother, his wife and their kids, and I really see what you are talking about. Kids can lie/disrespect their parents, and they're still loved. If someone I'm dating lied/disrespected me, they would not be loved.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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It means that once that stupid giddiness stage (that I hate) is over, you still want to hang out with them often.

Funny...Andy and I still haven't left that stupid giddiness stage. You must hate us. ;)

Have we done our "Who's yer monkey?!" routine for you yet? >:( :D

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Funny...Andy and I still haven't left that stupid giddiness stage. You must hate us

I despise both of you. :P I still get excited, but I'm not giddy all the time. I'm not a giddy person, and I don't like it when I am. It doesn't feel like me. I like not being giddy but still getting excited! But, you two make everyone sick...so you do as you please! ;)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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