
Pictures of two good office pranks

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Reminds me of my enganeer university years.... We had alot of commitees/groups (radio, newspaper, each department had a student concil)... some of the more memorable ones done overnight:

- cemented cinder block wall inside door
- turf (actual grass: called sod, right?) put on every flat surface of one room
- all furniture bolted on the ceiling upside down
- all furniture exchangesd between 2 rooms
- 3 inches of sand on the floor with palm trees put in room

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Amateurs. Filling a cubicle with balloons is for light weights. We filled someone's with styrofoam packing peanuts :D

And then we glued down EVERYTHING on this other guy's desk. I'm talking phone, staplers, pens. The best was when his phone rang, he had to rip it off receiver to answer it, then when he grabbed a pen to write something down, half stayed glued down, it snapped and sprayed ink everywhere.

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We had fun with our RA in college:

* Placed note on his door letting him know he was being fined for not recycling his aluminum cans. He wallked into his room to find a column of beer cans stacked from floor to ceiling which were 22 feet high.

* Placed plexiglass under his bed sheet.

* Told him all day long that we heard we were going to have a blizzard the next day. After he went to bed we placed a fake newspaper under his door about the snowstorm and rigged a way to hold a ton of packing peanuts outside his door. Once he opened the door it all poured in!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Ha! Love it!

At the company I was co-oping with over Fall and WInter we were constantly playing pranks.

I took string bombs (pull string firecrackers - not lighter necessary) and tied them the the phone receiver and the phone body. Then I would call the guy's office only to hear it go bang and him scream. Got the same guy 3 times with that one.

Filled another guy's office with the chairs from everyone elses office.

And on my last day I took a wall of my cubicle and used it to seal the cubicle of another guy. Then moved some of the pictures and his name tag to another office.

I know they miss me there.:D

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We pulled a pretty good one on one of my fraternity brothers when I was in school. We lined duct tape across between the door jam columns on either side of the door, creating a gap between the tape and the outer face of the door itself. We then filled it with 137 pounds of dry dog food, such that there was a huge wall of dog food awaiting him when he opened the door. Then it was simply a matter of pounding on the door (at 4:30 am) until he woke up and opened it. The dog food rushed in and completely covered the floor of his room, about 3" deep.

It took a while for him to clean everything up, but the dog food fed our house dog for two months.

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If dorm floors aren't carpeted, there is a gap under the door. Two possibilities. Flip a soda-type fire extinguisher upside down and put the hose under the door. The floor is covered with slick fluid. Or fill a paper bag with shaving cream. Slide the edge of the bag under the door and stomp it. It shoots shaving cream everywhere. Then shoot bottle rockets under the door... errrr so I've heard. :ph34r:

A lot of doors have an overlap on the outside. If you push hard on the door, it creates a gap that will hold a stack of 4 or 5 pennies. The stack will keep the pressure on the door and the bolt will not come out of the door frame. You effectively lock someone in their own room.

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For our pledge class prank we got some official yellow tape, plywood, stencils and spray paint. We then put the plywood on all doors and windows and spray painted condemned on all the plywood then surrounded the property in yellow tape and put up a fake letter from the city condmning the property. A month later people on campus were still asking about it

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How about using workers and police as marks? I've never done it, but I heard that someone decided to play a trick on some tree trimmers who were busy repaving a parking lot at 7:00 a.m. at my old college.

The guy called the cops to tell them about a bunch of frat guys dressed as tree trimmers cutting down branches and trees to use as firewood for their big party in a couple of nights. Then I guess he went by and told them that a bunch of Frat dudes dressed like CSO's and the UCPD would be coming over to harass them.

I don't know if it worked or not.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Here's a good one for a locker. Take a full length locker, a 35 gallon trash bag, duct tape and a hose. Tape the bag open to all four surfaces of the locker. Spring the top of the door. Insert hose. Fill trash bag with water. Close top of locker after removing hose. Wait.

They'll be wet from about the chest on down.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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We netted the entrance to a guy's cube and filled it to the top with packing-peanuts (those little styrofome thingys). It took days to clean it up...:D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Another good one is to take a blow dryer and a bottle of talcum or baby powder. Run a line of powder in front of the closed door to the victim's office. Blow the powder under the door with the dryer. This creates a fine dust that permeates EVERYTHING and takes weeks to settle out. Good if you aren't going to be there any longer.;)
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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The MIT dudes I hung out with (hey, I needed help with my physics class!) RULED when it came to pranks. They:

- Took apart a friend's beater Honda, ran the pieces up a couple of flights of stairs and rebuilt it in his dormroom. Left the engine running.

- Stole a huge 500+ lb. plastic/cement cow from Hilltop Steakhouse and hoisted it on top of the MIT dome. Not quite sure how that was done as there's only a really narrow staircase that reaches the top of the dome.

- Rewired the Boston Sheraton's gigantic neon sign so it read ATO during rush week.

Geeks have a lot of time on their hands.

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We filled someone's with styrofoam packing peanuts :D

When I was a senior in high school, I also worked at a car dealership. Got the key code to make an extra key for my favorite teacher's car and with the help of a few from the class, we filled her car to the brim with styro peanuts. Capping it off by closing the sunroof again. Needless to say, she was a bit peeved and after some venting, she demanded the extra door key to her car. In unison, we all got up and walked up to her desk and put a duplicate of her doorkey.

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I am an engineering student at The University of Western Ontario. The engineers have done some pretty cool things over the years. Here are some examples:
-They took a car, cut it up and welded it around a tree. Then they suspended the car 5 feet off the ground:o.
-They made a car-henge (kinda like stonehenge but with cars)
-They placed a Mickey Mouse face in the clock (50' up a tower) at Middlesex college to express their opinion of the type of classes taught there:D. The mouse was painted on plywood and was designed to fit behind the clock arms at precisely 5:27.
-Last, a huge steel 'art' structure was removed from outside the university community centre, taken apart and then reassembled in the community centre atriumB|. This puzzled the university for quite some time as to how the engineers got it in through an eight foot door, until it was taken apart and thrown outside. A bill was received from the 'creator' of this sculpture, demanding $1400 for time and labour to rebuild it:S. As a result, an invoice was sent by the engineers for the time it took to disassemble the sculpture. The total of the invoice indicated that the artist actually owed the engineer's money:D:D!
Flying Hellfish #470

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