
Can someone locate me using my cell phone number?

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I just got a threatening phone call from a woman who said that she found my number in her husband's pocket, and that she would "do anything she has to to keep her husband." I'm not totally paranoid, but I am a little spooked. But I haven't given my phone number to anyone since God was a boy, so I don't know what the hell she's talking about.

Advice? Warnings? Anything, guys?


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Some one off the street? No, unless that number is listed to your address.

You just cant triangulate a person's location exactly even with access to the network's cell location info, which is not part of the data that is sent to the caller at the other end anyways.

But, you may check into wether or not your number is listed anywhere.

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My sprint phone a Sanyo 4900 has a GPS locator built into it. I have mine turned off b/c it saves battery power. According to Sanyo its there so they can get my exact position incase of emergency.
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911 requires the ability to pinpoint the location. Its a nightmare for the phone companies to do though.

Check and see if your # is listed or not. A reverse phone look up can tell you whats going on.
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well... I can actually see you through your phone :S:S

and please, put some clothes on :$:P:P

don't think she can localise you, but the phone operators know approx where you are (with the antennas, they can more or less triangulate your position). Don't know if this system exists worldwide, but they are trying to implant a system in france to localise "professionnal" phones, like the ones used by salesmen or deliveries and people like that so that the boss of the company can locate his employees
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Maybe when the guy got the number from this "other woman" she gave him what she thought was a fake number. Or he wrote it down wrong. If you're innocent, then you shouldn't worry too much - but I do know how you feel. I was threatened not by one, but by 4 women who for some reason thought I was sleeping with their husbands!!! I wasn't... but since I was 18 years old and the only girl at the dz they felt threatened. If that woman calls you back, just calmly tell her that you have no idea who her husband is or how he got your number but it definitely wasn't from you. Let them sort it out. Good luck! :)

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1. She can get your number from the phone company, by saying that she received a harassing phone calls, by you and it will start from there.

2. Yes phone companies can triangulate cellphones, once they get close enough they start using frequency counters and signal strength meters to get close enough to tap you on the shoulder. Back when I was in high school we played hide and seek like that by using ham/cb radios. One person goes and hides a few miles away, and then transmits intermittent signals, while other people in vehicles try to find their location using above meters. Yea I know that is kinda redneck:P

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If you have listed your cell phone on any credit apps,bank statements,DMV etc etc. or in the phone directory It is POSSIBLE not probable but possible for someone to find where you live through your cell phone.

If you know where to look or someone that knows where to look;) you can find out just about anything about anyone

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E911 - yeah, my phone has a chip for assisted GPS. If I call 911 with it, they know where I am (to 50m or so)


Back when I was in high school we played hide and seek like that by using ham/cb radios.

OMG! I thought we were the only rednecks to do that! We basically just had signal strength to go on though, so we'd have to give clues.

I saw something on that one Insomniac show where they did something like that - someone would go hide a transmitter miles away, and all these people would try to find it.
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soudns like a freak..... if it happens again thake her number to the cops. She can not harass you even if it is over the phone.
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If it's a digital phone it's pretty hard to track you down. The phone company could do it down to about 10 miles, and I could do it down to about 2 miles if I got access to their backhauls, but most people won't be able to get your position. You can't use DF equipment (direction finding) because of the nature of digital telephony.

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So your saying that the signal never increases or decreases by the distance you are from the phone. That once it leaves the antenna it has the same strength from start to a magical line in the air at which point it goes from full signal to none? Or are you referring to cell phones(speaking of frequency ranges)radio wave signal how it travels up and down not out in a circle like ripples in a pond. It makes it harder to find you don't get a true "hot to cold" chase signal it is usually cold..cold..cold..warm-hot. I have many times chased friends, and had friends chased me using cell phones and regular scanners. Easier using the wire loop medthod mounted on the side mirror;). Indeed it is harder than true analog phones that when the signal gets weaker you have to speed up until it goes stronger. With analog/digital or only digital phones you get clear sound and then you hear the "bath tub" which is harder to due to the fine line where it just dops off. The best spot to hide is near alot of pine trees, B/C the length of a pine needle is the approximate length of a 800 MH wave. It screws up who ever is trying to find you b/c of all the millions of little natural antennas around you that absorb and bounce the signal. Don't even get me started on how to use days that are high in solar flares to help you out. Man we had a boring ass childhood to figure out all this. Oh and you can light up a fluorescent light bulb near a radio running off of a sweet 16 without touching the antenna. Ever came over the speakers in a department store while you were over a mile away? Hello welcome to Burger king may I take you order... T.X... buzz...what happened to the register...? Or the good old ride by the car with a bass system booming key up and shut down their amp. Why do you need 4 batteries in your truck? Who ever knows what I am talking you know who you are.;) FCC who? How much is that fine?

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Next Gen phones (usually the ones with SIM cards) can be upgraded for E911, which is enhanced 911 that would help emergency services locate someone to within a few hundred feet.

Currently I have a "locate friend" service via AT&T mMode. It has to be turned on, and someone has to send me an invite to allow them onto my "buddy locate list." I only have a few people on it, and it "guesses" a location closest to a cell location. There have been a few times it has been deadly accurate, and other times it was over a mile away from where I was.

The technology is coming along, but its not quite there. Usually you need to work for the cell phone company or have a court order to locate someone...otherwise you would have to do the approval process above for location services, which is set to "off" by default.

Also, if you have BlueTooth on your phone, set it to "invisible" so it is harder to be "bluejacked."
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>So your saying that the signal never increases or decreases by
>the distance you are from the phone.

?? It certainly does. But a) you cannot tell one CDMA (i.e. digital) phone from another by what it's transmitting and b) the phone varies its power output based on an unpredictable (to the scanner) method. It all looks like the same noise. If the phone you're chasing is the only one being used within 10 miles, and you knew exactly when it would be used, and it was stationary, you might have a shot. Otherwise you'll just see wideband noise.

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?? It certainly does. But a) you cannot tell one CDMA (i.e. digital) phone from another by what it's transmitting and b) the phone varies its power output based on an unpredictable (to the scanner) method. It all looks like the same noise. If the phone you're chasing is the only one being used within 10 miles, and you knew exactly when it would be used, and it was stationary, you might have a shot. Otherwise you'll just see wideband noise. ***

A) Sure you can, once you lock on you hold that freq. It is not trucked or a repeater, so once you have it, and it stays in range you got it.
B) That is why it is alot harder than analog.
C) Right I don't know how you could single out a phone without some E.Q I don't have . What we would do is just grab a frequency and go chasing after it, hoping to catch it before they hung up. If we were chasing a friend, we would have him start near us, scan till we get the strongest signal, and then allow him to run.
D) I am not sure why you say noise. Only trunked repeaters sites make noise in my experience, and is from the constant high speed packet switch from it assigning frequencies to radios. Even those change as to not wear out one bank more than the other.

We started this by going after 25.000-29.000 cordless house phones back in the day, you could get crystal clear conversation from your neighbors in the neighborhood, then we would track it to the house. I had my best friends locked in so every time he talked to his girlfriend on the phone, I could razz him about being a wuss.(hey we were at that age). As soon as we could drive, and had our own vehicles it went to C.B with linears, and Hi-low bands. After that, we started the cell phone thing, and now I am into intercepting video that is broadcasted over C.B and Microwaves

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