
GIRLS and 4th of JULY...

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Hey Fireflyer, its all good. You have to take one for the team every once in a while. Most guys wouldnt. So, you go on w/ your bad self. I 2nd the motion to have the party at your place w/ all the girls.....as long as I can party too.

You dont need a parachute to skydive, but you will need one to skydive twice.

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Add Me!!! Add ME!!! You can count me in there......

The following people have said that they likely will be there:


So who else is coming?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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What??? Why would you all be invading the Ranch when you can go to CrossKeys and The Wildwood Boogie. It was canceled the year before but the beach is monstrous, the water parks around it are awesome. It's just a great event and then you can stay there or head back to CrossKeys for festivities.

If I can get out of here for the week that's where I'll be.

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Wendy, if I wanted to goto the beach or the water parks. We have plenty of that here in FL. I am going up there for the cooler weather. Plus I've never been there. So, a case of beer on me when I go.

You dont need a parachute to skydive, but you will need one to skydive twice.

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I used to live in Vermont and I used to drive five hours (right past the exit for the ranch which was only 2.5 hours for me) to go to CrossKeys on every day off (lucky for me I got them in a row). BUT I will say that everyone should check out every dz that they can so go and have fun.

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The dzcom chick invasion of the ranch will be legendary.

Bump ...

Anyone still planning on being at the Ranch or the Wildwood PST thing-a-ma-bob? I'll be in the NY area over the July 4th long weekend and am still unsure of where and what I will be doing.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Whats to decide? Come visit me! ;)haha

It'll be so much fun...the ranch really does rock and from what ive heard their 4th of July boogies are always pretty cool....besides...you know you love NY....you know ya miss this area;)

And the ranch is where everything started for ya isn't it??;) How fun would it be to jump there now!


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Me and Thereza and Kolla will def be at the Ranch... See you there!

I believe that I was planning on being at the Ranch on July 1st and 2nd and then was hoping that Dove would kidnap me and take me to the Wildwood swoop comp for the 3rd and 4th. But haven't talked with Dove in a while (I sense a PM coming).

But it would be neat to somehow find my way to Wildwood as one of my younger brothers and one of my nephews are there right now working for the summer months. But the Ranch has been on my list of DZs that I'd like to visit. So I still think I need to show my ugly mug there as well. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Well I was just trying to sort this out and am SO GLAD we got a "bump"..........Wildwood to me (a non swooper) is not a great deal unless you just want to party and hang out with the cool kids. It's pricey just to go, not sure how many jumps you'll be able to make and hotels are CRAZY priced.

The Ranch still sounds like a ton of fun to me.....and if weegee is gonna go and we already know Kolla, Thereza and FFD are gonna be there. I think it should be a COOL place to play for the 4th.

My issue is that Summerfest is a few weeks later and I am guessing cash will be tight. SO who is going and who would want to share a hotel - if there are any near by. I'm guessing it is going to be HOT AS BALLS around then. AC would be nice for sleeping ;)

Let's talk more...

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Wildwood to me (a non swooper) is not a great deal unless you just want to party and hang out with the cool kids. It's pricey just to go, not sure how many jumps you'll be able to make and hotels are CRAZY priced.

I take it you've done a little homework here? I have to admit I don't know very much about this Wildwood event. Is there a URL somewhere talking about it? It would be nice to see the younger bro and nephew, but it's also not the end of the world if I don't see them and stay at the Ranch. After all I don't think the bro and nephew even know I'll be in the NY area.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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There is a nice Holiday Inn three exits away from SDChicago and has a nice sports bar right across from it. Skydiver rate is like $60 a night plus tax. This is what I paid last year. Call SDC and they got the number.

Sadly... I am not going to be able to make it to Summerfest. I will be in Tecumseh in July and then coaching and then Richmond. $$$$$ Rrrrrrrrrr
But I will be there in two weeks for a day.... come on Sun!!!

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Ranch for me. Looking forward to a couple of fun jumping days before AFF boot camp.

All girls big way camp at CSS. (posted on RW forum)

My teammate is dragging me ;) into the big way world in preparation for some serious adventures next year:P

We are gonna miss you Anne, but will be sending you some HUGE karma for the course. You will kick arse girl!

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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