
How do you get rid of the body?

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I've thought about this more than a healthy 19 year old guy should have..... Here is my little plans, er, ideas! :$

First off, avoid any type of contact the body may have with any of it's surroundings. It only takes a pair of jeans or a shirt about 10 seconds of being in contact with something before telltale fibers are on the location. Wrap that puppy up good and tight, in a tarp, and fasten a set of chains around the neck area and another set of chains around the legs. Enjoy a nice day of water-skiing, and when you find a nice deep area of the lake, drop the, um, anchor. Lakes here in Kansas are so muddy and silty that a body would be buried before it decomposed enough for peices to decompose off and find a way to incriminate me. Oh yeah, and after I'm done, scrub, vaccuum, polish, and spray everything I own that came within 20 feet of the body.

Hmm, I'm feeling kinda morbid and sick right now, I'd better go find something productive to do...:)
=========Shaun ==========

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Chop body into smaller pieces, put pieces through industrial meat grinder that everyone keeps around the house. Freeze said "chum" into hard block in deep freezer. Take a day off work and go shark fishing. Make sure to bring the the grinder with you and give it the heave-ho in about 2,000 feet of water.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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You've obviously never read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross...:D

And you obviously haven't seen "Fargo"...:D:D:D


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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The problem with the "Fargo Solution" is that it flings far too much DNA around the backyard.



"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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You've obviously never read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross...:D

*hopping up and down raising hand*
I did! I did!

That book was a lot of fun. Sort of a pro-gunner's wet dream... I've been meaning to read it again.

What specifically did they do with bodies? I don't remember that, apart from having the helos crash into the water-filled quarry to disappear from view... What'd he do with the bodies of the ATF agents who raided his buddy's place?

(There was a good scene involving habanero pepper sauce, a golf ball, and a bound crooked federal agent in that book...)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Those of us in the bay area know there is one place to put something and not have it found for a long time- The Delta- You could wrap the body in weights and toss it out on jump run at Bay Area Skydiving, do a jump and get on with ur day.

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As some folks have already mentioned, you need to avoid contact with the body as much as possible.
All of the "chop up the body and then..." ideas leave a trail of waaay to much fiber and DNA evidence. Keep the body intact, wrap it up well, and either bury it cleverly or incinerate it completely.

I do have an exact plan in mind but I'm not gonna share it here. I wouldn't want my own forum comments used against me later if I need to use the plan one day.

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Definatly gotta chop it up into pieces. Head to the closest gathering of alcoholic and a fire. Say "hey wanna burn some stuff?" "ok get it good and hot".
BBQ time!
take whats left next day, add to another fire. :)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Put on blue denim jacket and jeans (remove any buttons from jacket first.) Look at Obituarys in paper, select a burial. The night before the funeral take body to graveyard of pre selected funeral. The grave will be dug already. Place well wrapped body into empty grave and cover with dirt so just covered. The next morning some joe has company for eternity. B|
(P.S The wood chipper idea is ok but ensure the body is well frozen first);)
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The problem with dumping an intact body is that when it starts to decompose it will bloat and want to rise to the surface....Also the body WILL fall apart in time.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Good call. Burning is definitely the way to go.

I used to work at a cast iron foundry that ran a cupola furnace (similar to a blast furnace); coke fired, fed with blast air at 5000 cfm enriched with around 2% pure oxygen. The result: 3000 deg F. That kind of temperature will melt just about anything except the highest temperature (silicon carbide and aluminum oxide based) refractories. I always thought that if I had to do lose ANYTHING, I'd find a way to get it into the top of the cupola furnace. It'd end up either in the exhaust gasses or as a little bit of slag at the taphole...


Elvisio "we're a bunch of sickos" Rodriguez

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