
when do you give up and take a job you dont want

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Im having sort of a crisis with debt collectors now while trying to find a job. From my job search I am beginning to realize "I don't know Jack" I have sent out dozen of resumes with not even any calls or interests. So the basic theme to my poll is when do you swallow your pride and take a job you wouldn't even had considered thinking about applying. I been having trouble finding a job for the last 6 months and about to take anything I can get. The debt collector are becoming vultures to me. Probably cause i don't return their calls. I know it stupidity but I m tired of telling these people "I dont have the money!"

I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

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There is a great quote from "The Dilbert Principle" that I don't have in front of me, but I'm pretty sure this is pretty close...

"Let's face it, work sucks. That's why we get paid to do it; if it were fun everybody would do it for free."

Some thoughts on your post:

1.) Get a job that pays the bills until something better comes along. I know friends who thought bankrupcy was an easy solution to the sundry forms of debt they accumulated while in school and now that they're trying to do the "get married and settle down with a house and a dog and 2.3 kids thing" are hating ever making the decision. Stock shelves, bus tables, whatever. The only exception to this statement would be that I wouldn't take any job that went against my ethical values at any cost (but that goes without saying).

2.) KEEP SENDING OUT RESUMES. Send out dozens, hundreds, thousands, whatever it takes. Is this your first career-type job search? It will take longer than you think to find a job... when I was in school I kinda figured "well, I'll just send out a handful of resumes, then I'll get a job". But the fact was it took a lot longer than I thought... it wasn't about my grades (OK, not great but not bad either) or my field, just that these things take time. Stick to your guns, man... it'll come out in the wash.

Elvisio "also looking for a job" Rodriguez

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Please do not take this the wrong way, but, if your cover letters and resumes read the way your post does, we may have identified the reason you're not getting interviews. Your English skirts dangerously close to being its own language.

Unfortunately, when you send a resume or cover letter, it is the only representation of you that a prospective employer receives. If it reads poorly, it reflects on you poorly. We all know that proper English does not always reflect a person's competence or qualification, but it is the first thing a potential employer sees.

It has been said that it's easier to find a job when you have a job. It's also been said that it's easier to pay your bills when you have a job.

Given these two thoughts, I'd take anything you can get in the short run. Then, if applicable, have someone work with you on your resume, cover letter, etc. Getting the job you want sometimes requires help. I found a job I was interested in and had a placement firm help me with the format and layout of my resume. 7 years in the military prevented me from ever having to prepare a decent resume. So, I got help.

"It's not what you know. It's who you know." So, focus on assembling your resources - including help - and then attack the jobs you're interested in.

But, in the interim, get some cash flow going to cover some of the bills.

Good luck brother,

"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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Take the job, depending on the industry it really is better to have a job while looking for a new one. In my telcomm world we just started hiring again and one of the 1st things we look at is how long they have been out of a job, what their previous job was and determine if time off was longer than it should have been for the job they left. For example a Director or VP would naturally take more time off then a field tech.

I'm not saying it's right, but in such a competitive market employers will look for any reason to not hire you.
Fly it like you stole it!

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against my ethical values

Huh? Ethical values? From the creator of the "Elvisio way"? How can you make that statement without cracking a smile? Teach me, Obi-Wan. ;)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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"Let's face it, work sucks. That's why we get paid to do it; if it were fun everybody would do it for free."

"You hate your job? There's a support group for that. It's called Everybody. They meet every night down at the corner bar."

Drew Carey

Take what you can find, keep looking, and don't give up. Any legitimate job is respectable.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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against my ethical values

Huh? Ethical values? From the creator of the "Elvisio way"? How can you make that statement without cracking a smile? Teach me, Obi-Wan. ;)

Hey, now, don't sell me short. We're talking about WORK here. In non-career-oriented other matters, well... too much has been said already... :)

Elvisio "workin' on a career as beer tester" Rodriguez

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Thanks to everyone.

I know my post was very hard to read. I have just been a little frustrated lately.
I did have a job up until december of last year. I wasn't laid off or anything but i did do something irrational. I just quit.
One day, before work I just couldnt take it any more. I couldn't take going to my job. Where I had no room for advancement, No possibility of any kind of pay raise, plus the bosses had their favorites and I wasn't one of them.
Should I have stuck with the job?
Yes I know I should have but the job was taking too much out of me.
I know the next job for me could be worst then the one i had, but i didn't want to sit in a job i hated and never take the chance to find something better for myself

once again thanks,

I am applying for part-time jobs. So I can have money get my Student loans back in good standing. then go out take more student loans and take a few English/writing classes :D:D:D:D

I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

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"I know the next job for me could be worst then the one i had, but i didn't want to sit in a job i hated and never take the chance to find something better for myself "

For some reason, its always easier to get a job when you already have one.

So what are your skills, where do you live, and what are you prepared (or not) to do?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Take the job. It your life and you have to take care of yourself.

It's either taking care of yourself of complaining your whole life like all those f###ing socialists do here in europe

Using your droque to gain stability is a bad habit,
Especially when you are jumping a sport rig

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