
I hate banks!

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For the past year, I have managed to get away with paying off less on my car loan per month than I agreed to pay. Now, you'de think the bank would be happy with this, since its going to get them more interest, but noooooo. Turns out they only just realised I was doing this, so started taking out the extra $100/month. That's skydiving money dammit!

I am so annoyed right now because it's friday afternoon, I have been working 6 day weeks for the past 4 weeks, I was planning on jumping on sunday (since I am working tomorrow again), but now I dont even have enough money left for 1 jump this weekend!

To add insult to injury, today I put my loan application in the mail, asking the bank for another $6000 (for a rig), suddenly my own rig is looking much further away. Bastards. >:(

I'm trying to get one of my friends to lend me the money for some jumps this weekend. She doesnt skydive, and she hates how much of my time it takes up, so the chance of her lending it to me is also pretty slim. Ugh. :( Aint life grand!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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I have managed to get away with paying off less on my car loan per month than I agreed to pay. Now, you'de think the bank would be happy with this, since its going to get them more interest, but noooooo. Turns out they only just realised I was doing this, so started taking out the extra $100/month.

I'm sorry, but no sympathy here, you should have known better and contacted the bank when the first occurance happened.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It wasnt an "occurance", I changed the amount that was automatically taken out of my account by changing it on the internet. I dont see the problem, they get more interest for it this way, and I'm still paying it off well within the maximum time they will lend you the money for. It's a win-win situation, and I need a rig....... I need that extra money or I can forget about skydiving, which I wont let happen. I hate being up shit creek.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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The problem would be in your first post, you said you were paying less then you agreed to pay each month. That's a breach of contract with the bank. Since you did this on purpose, I really don't feel sorry for you.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It wasnt an "occurance", I changed the amount that was automatically taken out of my account by changing it on the internet. I dont see the problem, they get more interest for it this way, and I'm still paying it off well within the maximum time they will lend you the money for. It's a win-win situation, and I need a rig.......

How do they know you're paying it off well within the max? They only see that you're paying slower than you agreed to. Sure they potentially gain interest, but their security (your car) is a depreciating asset, and if they even have to try to take it they've lost money on the deal. And unless your credit was bad, the interest on this car loan is peanuts. I'm surprise they didn't instead try to nail you for late charges - much more profit there. h

My bike has a 1.9% rate, and they paid the first 5 monhts (of 48) for me. That wasn't a money maker - their interest was solely in selling a bike in February.

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If they took my car now and sold it to get their money back they would get their money + extra, the car is worth enough even now.

On the up side, my friend has agreed to lend me money to jump this weekend, so the world is looking brighter. I've also looked into a different bank to lend me the money for a rig, and it seems that might be the way to go if this application gets denied.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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If you're short on cash to pay for jumps/kit (and I know that feeling all too well!) then see if you can get some work packing at your local DZ!

I spent the whole of last weekend packing and now have a big fat wad of jump tickets to use this weekend B| (when, of course, its going to rain! :S).


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When I last renewed my Credit Card in 2001, the interest rate on a credit balance was 10%.
Because of that, I would always move as much as I could into that account each month to score on the interest.
I was mildy miffed when they lowered the interest to 7% the following year... and totaly pissed off when I discovered last week that the credit interest was now a mere 2.75%.
My credit card is never 'in the red', it's currently about R15000 in credit... and I still pay about as much in service charges as what the bank pays me interest.
...and then there's service charges on ATM transactions, internet banking etc.
No wonder my bank made headline earnings of R4,4 billion this year. Fuckers!

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If you're short on cash to pay for jumps/kit (and I know that feeling all too well!) then see if you can get some work packing at your local DZ!

I already work 1 full time job and 2 part time/casual jobs for the extra money. Going to the dz to jump once per week is my only day not working, so I dont really want to make my one fun day another work day!

Plus, I've only packed about 20 times, and there's not many people on the dz brave enough to jump my pack jobs yet!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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sorry, but I'm with everyone else here.... you knew you weren't paying what you promised. Hell, be happy that you're only paying what you were supposed to....

now for a real I hate banks gripe. I got my expense check from my work last week. I took it down to the bank it is drawn from (Well's Fargo) and they frickin charged me $5 to cash the frickin thing. WTF
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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now for a real I hate banks gripe. I got my expense check from my work last week. I took it down to the bank it is drawn from (Well's Fargo) and they frickin charged me $5 to cash the frickin thing. WTF

I'm not saying where I work....or where I bank myself!

The $5 charge for non customers has been getting a lot of press, and attention from Sacramento. BofA had been doing it for a while, Wells just started up the practice a couple months ago.

Their line is that their own customers are better served with fewer people in line. But honestly, they don't even like serving their own customers, and isn't your company a customer anyway? For now, you're better off depositing it at your own bank. Avoid fees, avoid being thumbprinted.

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another $6000 (for a rig)

And this is why people say buy second hand for a first rig!

That is second hand! I live in australia.

As for not being able to afford 1 jump - my jumps are coached right now, which means they are more expensive because I am also hiring gear. 1 jump = AU$105.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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sorry, but I'm with everyone else here.... you knew you weren't paying what you promised. Hell, be happy that you're only paying what you were supposed to....

now for a real I hate banks gripe. I got my expense check from my work last week. I took it down to the bank it is drawn from (Well's Fargo) and they frickin charged me $5 to cash the frickin thing. WTF

And friggin service fees.

I see some money dissapear out of my savings (which I dont monitor often). I see the bank took it. I call them. "oh yeah, we charge a $4.99 service fee for under $250". Damn, thanx for telling me that you are charging me money to give you money if I dont give you enough!

Then, three months later, after I kept $500 in the acount...I still see the same money dissapearing.
I call them...."oh yeah, sorry, our bad, we shouldnt have done that." Keep your hands out of my pockets damnit, or i'll take my pockets elsewhere!

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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now for a real I hate banks gripe. I got my expense check from my work last week. I took it down to the bank it is drawn from (Well's Fargo) and they frickin charged me $5 to cash the frickin thing. WTF

Totally agree and have wondered if challenged what they would do about it. The way I see it, one of their customers has authorized and instructed them to pay me X amount of money based on the agreement with their customer. Where in that agreement does it say they are allowed to charge me a service fee? I smell bullshit, and would love to find a banking lawyer to look into it. But I'll bet that would cost more than $5.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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And friggin service fees.

I see some money dissapear out of my savings (which I dont monitor often). I see the bank took it. I call them.

Where I bank they've waive all service fees for my accounts. Any -one- of these guarantees the gesture.

1) Direct deposit of my paycheck (which I really like doing anyway)
2) Overdraft protection with their credit card (I never have needed to use it, so that's o.k. too)
3) Home mortgage loan through them....(might be a tiny bit more interest, but it cost me absolutely no fees or points to open it....and just refinanced it too for a lower interest rate with the same free deal).

So, if you play...they'll pay, not you.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Dam dude sounds like you have some issues, do not make other peoples problems yours.

Friends don't lend friends money...Get a better job or work two of them. SHit we all have problems do you want to hear me wine about mine? Don't think so.

Do you think the bank should change their policy for you? Are you unique or different then all the other banks customers, don't make assumptions you sound like a child who did not get a sucker at the store.

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And friggin service fees.

I see some money dissapear out of my savings (which I dont monitor often). I see the bank took it. I call them.

Where I bank they've waive all service fees for my accounts. Any -one- of these guarantees the gesture.

1) Direct deposit of my paycheck (which I really like doing anyway)
2) Overdraft protection with their credit card (I never have needed to use it, so that's o.k. too)
3) Home mortgage loan through them....(might be a tiny bit more interest, but it cost me absolutely no fees or points to open it....and just refinanced it too for a lower interest rate with the same free deal).

So, if you play...they'll pay, not you.


I direct-deposit (like u said, i like doing it anyways).
I have overdraft protection for my CC on there too.
I don't have a loan, but I don't need one. I dont' bank at any other banks, I've alkways dealt with just them. I have a CC through them, a Debit Card, and a savings acccount. They have plenty to be happy about.

But system errors do occur, and thats probably what happened. But dangit, its money, dont make errors!

to ramone: when they overcharge me, ima get mad dammit! But I agree with you.

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Sorry bro, if you changed your withdrawl without letting them know, you're dicking them over, interest or not. All they're gonna see is some dude slacking on payments without authorization and they're going to keep their eye on you. Had you walked into the bank and had a discussion with a loan officer about it, then it would be fine. Since you didn't take the time or have the decency to let them know you wouldn't be giving them an amount you agreed to give them, I have no pity for you.

By the way, I work at a bank.

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At BofA I was charged 3 dollars to speak to a real live teller. It was a savings accounts but paying to get my money? what kinda fucked up bank deos that? I switched to U.S. bank and havent' had any problems, cept the stuck up cunts that work there.

Its hard when it costs alot, so you should get a used rig.



Sean In Thailand

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Totally agree and have wondered if challenged what they would do about it. The way I see it, one of their customers has authorized and instructed them to pay me X amount of money based on the agreement with their customer. Where in that agreement does it say they are allowed to charge me a service fee? I smell bullshit, and would love to find a banking lawyer to look into it. But I'll bet that would cost more than $5.

Exactly!!! I could possibly even deal with the charge if it was a personal account but this was a corporate check. Maybe it's just me, but I see an expense check as the same as a payroll check.
I'd bet one could find a banking lawyer willing to take on a class action suit.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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