
Sublimating your sex drive

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Get a fuckbudy... that's the absolute best cure for your problem. Just that kinda thing is a bit like skydiving - it's not for everyone.

Agreed. A good fuckbuddy is great to have. Knowing you have someone for the sole person of fucking and not getting that emotional crap in the way.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Get a fuckbudy... that's the absolute best cure for your problem. Just that kinda thing is a bit like skydiving - it's not for everyone.

Agreed. A good fuckbuddy is great to have. Knowing you have someone for the sole person of fucking and not getting that emotional crap in the way.

Exactly!! ;) Fuckbuddies Are the bomb! .. You don't haveta explain anything to them ... Don't even really haveta look at them if ya don't wanna... But usually the "Fuckbuddies" I've had were cute enough to wanna look at, so I couldn't help myself! :) ... Fuckbuddies are also very exciting 'cause they will Fuck you anywhere!! ... If the excitement don't get you outta boredom, and bring you pure Orgasmic satisfaction.... then you really don't have a very good "Fuckbuddy"! ... :D:):)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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So whattaya do? Sure, you can kill kittens, but that only fills a certain number of hours each day.

How do you sublimate your sex drive when you know you ain't gonna be getting any but you want (need) to get some?

Discuss. :D

kill more kittens.

if desperate, many kittens can be killed more efficiently with the application of electrical or battery power. see below.


subject matter is probably NSFW. no actual people images, but lots and lots of toys.

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I'm guessing that link isn't SFW?

Now why would you guess that? :o>:(

You guys crack me up. This wasn't a "I'm not getting any, help me out" thread or an exploration of the myriad methods of masturbation (not that there's anything wrong with that as a topic).

C'mon now. Methods of repressing the sex drive that do not involve actually having sex or any form of sexual self-gratification.

Needlepoint? :D

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>This wasn't a "I'm not getting any, help me out" thread or an
> exploration of the myriad methods of masturbation (not that there's
> anything wrong with that as a topic). . . .Needlepoint?

The Stockroom is more fun than needlepoint.

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go to the gym. take a dance class or yoga class. get yourself so tired out that you can't even THINK.

read a good book that has no sex, or very little, in it (the DaVinci code is a good one)

and if you get REALLY desperate, go to your local software store and buy EverQuest. you'll never have time for anything else! ;)

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I just re-read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. It's also a good read before or after visiting the stockroom... ;)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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or you could find a girl and feed her wedding cake....the only known food that stops a womans sex drive.:P

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Methods of repressing the sex drive that do not involve actually having sex or any form of sexual self-gratification.

Politics... Read as many political articles as you can find... Hell, force yourself to sit and read the threads in Speaker's Corner for three straight hours... Hang pictures of George W. and John Kerry all over your walls and above your bed - this will keep any sexual thoughts from even entering your mind. (Well, maybe just the George W. pics... You're weird enough that you might actually think John K. is sexy! :P:P) Ooh, put some pics of Rush Limbaugh up there as well... that should help repress the ol' sex drive too. ;)

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DAMN! That was a good one SF.

Sublimating your sex drive?
I thought thats what the internet was for.B|:)B|

"There I was sitting butt naked reading a Field & Stream waiting for a dirty picture to download when they kicked me out of Kinko's" -Larry the cable guy-

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OMG...I've been killing kttens since I was a child and didn't even know it.

I find an hour of Bill O'Reilly or Hannity and Coombs will just about kill any thoughts I have of getting laid.[:/]
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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