
Hot or not - the people of SDC!

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I went to SDC this past weekend for some women's ways! I had a great time, and I thought all the women were outstandingly beautiful! I just want the rest of dz.com to rate them! ;)

Sunny and me This one's my favorite.
Sunny (with shoe still on) and me
Missy and Amy with BELLY suits on!
I rock!
A hot-women way
Ground shot
Big way!

Thanks again to everyone at SDC! Those were some of the best jumps I've ever been on (especially the freeflying!) I forgot all about long swoops to a formation as well! How fun! There were a few of you I didn't get to jump with (KALLEND! I don't care if you're scared, you're jumping with me next time! :P) But, I really hope to make it out there again soon, and I hope to share some more stories about condoms and peeing!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Definately HOT!!!


I really hope to make it out there again soon, and I hope to share some more stories about condoms and peeing!

Umm, just wait til you see what i bought yesterday. You and Drew are gonna love it!! :D:D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Umm, just wait til you see what i bought yesterday. You and Drew are gonna love it!! :D:D

Uh oh...My mind is wandering...


don't forget to share the condom and peeing stuff with us

It's something you have to experience.


Wish you had pics of Dr Q and Marv in there also..they're hotties IMO too!

:D One of these days when I get my "new" camera in, I'll take some pictures for ya!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Ohhh baby! look at the pack on that one!
That Jav is so hot! The curves!

Ohh yeah! is that a J1?
And those colours! Man oh man ....

I think I'm gonna pop my pop top!

Uhh ... is it creepy that I'm checking out your rigs?

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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This pic is from 2 years ago, but will always be my fave pic of us together.

The filename says there's a bike in that pic. I don't see any bike....*checking*....nope....just two amazingly hot women.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Uhh ... is it creepy that I'm checking out your rigs?

No!!! That rig was hot! I had to send it back yesterday. :(


Ohh yeah! is that a J1?

Damn! You're good! It fit me sooooo nicely. I downsized recently, so I think it's time I downsize my rig as well! :)

just two amazingly hot women.

:o:$ Thanks, Kris! That's when I was fat, too! :D

I can't get the "I rock!" picture to work from here :( It's a shame because I LOVE that picture! So...here's where it's at!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Nice big way pic. Did I tell you that your docks were sweet? I did miss getting spanked before you docked like you promised to do...you owe me!!!
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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Did I tell you that your docks were sweet?

That sounds so dirty! I like it! :D


I did miss getting spanked before you docked like you promised to do...you owe me!!!

It was serious stuff up there! :D And...you'll really have to twist my arm to get me to jump with you again and spank you before docking! :P
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Oh well, the pics are great Val,

I didn't take 'em! I just posed in 'em! Charles and some guy with a cool camera named Eric took them!


see you at CSC this weekend???

Nope. I'm going to miss out on Hot Sex again!!! I'll be in CA! But, the weekend after that I'll be ready for ya!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I'm going to miss out on Hot Sex again!!! I'll be in CA!

Yeah... from what I hear, all the guys down there are pretty lame ;)

Compared to Aimee they are!

Ah...I love it when you massage my ego like that!!! (I would have said strokes, but coming from a woman I don't know if that would be all that apropriate!)

Val...that sucks, :( I won't be around the following weekend...we will just have to share hot sex in spirit then!!! I am also bringing out DANGEROUS limes/lemons for the evening activities....

Have fun in Cali...I was there in April, and there was sadly no "hot sex" at the bonfire, wait...there was no bonfire!!!

I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!

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