
Good Vibes for Eric

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I tried to pull up the original thread but I guess it is gone, therefore I'll give you a quick overview before I get to the point.

Eric Denney from Perris was doing a downplane last July. They broke extremely low with Eric going downwind right into another jumper. Eric did a radical turn which basically flew him into the ground. He was badly injured and is a miracle to have survived at all.

After almost 5 months in various hospitals he was sent home to recouperate. Right before this they fused his right foot and ankle as the damage was so extensive. He has waited at home for almost 5 months for this foot to heal but it hasn't. Anytime it is below his heart it bleeds profusely which is hampering his ability to get back on his feet. There is also extensive nerve damage in this foot. On top of it all he has developed a MRSA virus which they fear may be in the bone and hardware that was installed in his foot. The antibiotics have had severe reactions for him and he can't take them all.

On to my point. Eric has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now due to this foot not healing and the infection. He sounded rather frustrated which is understandable. He could use some of those good vibes everyone sent him almost 10 months ago again.

Also if you get a chance to pop in IM he posts as EDenney01. Just say HI and that you are thinking of him and hopefully that will brighten his day.

Thanks gang.

Get better soon Eric.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I'll have to try and catch him on IM to get an address since I'm all the way across the U.S. Maybe DiabloPilot or LTDiver can help out here.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Northridge Hospital Medical Center
18300 Roscoe Blvd
Northridge, CA 91325

Room Number 4207

Here is Eric's hospital info. Thanks for getting it Nick...you rock.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Thanks for the support everyone, especially Lisa who was there for me since the beginning.

At this point all of my surgical/flesh wounds have healed except the one on my foot. That is the wound that has impeded my PT and rehab. They fused my ankle and inserted a rod into my leg (both legs actually) in November and the wound they created continues to bleed and throb anytime my foot is lowered. B| Not only is it not healing but it's infected with MRSA which is a very serious staff infection that is highly resistant to antibiotics. There is one antibiotic that can be used to treat it and they say it's going to take at least a month of IV treatments to eliminate the MRSA, IF they can eliminate it. There is a fear that the infection is in the hardware they inserted and that would be a worst case scenario that I wouldn't want to talk about.

In the meantime I was transferred to acute rehab yesterday. I'll be getting serious PT and OT at least 3 hours a day for the next month or more. My hope is to be walking by the time I leave here but that's going to be a tall order as badly as my right leg and foot were damaged. The pain is going to be excruciating but I'm just going to have to fight through it.

Anyway, just wanted to leave a quick update. My new room number is 3313 in case anyone wants to contact me or send anything. I have my phone line connected to my laptop 24/7 so if you want to reach me you'll need to IM me on AOL (EDenney01), email me, or call my cell phone. I don't want to post it here but you can get it from Lisa or IM me if you'd like it.

Hope everyone's enjoying the nicer weather and getting in lots of jumps!

blue skies and be safe...


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Sending healing thoughts your way.. Hang in there, you were strong from the beginning of this whole ordeal and you'll make it through this, it might just take a while.


take the time to appreciate the people around you.

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Keep at it, Eric! So sorry to hear all of this. If 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', I guess we'll have our next Superman when all of this is through...;)

LOL, now that's the truth! After everything I've been through Kryptonite wouldn't even touch me ;). Though I have to say my body doesn't look much like Superman at this point... maybe more like Timmy from Southpark.

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I managed to get a chance to get dressed and go out on the balcony this afternoon. While I was out there my mom snapped a picture of me and I thought I would go ahead and post it here.

Although I look pretty good in this picture, looks can definitely be deceiving. I have all kinds of problems with my right leg and especially my right foot. My left foot is also incredibly painful when I try to put weight on it even though it wasn't hurt in the accident. Laying in bed for 10 months really creates all sorts of complications.

Blue Skies...


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He's got my sympathy - I've been sitting at home for the past 4 months waiting for my shin to heal. Shattered tib/fib, four compartment syndrome, 3 surgeries and just a whole lot of misery. Luckily I only have about another month to go - or so I hope - So good luck to Eric from me- hope your recovery moves on a little quicker from this point on.

Peace and blue skies,

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hey dude! I feel for ya! I am sat at home waiting for my next surgery after having needed a load of metal work to hold my leg and ankle together - staying so long in hospital would drive me insane! keep it going!

take it easy dude (even if i dont know you) - getting injured sucks hey! each day is a fucking drag!

PM me any time you are bored! I am online all day through the week due to not being able to do shit for myself!! ;)

Heal fast - but dont rush..........

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I am sat at home waiting for my next surgery after having needed a load of metal work to hold my leg and ankle together

I had the same thing done. Amongst all my other fractures and wounds, the bones in my lower right leg, ankle, and foot were virtually destroyed. They fused my right ankle and put a rod in my right leg that runs the full length of my tibia and connects to the hardware in the ankle fusion. The operation was unbelievably painful but the bone structure now is able to support weight. Unfortunately I have a lot of other complications in that region that are keeping me down. Good luck with the operation!


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dude............ the only way i see it is that this has to be bonus time - i mean life passes you so fast that it sucks - cause the days are dragging like fuck now - it just means that life has slowed abit - which in turn means life will last longer.......

mmmm........ maybe I have had too much time alone bored to think!!! ;)

hope all is well dude - it will just make you stronger!

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dude............ the only way i see it is that this has to be bonus time - i mean life passes you so fast that it sucks - cause the days are dragging like fuck now - it just means that life has slowed abit - which in turn means life will last longer.......

mmmm........ maybe I have had too much time alone bored to think!!! ;)

hope all is well dude - it will just make you stronger!

Yes and in that time - Here's something to think about. Oh what's that?... He (Edenney) wont even read it? Not Surprised.
- A very deep and 'fitting' poem to what truely lies beneath all this caos...

Selfish, Ungrateful, Melodramatic
(by treerain)

You take the time
to recognize the monster
in the closet
only in the dark
you feel its bearing presence.
Where does it hide
when you turn on the light?
Only in the shadow
where your tears
can be safely shed
Are also sounds of these
that you’ve welcomed to your head.

You know she’s hurting
from your neglect,
the one who chased them away,
so you could feel safe when you slept
but you never took the time
to tell her
you’re grateful that she’s there
No, you just push her away
and tell her she doesn’t care
That she couldn’t possibly
understand your brain
let alone understand
why you’re in so much pain.
No, you just push her away
And tell her she’s not listening
doesn’t hear a word you say
but you never stop to think
that she’s felt this same way
That you don’t care,
don’t understand,
that you’re never there
to offer a hand
But if there was a storm
she’d offer you cover
And you’d run for her warmth
though, to you, she’ll always be
...oblivious ...

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