
Who Needs the P.M.S. Club?

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Jeremy and myself have devised a plan for the new up and coming Skydiving Social Club. Sure, Moss Point has the P.M.S clan, but wait no more. Skydive Alabama is currently taking applications for the P.I.M.P. Club. Now I know most of you are currently asking yourselves, "What in the world could that possibly be?" Well ask no more. Thanks to Jeremy for the extremely creative Title which stands for "Poop In My Pants". That's right, for all of us that have, at one time, trusted a fart on the way to altitude or sitting at your computer or tried to get someone back for farting on you as they walked by and found out shortly thereafter that we should have waited.
We all have been there and none of you should feel ashamed for this act of grossness. As some of you might agree that there are times in your life that should go untold due to constant jeering from your peers, this is an act of "Commoncy" (*Yes, that's right, Commoncy, it is officially a word).
Now, in order to be initiated into our club, we decided to follow the tradition of the P.M.S. and make this an incredibly easy initiation. P.M.S has the "Barbie Pass" in freefall, well, easy enough, right? So, for those that have the courage to come forward and claim their rights to obtain their well deserved P.I.M.P. Number, all you will be asked to do is obtain a roll of Toilet Paper in Freefall. That's right!!! The reward for crapping all over yourself by accident is receiving a roll of TP in freefall.
As we all know, there must be guidelines for this gracious award. The only guideline that we have is that Jeremy (*P.I.M.P #2) or myself are the only ones that can hand out this award. The only thing that we don't require is that you do NOT bring proof that you have earned this award. Your admitting to us is proof enough.
I know that this will be the newest craze in the skydiving community, so all that wish, please come forward and claim your number. Thank you very much and hope to see all soon. Steve Crawford, P.I.M.P. #1
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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I'm almost sickened to think of the "Knot" but hey, it would qualify! By the way, I am getting "unbelievable" response from this. I guess for the simple fact that skydivers have the best sense of humor on the face of the planet! There will be initiations at WFFC. This is way too funny!!!
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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I'm offended!


Dude, if you'll be at Rantoul, I'll pass some TP with ya!! ;) Not that I'm admitting to anything.....:D

Think it'll hold up at freefly speeds?? ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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My image of you is ruined!

I'm a good girl...honest...:)...

~R+R:)...Hey, I've never passed gas in a plane...but I know of a person in my club who we named SBD following an incident on the way to altitude...:SB|
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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i could join the PIMP club only if both my chutes fail... because im planning on shitting my pants in the air, then shaking it out a pants leg... this way when they find my body, at least it won't smell bad if my bowels rupture, since they will be empty.
would that get me into the club then? :P

MB 3528, RB 1182

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OMG!!! Under NORMAL circumstances this would be disturbing, but this is what I love about this place...nothing is sacred & nothing is held back!!! Even farts which should have been. I notice there are no takers, you may want to ask this question in the pub. :D Don (edited to say I'm grilling chicken & have had a few beers)

Here's to friends!

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No no no, you absolutely qualify. But I guess I didn't figure on people admitting to "Multiple Offenses". :D I would be honored to initiate you to our beloved corps.
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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