
I broke myself

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Oh, I'll be good by then - one way or another. I didn't know you got hurt at WFFC but I was talking to Dr. Adam the other day after I did it and he started laughing saying you had done the same thing. You get better too and come play with us for the Keys Boogie. If you come to the Keys Boogie I'll come down to PR...

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Personnally I prefer Vicodan and beer :S
Oh....wait.....you said "and still function...."......

hmmm, just dont wash the Vicodan down with a beer and you shouldnt get too fuzzy:D but they effect everyone different I have heard.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Oh, I'll be good by then - one way or another. I didn't know you got hurt at WFFC but I was talking to Dr. Adam the other day after I did it and he started laughing saying you had done the same thing. You get better too and come play with us for the Keys Boogie. If you come to the Keys Boogie I'll come down to PR...

And between the two of you - you just gained 99.9 % of all doting from any available (and some not so available) Men.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If you come to the Keys Boogie I'll come down to PR...

Sounds too tempting ... I`ll have to talk to Julio now!


I didn't know you got hurt at WFFC but I was talking to Dr. Adam the other day after I did it and he started laughing saying you had done the same thing.

Dr. Adam??!!! LOL:D:ph34r: I call him Dr. Adam too!
Well, he`s been the only Dr. intrested, and I even scaned my Xrays and send him an e-mail so he could see how bad it was.

Good for me, it`s not broken or fractured... we are guessing ligaments!

So, I have a Dr. appointment on Sept. 20:S, till then I have to deal w/ it.B|

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He told me to do the same thing. He said you put about 5 zillion little red x's to indicate where the pain was!!

I haven't scanned them yet. I get a new one next Tuesday - I'll scan that one for him - he can start a collection.

Work on Julio about the Keys bring the whole gang. I'm going to see if I can get some of the monkeyclaw gang down for it. They are coming to our Christmas/NY holiday too so I'm not sure...

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and to think of all the fun i had in rantoul with you and katie flying behind me on roller blades as i dashed between all the picnic tables on the motercycle.

yeah, we probably should have gotten hurt then!B|

sorry sweets, guess that leaves you time to do lots of dialing (drunk and sober)!:P

luv ya!

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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He told me to do the same thing. He said you put about 5 zillion little red x's to indicate where the pain was!!

I haven't scanned them yet. I get a new one next Tuesday - I'll scan that one for him - he can start a collection.

Work on Julio about the Keys bring the whole gang. I'm going to see if I can get some of the monkeyclaw gang down for it. They are coming to our Christmas/NY holiday too so I'm not sure...

pm me your address again wendy and i will mail you somthing to listen too in the office while you heal. i meant to give it to you at the wffc, but well, i forgot.

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Christie, i didn't know you busted up your elbow. Heal quick chica.

And wendy...wtf? You broke the same arm 6 times? Damn girl. Be careful out there.

Big hugs to both of you awesome skychicks.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Yeah, I did!... Landing my reserveB|

First of all, on Thursday you remember the the weather sucked at WFFC, right? And they were doing 2x1 Hop & Pops from the Sikorsky S-58, well I went for it (and deep down I really didn`t feel like it[:/] A $30. hop & pop... from 3,000ft??!![:/]...)

But I went!

I jumped, had my pic taken on exit. Really cool! and tracked away from my friends... Deployed, and the pilot chute got wrapped in a KNOT!>:( around my right arm!

So, I was low, not much time to deal w/ it right? I tried twice to remove it, and went straight for my reserve handle.

And as I was about to land (my feet were like 2 or 3ft from touching the ground, my reserve colapsed. I felt the ground was pulled from underneath me, I was going to hit the ground flat on my back (you could see on my video my feet coming up) so I guess it was natural, like an instinct almost, that I opened my arms to the sides, and my left elbow recieved all the pressure on the fallB|

I am healing ok, so I`m guessing in 2 more weeks I`ll be ok to skydive some more!;)

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Feel better Wendy and Acme...and remember...



(edited to add Acme :$)

Hey April, you warmed up to those wheels pretty damned good in Rantoul! You make a really good driver for someone whos never really driven. (once you got the hang of the steering wheel, gas pedal and BRAKE!)
[email protected]

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