
Oprah Winfrey Gives Cars to Audience

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Oprah didn't pay for the cars. They were all donated by Pontiac. From the CNN article:


The cars, which retail for $28,000, were donated by Pontiac.

Then the news headline is wrong. It should state: "Pontiac Gives Cars Away to 276 People on the Oprah Show."

So what is Pontiac getting out of this give-away? Was that stunt worth $5 million in advertising for them?

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So what is Pontiac getting out of this give-away? Was that stunt worth $5 million in advertising for them?

Consider this.

Pontiac donated cars to an extremely popular show; the recipients, all 276 of them, will now go and tell all of their friends, who will tell all of their friends, etc., ad nauseum.

Pontiac is also, as a result, now on all of the major news networks, both cyber and televised, and will probably be on the a.m. radio shows tomorrow, if not into next week.

Plus, people are mentioning the brand name in forums on the Internet and discussing this.

Pretty good marketing, if you ask. I think they'll get their money's worth and then some.

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hmm, i wonder if that was the big surprise that they were talking abou ton the commercail for the Oprah show.

how much advertising power do you think she has now? every anniversary ppl are gonna camp out for Oprah tickets. she's like the superbowl of non superbowl advertising LOL
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Pontiac donated cars to an extremely popular show

Every news story I've seen on this event credits Oprah for giving the cars away, implying that she is the one that paid for them.

I think that Pontiac should be really PO'd that Oprah is getting all the credit for Pontiac's generosity.

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