
AOT Boogie and wingsuits

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I can buy a MTR2 and work to become an instructor for Matter, receiving those benefits, as well.

There is no instructorship for Matter. Buy one=fly one ( follow the instructions in the manual ). There is no cadre of matter men standing by to take your money and conduct a course. Nobody gets free gear or company benefits unless they are on a matter sponsored world level free fly, wingsuit team or a sponsored BASE jumper. Unless an individual tricks matter into thinking that they qualify to be in the same catogory

I could cruise over to Spain and try to hook up with a Babylon and become a rep for S-Fly, as well.***

You better learn to free fly first and at the thousand jumps in discipline kind of level that I'm refering to above. Babylon didn't get to where they are by representing any manufacturer. They are masters of their craft in as many disciplines. Wingsuits are just one facet of the way they play. Its nothing that 10,000 competitive /artistic jumps wouldn't bring you say in about five hard core years time. Learning spanish, french and italian would be a plus.

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I don't get why BirdMan, of all companies, has so many customers that bash them.

Their customers are not bashing them. Granted we do hear of the difficulties in getting demos to the field but every manufacturer faces this complaint. What there is is a lack of understanding of the role/ necessity of the BMI. There is also some negativity in regards to actions or statements by BMIs and I'm not just talking about in these forums but also the field. If the public sees some BMIs as grandstanding or not living up to the level of service they promise then it reflects bad on the company. Even though they are not employees but are unpaid reps referred by the company.

The irony is that BirdMan is one of the kinder and more generous companies out there. As far the whole BMI/money thing, I don't get that either. EVERYTHING in this sport costs a lot of money.

There are a lot of people training, all over the world, new flockers and loaning out their own personal suits. In some cases for an extended period of time. Without seeking glory or monetary returns. Should these people pay extra money to spread the love of wingsuits?

And here's a kicker not everybody that is a BMI ponied the money or even got evaled.

The difference between a first flight with a BMI and without one is stark.

I would have to disagree on this one. Its really good to have a mentor, its great to have video. But I will tell you what is stark. Waiting around for a BMI to come to your neck of the woods for a BMI sanctioned first flight course, Especially if they can't afford to or don't want to for monetary reasons ( enter mentors who just do it to increase the numbers of available flockers). When that time could have been spent not so much on the dreaded and sometimes fixated first flight but instead on putting a season of jumps on a suit hopefully in two and three ways improving your flight skills.

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any chance I could rent the suit for like the whole weekend...??

Actually there is a really good chance as you should fit in my extra suit----as long as I don't need it for some one else it will be available and the rental will be more than reasonable.

The downside is that this is the suit that most of the "pint sized" jumpers will need---we will work something out

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On help from Birdman:
Jari basically said I have attached the information about the course and jumps, what will the DZ do (airline, hotel, money for instructors) that helps to get someone there.

So we needed to have people pay for the ground school and jumps, and I guess we were suppose to get them here and pay them too? It just didn't make me what to work toward getting them business and I own one of their suits.


I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.

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what will the DZ do (airline, hotel, money for instructors) that helps to get someone there.

This is quite common be it FF, RW or anyone who is asked by a DZ/Event organizer to attend a function. It's pretty much an industry norm. Some times it's providing a couch to crash on,pick up from the airport and meals when the event organizer can't foot things like hotel/travel expense. With that there is usually a fee the person is paid to teach what ever it is they were brought in for(they have to eat too) and their slot is usually covered. A lot of this is worked out behind the scenes and there is give and take on both sides.

You have to understand that there are 3 people at Birdman, Jari, Kim P. and Erika. The later two run the office and Jari runs the company, that's it period. So when you ask for Birdman to come to an event they have to figure how the BMCI or BMI is going to get there and all associated expenses as these people don't get paid by the company. Unlike some of the larger companies in the industry who have budgets and staff specifically for Boogies/events, most of the smaller companies have to rob Peter to pay Paul if they want to have a presence at an event. For those individuals who make their living skydiving, what they earn going to these events is how they put food on their table every month in many cases.

Hopefully this gives people a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes with 1. Organizing an event 2. What is industry norm.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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Well they already have a set fee for the ground school and coach jumps the the BMI makes. Asking for the DZ to pay the coach directly on top of that is ridiculous. An airline ticket, maybe. A place to stay a given.

For Scott Miller's Canopy course you provide a plane ticket and a place to stay and then he has his set course fees. He allows the DZ's to charge more to pay for the cost of his airline tickets and hotel if needed. Since BMI has pretty standard prices, it is difficult to charge more than that.

I am only covering slots for the big way organizer and freefly organizers and coaches. Still working on 1 on 1 freefly coaching. We may have people pay a slot.

It just seems that for a company trying to sell a $700 and up item, they would be more cooperative. Maybe we just caught them on an off week.

But this being the 5th AOTMB and 4th I have been involved in organizing, I guess I am just able to find people who love to give back or promote their product/talent and manage to be that far off THE NORM.


I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.

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Asking for the DZ to pay the coach directly on top of that is ridiculous.

Maybe you didn't understand the amount a BMI actually makes per student. At the most a BMI will make for all his time and effort is $50 per student. The other $10 goes back to Birdman Inc for the suit rental fee. You can't tell me you can guarentee that a BMI will have enough students to make even a decent amount unless you have them register and pay up front. Even then, I have seen that plan fall to the wayside. For those who make their living via skydiving having to travel across the USA and devote their time and energy to an event where they stand to make Maybe $200 bucks is less appealing. Lets not forget here, YOU are asking for someone to provide you with a service. It is entirely justifiable for them to have some sort of compensation (however it is worked out ).


It just seems that for a company trying to sell a $700 and up item, they would be more cooperative.

How much more cooperation do you want from 3 people? Because that is how many people Birdman Inc in Deland has in it's office. If we were talking about someone a few hours drive away or even in the same state it would be an easier fix. In this case Birdman has to see who among the unpaid BMIs is available and willing to attend this event. If you want someone to come to your event and you agree to their requirements then they are guarenteeing you some one from their company will be there. Again, you are asking for someones time and energy and a service. Nothing in skydiving is entirely free there are always business expenses/fees.


I guess I am just able to find people who love to give back or promote their product/talent and manage to be that far off THE NORM.

I guarentee you that you will not find a more giving group of people than the BMIs that are out there already. Many literally give their services away free of charge on a continual basis. With that said you must also realize that there is a business side to skydiving that has to be dealt with. I suggest you call some of the other DZ managers/event organizers and ask them what they have to do. You will be surprised at what some people ask for. Would you ever consider covering 5 people completely (travel,meal,bed,slot) AND pay them $15,000 just to show up at your event? Well it is not unheard of albeit that is on the extreme side of it.

E-mail me exactly what is is you want and what you find unreasonable about what you were told. If there is a way to fix your situation I would be more than happy to assist you.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I am sad to say that unless I can find a smaller suit I am not sure that I will be able to help out the "pint size" wanta flyers out there. The suit I have will probably only go to about 5'6"--5'5" and fly stable. I would not feel comfortable putting someone out on this suit as we did a test flight with a "half pint" and the suit flew her. It was not her first flight!

If any one knows of anybody with a small classic 1 or 2 that would be willing to rent it out for the weekend I will pay for it - and purchase it if it gets damaged in any way!!
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Just to let everyone planning on going that everything is set I have secured a wide range of wingsuit sizes and look forward to helping you taste my passion!

I would like to put out a giant thank you to all that have loaned, rented, or sold suits at a cheap price so that I will be able to help others fly!!

See you there bright and early Saturday morning

I believe that I have a suit to fit everyone that has inquired with the exception of Aggiedave--Sorry dude

Thanks again to all who have helped

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Ahhhh...no love for the big guy huh?

No biggie, I'll get to do it someday, althoug that'll probably be the day I just go ahead and buy a suit since I doubt there will ever be one my size to borrow.[:/]:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Dave, you need to actually try to put my suit on. If you can get into it, but it's too short in the legs, that's just fine and it'll work.

I'll throw you in it next Friday and we'll find out for sure.:)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
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Alright we are getting close---just for planning purposes those of you who want to try a wingsuit this weekend I would like to know when you will be there so I can plan for a first flight class.


Let me know if I forgot anyone

Kris -- Bob Futrell will be there on Fri with his suit so you have someone to fly with

I would like to do the first flight classes with more than 1 jumper at a time but I will do what ever it takes to get you in the air!!!!!

I will be there about 8:30 am Sat

Please let me know your plans so I can plan

Thanks Voodew

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I'll be there early (8:00AM) Saturday, but if there are girlie jumps going on I'm committed for them, especially if we end up with enough to consider doing a girlie record.

So, I hate to say it, but I have no idea when I'll be available. BUT: the wingsuit is the main reason I'm coming. Well, that and seeing Sunshine and Mary again (they'd hit me if I didn't say that part :ph34r:)

I'll be there until Sunday morning.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I will be the one that opens long after all the RW and freefliers

And I'll be the one opening after him... and 500 ft higher. :D

Anybody else who wants to do this, grab anyone with a suit and say something to them. We'll be more than happy to oblige.

Like a giddy school girl.

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And I'll be the one opening after him... and 500 ft higher.

He is not kidding-------
He normally falls down inside the plane trying to walk -- than he just rolls to the door. This accounts for the last one to open and as for the "500 ft higher" well lets just say PUSSY

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He normally falls down inside the plane trying to walk -- than he just rolls to the door.

No way, I was simulating a 206 exit. You know, crawl around, fall out. :D


lets just say PUSSY

Yeah, but I can't unzip my wings while spinning on my back way the fuck faster than you can B|

Like a giddy school girl.

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Yeah, but I can unzip my wings while spinning on my back way the fuck faster than you can

Ted you are correct!!

Now lets explain to all the wanabe wingsuit pilots out there that if you can pull stable this is not an problem!!

Then explain that any decent skydiver can pull in a stable position wearing a wingsuit!!

I will let the conclusions be drawn

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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any decent skydiver can pull in a stable position wearing a wingsuit!!

Well, I am indecent. Oh, wait, indecency is your hobby. :ph34r:

Oh, btw, one of the girls from sunrise called today, they're done with my rig and putting it in the mail tomorrow. Quicker than they said I'd even get it, even with the hurricanes. I like these guys already.:)

Like a giddy school girl.

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Well, I am indecent. Oh, wait, indecency is your hobby.

For those of you that don't know this was a picture one of those tabloids took when I was trying out for the lead in the movie "Old School"

I would of had the part if it wasn't for that damn Will Ferrel dude

PS do you think KFC is still open

Theo is just jealous 'cause my ass is so sexy----he normally can't see it 'cause it is always above his (I am a little floaty in my wingsuit)

Ted, I hear that Kolla is going to be there--bring the party pics and maybe we can get one of those cool Katana shirts.
You might want to forward a copy of them to her to refresh her memory!

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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It seems there is a similar picture from AOTMB last year.

And there probably will be this year, too, come tomorrow night. It's harder to get Voodew to keep his clothes on than to get one of those pics. :P There's actually a whole DVD of him naked at San Marcos.:o

Like a giddy school girl.

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