
What if your significant other screwed around?

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I wouldn't want to work it out or go to couseling or anything.. I would just cutaway... I don't need someone in my life like that. I wouldn't waste another moment, because he would turn out to be someone I don't want anymore... that simple. ;)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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After the Rage, I don't know what I'd do.
16 years together is a whole load of life to just throw away, so I'd need some time to get my thoughts and temper in check
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Let'em have each other! Who cares!! I'll find someone else. They can be each other's problem.

That's exactly how I feel. I'd just move on to bigger and better things...

Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Whoa-ho-ho-ho, you're talkin' about if we were married?

I can see differences in response depending on if I was married to the girl or not. But not what you'd think: I believe I would be more likely to divorce a wife who had cheated than to break up with a girlfriend who had cheated -- because the wife has broken a much more serious commitment, and I think I would find that unforgivable.

I can't say for sure, though, because I have never been married, and I don't yet know the depth of love that married people (ostensibly) feel. I thought I felt love that strongly once with my college girlfriend, but we were from the same hometown and went to far distant schools, and never lived together. So I don't know love in that kind of proximity/closeness/intimacy. Like being on the toilet when she comes in to brush her teeth or something. Never been in that close a situation, so I can't know if I would feel the love that strongly to want to patch it up after an affair.

But I'm thinking, if we're supposed to be married and in love, and she screwed around, then WHAT LOVE?!

I voted "divorce."

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I'd be mad if there was no prior agreement. I would just cutaway and vanish. If there was some sort of agreement made then it would be no problem. But to have someone cheat on you without your knowledge is unfair and possibly dangerous to your health. Why should the other person get some on the side when you are holding your end of the bargain by just looking and daydreaming? That seems a little possessive and selfish to me!

umop ap!sdn w,I

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Like being on the toilet when she comes in to brush her teeth or something.

Dude that is first week shit. Women care more about hygiene because they have to.
I leave you with a poem.

You know the honeymoon is over
the romance is a dying flower
she comes in to take a shit
you're still in the shower

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Hmmm...I'm thinkin' about a wood chipper and a bottle of wine!:):ph34r:

Just make sure you freeze the body fully before you introduce Mr. Wood Chipper. You want the chipper to make a sharp cracking sound, not a squishy/mushy sound while chewing through the body.

Personally, I prefer some quick lime and a deep hole.

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Been there, had that done to me, twice. Chose option 2. Still regret it, and that was even before I started jumping. Still with her.

I can forgive anything, and have, but we NEVER forget. 3 strikes? Let's just hope it never comes to that.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Well I couldn't find an answer that suited me. I'd definetly sit down and talk with him about it. I will always do everything possible to keep my marriage intact. If he's cheating, I'm not doing my part somewhere, and I am leaving my signifigant other wanting something more. That means it is my job as a wife to get out of him what the empty space is and love him enough to fill it. I love my hubby more than anything, I will continue to be his very best friend that he can talk to about anything. I feel that would be the correct action for me.-Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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Hmmm...I'm thinkin' about a wood chipper and a bottle of wine!:):ph34r:

Just make sure you freeze the body fully before you introduce Mr. Wood Chipper. You want the chipper to make a sharp cracking sound, not a squishy/mushy sound while chewing through the body.

And if you're really lucky, your wood chipper will be cursed, and instead of blood, flesh and bone, their net worth in MONEY will come out the other side!

(Yes, big "Friday the 13th: the Series" fan here!)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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If he's cheating, I'm not doing my part somewhere, and I am leaving my signifigant other wanting something more. That means it is my job as a wife to get out of him what the empty space is and love him enough to fill it.

I a gree that I would sit down and discuss the problem, possibly with a professional. But I wouldn't immediately internalize the problem. I would agree that there is something wrong BETWEEN the two of us if he was cheating, but I would not agree that it was my fault and something that I alone needed to fix.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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If he's cheating, I'm not doing my part somewhere, and I am leaving my signifigant other wanting something more. That means it is my job as a wife to get out of him what the empty space is and love him enough to fill it.
I a gree that I would sit down and discuss the problem, possibly with a professional. But I wouldn't immediately internalize the problem. I would agree that there is something wrong BETWEEN the two of us if he was cheating, but I would not agree that it was my fault and something that I alone needed to fix.

I agree & Disagree. Yes, if one partner is cheating, than it is a problem that most likely started out between the two of them. However, Understand that each case is unique and it's probably not a good idea to put such blanket rules down, especially when dealing with all sorts of different people.

**Sigh** I have been a victim of this - So I'll voice out. IMHO, Screw 'em. If they are going to cheat, let them cheat to their hearts content, I'm just not going to be there for that person any more. Pardon me for sounding cocky, but i am willing to do anything for the girl I love - and i deserve somebody who is going to be as loyal to me as I am to them. This isn't just about me - if one partner is loyal and the other one is not, than the loyal partner deserves so much more. I just hope that if a girl is going to cheat on me, it happens early on before the relationship gets too far....
=========Shaun ==========

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