
embarrassing typos

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I was a complete dumbass just now. I sent an IM to my boss telling him our new guy was a genius but instead I spelled it genious. I'm going to hear about it for the rest of the month I'm sure. :S

I also type "just a sex" a lot and "abou tit"

Anyone else? Got any other good ones?

Edited to add: HA! I spelled embarrassing wrong! I suck!!!!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Back in the old days before email and laptops for everyone, I used to have to distribute fifty paper copies of meeting minutes to a bunch of people at my old company. I printed my master copy, went to the copier, and started my 20 minute copy job. As I was waiting, I picked up the first copy to check the copy quality. Imagine my surprise whan I read the line "hard dicks have been sent to all European customers to satisfy contract requirements" in the middle of my minutes...I actually bruised my finger hitting the CANCEL JOB button. ;)
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I don't have any examples of funny spelling mishaps, but I have been known to accidentally send scathing diatribes on a co-worker's character to them in an IM, thinking I'm sending it to someone else. The explanations are fast and furious then, let me tell you. ;)
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
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nothing like that

but a lot of the classic geology texts are written in ye olde english, using f for s and fuch and we had a fcottish professor who loved making us read that fhit.

so it made for interesting out loud reading for the uninitiated when they got to suckling or sucking....

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I don't have any examples of funny spelling mishaps, but I have been known to accidentally send scathing diatribes on a co-worker's character to them in an IM, thinking I'm sending it to someone else. The explanations are fast and furious then, let me tell you. ;)

That reminds me of the time I IMd my boss a link to a dropzone.com posting by accident. I had to run to his desk and delete his entire history to save my ass!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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When i was working at a help desk...I had an entry in a ticket...

"User having problems with dick drive" :D

I never heard the end of that....and I was the only girl in the department :ph34r:
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Once it was Boss's day and I was writting on the card what a great guy he was and spelled it ever so slightly wrong and it came out like...

"You worthless, ruthless, uncaring Bastard!"

I mean it was just a typo...

The only typo I can see is writting (WRITING)


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I'm perfect and don't make typos.
*cough* Bullsh*t

Aww, is that your way of hitting on me? :$

He'd better be careful. I hear you hit back...HARD. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I constantly type ABOU TIT.

but one thing i rmember is more of a misreading then a typo.

I walked past a newspaper about 6-8 months ago
the headline read "WAR HEROES"

well, the way it was folded the "O" looked like a "P" I had to do a double take then I realized that there was no chance of getitng infected with war herpes!:D:D:D
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