
"Support Our Troops" Ribbons

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The attached photos were taken during the boredom of a long drive on a recent road trip. The quality isn't great, since they were taken from a moving car, through bug-encrusted glass. But you'll get the idea.

I was noticing all the bumper stickers people have on their vehicles, in the form of a loop of ribbon, with the words "Support Our Troops" written on one side.

Most of the ribbons seem to be yellow in color, while others are red, white and blue in an American flag motif. I even saw one pink one.

Anyway, the thing that struck me about these ribbons, was that no one seems to be able to figure out the "proper" way to apply them in a consistent manner. The orientation of the ribbon varied widely. Some of them are vertical, with the loop at the top, like a necktie hanging around the neck, with the ends untied. Other people seemed to think that these ribbons should be tilted left or right for some reason.

The only reason I could think of for the tilt, was to have the phrase written on the ribbon oriented horizontally, for ease of reading. But in many cases, the ribbon is tilted the other way, making the words upside-down. In other cases, the ribbon may be tilted to fit around taillights and handles on the back of the vehicle. But there were plenty of cases where the ribbon was tilted, even though there was ample space to apply it "correctly".

So, please vote in the poll above, and tell me what you think the correct orientation of the ribbons should be!

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I give a shit, not about how it's placed but just that it's there.

I just came back from Iraq (with the 1st Marine Division) and I was touched to see so many stickers showing their support for what we were doing over there.

So to some of us, it's much more than just a sticker.


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John, it's a ribbon that that a slight breeze will move. So, it can be placed on the car any way.

BTW, I have one of the pink ribbons, and I have it placed on the car so you can read it.

Edit to add, I know it's not really a ribbon, it's just something that represents a ribbon.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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honestly? who gives a shit, its a sticker.

actually it's a magnet :D hi John, right off the bat I could tell these were taken in Texas... all suv + I see those ribbons everywhere. Most of them I see around here are placed vertically on the dealership emblem. I saw a smaller car with one "looped" around the antennae.. I thought that was cute =)

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I give a shit, not about how it's placed but just that it's there.

I just came back from Iraq (with the 1st Marine Division) and I was touched to see so many stickers showing their support for what we were doing over there.

So to some of us, it's much more than just a sticker.


First off, thank you for going over there. My grandpa was a marine in wwii and korea and won the silver and bronze star during his carrier. So i have a huge respect for you guys.

i just don't give a shit if its upside down, sideways or backwards and no offence but not worth creating a poll over. [:/]
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I think the orientation thing might be that it's a magnet not a sticker, and it might slide around a bit. My mom has 2 on her truck (yellow and pink I think) and you can see where they have slid around a little on the dust. When she slams the hatch they seem to slide down and to the side a little.

Just my non scientific $0.02
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I give a shit, not about how it's placed but just that it's there.

I just came back from Iraq (with the 1st Marine Division) and I was touched to see so many stickers showing their support for what we were doing over there.

So to some of us, it's much more than just a sticker.


Are the profits from sales of these ribbons being used to support the troops in any tangible way?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Are the profits from sales of these ribbons being used to support the troops in any tangible way?

Who says they have to be? It would be nice if the a portion of the funds went to suport programs for disabled veterans or some such, but the point is just to foster good wishes and well being for people doing a very hard job.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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you really think that someone is taking the money and not putting it toward charity or anything like that

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you really think that someone is taking the money and not putting it toward charity or anything like that


When you see that most are sold in convenience stores for $1.99 or you see someone's suburban in a mall parking lot covered in them and selling for $2-$3 a piece - yes, I think ZERO goes to anyone but someone's pockets.

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Doesnt matter at all...its the thought that matters. People are supporting our troops.... :)

I think supporting the troops requires a little more effort than just announcing to the world that you are supporting the troops.

Rather like Jesus wanted the Pharisees actually to practice what they preached.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I give a shit, not about how it's placed but just that it's there.

So do I... We have them on BOTH our vehicles.

What I want to know is?? Is any of the funds from the sales of these stickers SUPPORTING our troops?

As many of them as are being sold allot of our boys could have newer body armor and plenty of gift packs from home...


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Are the profits from sales of these ribbons being used to support the troops in any tangible way?

He's under no obligation to do so. There's nothing wrong with making a profit by selling a product that other people want, in order to display their support for the troops. The marketing is filling a need felt by the public. It's good ol' American capitalism. There's nothing dishonest or wrong about that. The manufacturer is providing a product that helps people feel good about themselves.

You shouldn't imply that the maker is under some obligation to donate profits to the troops, or is somehow evil for not doing so.

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I agree, but if the total spent by people on the stickers was added up, how much by way of supplies could be purchased to keep troops safer over there? Stickers are fine, but I agree that true support of troops means more than a sticker on a car.

And what's with these cars with 10+ stickers on them? I saw one the other day with 15. Unbelievable!;)

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I agree, but if the total spent by people on the stickers was added up, how much by way of supplies could be purchased to keep troops safer over there?

I don't think those dollars would add up to much. What would really be significant would be if Congress would quit raiding the military funds for stateside non-military pork barrel projects.


And what's with these cars with 10+ stickers on them? I saw one the other day with 15. Unbelievable!;)

They're probably stealing them off of other cars. That would be a good reason to make them bumper stickers, rather than magnets.

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