
Larger PD Optimum reserve

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I keep checking PD website when will they be available but it still has the same text about something PD filing for TSO in January and FAA being backlogged.

Does anyone have info on when will these reserves be available? I want to order new rig but I also want bigger reserve in it and optimum sounds like a sweet canopy to fly (we don't get many demo products in these parts so I won't be able to try it out for myself).
I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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In the mean time you can actually demo the canopy for 2 weekends for only the shipping costs, which is about $50.00 in the US.

Just because the PD tour may not come to your DZ is no reason not to demo the canopy.

I think it's the smart thing to do.

Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.

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I'm not from US so the shipping charges will be much higher for me. And usually we get quite hefty custom and tax for anything send from abroad (even if its used, tagged as a gift, anything) which makes it even more expensive... :|

I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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And usually we get quite hefty custom and tax for anything send from abroad (even if its used, tagged as a gift, anything) which makes it even more expensive... :|

But you're not actually buying it, it is just on loan, so you shouldn't pay anything. A government could tax you on the small 'rental fee', but not on the value of the equipment. ... but even so I see the issue of trying to prove that to suspicious customs people.

(And the PD program is USA only last I heard.)

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The word on the street is they FAA won't be approving them for another couple months :(

YEah?? Thats not what PD has been saying. Please let us know how you have come across this. I see no reason why they would not be approving them for a couple of months still.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Well, I actually picked up the phone and called PD yesterday instead of speculating on the internet, imagine that. In their own words- "It could be a couple weeks, it could be a couple months." It is out of their hands, presumably sitting on some big shots desk at the FAA.

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I actually picked up the phone and called PD yesterday

How dare you! Don't you understand anything about DZ.com? You're supposed to pull information smooth out of someone else's colon ("I heard from Jon, who heard from Steve, who heard from Swooper12Hi5, who said that he heard from Eric, that Dusty said that a PD sponsored jumper heard from a PD rep at a boogie in Bosnia that Atair was making PD's reserves...")
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well, I actually picked up the phone and called PD yesterday instead of speculating on the internet, imagine that. In their own words- "It could be a couple weeks, it could be a couple months." It is out of their hands, presumably sitting on some big shots desk at the FAA.

That is the same answer they have been giving for a couple of months now. It is obviously out of PD's hands and they have no idea when they will be released. I am just grateful my customers are being patient and not bombarding me with abusive emails. Some people have been waiting a very long time now.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Sigh. Are we (collectively as skydiving consumers) not used to "waiting" for the new, cool thing presented at PIA???

It happens. [:/]

How many seminars will I have to attend to repent for this post? :)

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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I think it is a bit of a bigger issue than waiting. As far as I knew PD were selling these canopies. I then sold half a dozen to my customers to find out two months later that they were not actually allowed to be shipped.

Seriously, what is taking so long for these to be released? PD has had them made and ready to move for months now. Whoever it is that is holding them up really is starting to take the piss.

I know PD has nothing to do with the hold up as they have and continue to do everything they can to release these canopies.

On a better note, My customers ZPX canopies are being released on Monday!

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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There is an update on PD website:

July 14, 2009

TSO Update on Large Optimums (sizes 160-253)

Dear Valued PD Customer:

We have now received an update from the FAA regarding our request for TSO approval on the large Optimums.

The FAA has requested some additional information that has not been asked for in the past.

That information is en route to them along with a request from PD for more open dialogue toward a more expedient conclusion.

As we stated in our previous announcement we submitted a request for TSO in January 2009 with all the standard paperwork supplied. We did this with full expectation of a normal turnaround time which has not taken place.

At this time PD does not have an expected date of TSO approval to provide our customers. We are however, willing and ready to work with each individual who has an order with us to meet your individual needs. It is not a matter of if we will receive the TSO on the large Optimums, but rather when we will receive it.

If you have an order placed through a dealer please contact that dealer to work out a solution for your individual need.

If you are waiting to place an order once we announce the TSO is received, we hope you will continue to standby for that announcement.

In both regards, we do appreciate your patience during this trying situation and we sincerely appreciate your business.

Lets hope for the best! ;)

I understand the need for conformity. Without a concise set of rules to follow we would probably all have to resort to common sense. -David Thorne

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> The FAA has requested some additional information that has not been asked for in the past.

Information = Tests? I fail to see what other type of information out there is needed to judge if the reserve is safe. The new fabric has been aproved (we already have aproved smaller optimum), all the tests that were previously required to certify a similar size reserve has been done and now they want more "information".
If new information = new tests does this means that the previously approved reserves are not aproved anymore because they were not tested with the new collection of tests?
Sigh ... Meanwhile I'm waiting for my optimum. End of rant.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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>Information = Tests?

I think information=information. They may want a better copy of a drawing, or clarification on a test procedure, or the license of the pilot flying the test drops - who knows?

>If new information = new tests does this means that the previously
>approved reserves are not aproved anymore because they were not
>tested with the new collection of tests?

No. Once a reserve is approved it can't be "un-approved" just because a new test methodology (or a new TSO) comes along, although smart riggers/jumpers will look to see what's changed.

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Hi d123,

First, I do not speak for PD.

I was talking with John LeBlanc quite some time ago on their now-approved Optimums.

I believe that they requested and were given a waiver for one of the test requirements. I seem to remember it being something about the total velocity ( that which is on a vector between the horizontal & the verticle velocity ).

If they are again asking for this waiver, then this may just be the reason that the FAA wants 'more information' or 'clarification.'

Just a thought,


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With a waver involved the current delay makes sense!
It's important to make sense of an experience that I'm part of and I don't have control over it. If it doesn't make sense is nonsense(and this is a wide range of possibilities wow just imagine).

Anyway thanks the the info it make sense.
Lock, Dock and Two Smoking Barrelrolls!

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