
10 Things skydivers hate the most?

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sorry, there, my maths is not very good huh?



i actually still have not paid for those jumps...

I did my first 100 jumps in 6 months. The credit card company that paid for it still hits me up every year or so hoping to get some small portion of that money back. :ph34r:

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In skydiving or outside of skydiving?

In skydiving, I hate bullshit attitudes and skygods.

I know people who are good skydivers, but I have never met one yet who seems to come across as a "skygod." The ones I know always seem willing to give asked-for advice, and are willing to invite new-ish people onto their freefly jumps and stuff. (and the RW guys too)

What I hate is the attitude that you're a skydiver, so you must smoke/drink/do drugs to excess, and that lots of beer is a requisite for being around the DZ.

And I was pretty aghast when some people introduced a container of snuff (snuff?! Who the fuck actually has snuff?!) ON THE PLANE AT 10,000 FEET. WTF?! Isn't "catching a buzz" the same as skydiving under the influence? 'Cause if that's not what doing the snuff was about, I am not sure what the point was. So what if there was an emergency at the moment everyone was sitting there "enjoying" their buzz?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Granted, every skydivers hates weather calls but what really bothers me is that we have an ever growing number of people either killing or maiming themselves under perfectly good canopies despite all the technology and information available to them.

I hate losing friends:([:/]

Well, I haven't lost any friends personally (thank heaven) but you're right. Hear hear.

All the other "hates" are pretty damned petty compared to this one, I think.

My sympathies on the loss of your friend(s), Lou.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I know people who are good skydivers, but I have never met one yet who seems to come across as a "skygod." The ones I know always seem willing to give asked-for advice, and are willing to invite new-ish people onto their freefly jumps and stuff. (and the RW guys too

I'm sorry to say this, but don't worry, you'll eventually meet one. You'll definately see it the longer you're in this sport, they tend to either get it hard at about 100-200 jumps and fizzle out of the sport or someone pulls them aside and has a come to jesus meeting and they change.

I changed. I'm glad someone pulled me aside and jumped my shit about it, I didn't even realize I was doing it and now that I've changed and I see it happening with other people, I hate it, it embarresses me. So I try to help them as I was helped...usually it doesn't work, though.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I was the world's worst 100 jump wonder. I don't know why, exactly--maybe because I got through training so fast or because I was at a small DZ without a lot of skygods showing me up all the time. Most likely it was because I was young, dumb, and full of...well, you know the rest.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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What I hate is the attitude that you're a skydiver, so you must smoke/drink/do drugs to excess, and that lots of beer is a requisite for being around the DZ.

Wow! I've never run into that with the peeps that I hang out with. What DZ makes you feel that way?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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snuff dont give you a buzz, it gives you mouth cancer and yellow teeth, it is illegal, but i have never had a buzz from it....i use it when i fly, because i am a heavy smoker, that is the only reason.

i feel for you if you are at a dz that rotates around smoking drinking and drugs though. I have never come across a dz that even feels remotley like that. i do enjoy having a couple of beers after jump day though, if ind very social but i is very rare if everyone gets pissed as most have other lives outside of the dz.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Skydivers that think they're cool cause they have such a low D number.

But I am cool:ph34r: But it's not my low D number that gives me my coolness.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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What I hate is the attitude that you're a skydiver, so you must smoke/drink/do drugs to excess, and that lots of beer is a requisite for being around the DZ.

Wow! I've never run into that with the peeps that I hang out with. What DZ makes you feel that way?

Oh, no way would I say that the DZ makes me feel that way, because actually the DZ is great. I'm talking about some individuals, or a general tenor, among skydivers. Actually, what I think I'm doing is overblowing it in my mind... allowing the beer-is-nectar-of-the-gods sense that prevails here to mix with the "beer-light-is-on" attitude that you see among some at a DZ... I guess I was just hoping that I wouldn't run into quite so many people who drink sooo regularly and value beer so highly, because it makes me feel a bit alienated, since I'm not a big fan of beer or inebriation. I don't mean that I'm seeing drunkards stumbling around the DZ. Actually, the atmosphere there is friendly and upbeat and I don't have cause to complain. (I would appreciate a hold on speculation of where I'm talking about -- and since I jump at 2, 3, 4 dropzones intermittently it wouldn't be appropriate anyway for that reason alone.)

The SNUFF thing, though. That struck me a bad feeling. I doubt that the DZ management knew of its use on the plane; the only ones responsible are the ones who did it. But I don't know what snuff does to you; hence I can't say it was out of line to have/do it on the plane, or that they did something wrong. But I did ask someone right then, "Hey, what's that stuff do?" and the response was that it does for you what a cigarette would do to someone who doesn't smoke -- a little buzz.

I dunno. Don't pay any attention to me. :P

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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i feel for you if you are at a dz that rotates around smoking drinking and drugs though.

I HAVE NOT SEEN DRUG USE AT THE DZ. I know that some people now and then smoke pot, but while I have seen it done after hours, I cannot say that it goes on anywhere at any time that it would affect skydiving safety.

I was just wondering about the snuff.

And expressing that I'm not as crazy about beer as many skydivers seem to be.

Now, with that said, I plan to drop the subject.

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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After a day of hard jump, I can't wait till the beer light goes on. I love the taste of a good beer after jumping and packing all day. But, I won't go into withdraws if I don't get a beer.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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And I was pretty aghast when some people introduced a container of snuff (snuff?! Who the fuck actually has snuff?!) ON THE PLANE AT 10,000 FEET. WTF?! Isn't "catching a buzz" the same as skydiving under the influence? 'Cause if that's not what doing the snuff was about, I am not sure what the point was. So what if there was an emergency at the moment everyone was sitting there "enjoying" their buzz?

I take it that you mean actual snuff that is snorted like cocaine and not "snuff" in the general sense that the word is often used to describe all smokeless tobacco products?
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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opps, i was thinking he meant the tabbacco stuff you shove behind your upper lip.
Anyone who takes snuff and sits there thinking they get a buzz off it apart from nicotine must be a complete wanker so next time just laugh at them that they are going to give themselves mouth cancer...i take it on long flights because i need it.


.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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