
My new kitten :)

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Here are some pics of Foxxy Love our new baby cat. She's super playful and has quite the personality. Never owned a cat before and I have to admit they are easier than dogs. Still love the puppies too though.

Anyone else out there get any new pets lately? Any funny pet stories?

The strangest thing that has happened thus far has been finding Foxxy in the fridge:D I kept hearing this meow that was muted, poor thing. Ari and I were in and out of the fridge a bunch so she must have just snuck in. Glad she's a talker and expressed her displeasure:D
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Cute!! Enjoy your time with her, they grow up so fast. ;)

Yeah, and soon enough they will be off to college, only calling to beg for cash. They never call, they never write. Would it kill them to pick up the damn phone?!

Or they could still be around the house...cause they are cats. ;):ph34r:
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I agree, how ever did you come up with such a great name for the kitten? :P

I've always been a dog person and never thought I'd have a cat, but I have to admit that she's definitely grown on me a lot :)
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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Cute!! Enjoy your time with her, they grow up so fast. ;)

Yup, they are cute! And once grown up they make a great tasting meal!;)

Editted to add: For a larger family, make sure to use lot's of water in the Won Ton soup!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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Beware of the dryer too. My little Peanut hopped in there while i was putting clothes in and after pushing the button and hearing a MEOW i was a bit surprised. Cats get into EVERYTHING.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I accidentally gift-wrapped my cat. I was packing up a teddy bear to ship out, and he jumped in the box when my back was turned and hid under some packing peanuts. I came back, taped the box shut, picked it up, realized it was too damn heavy to be just a bear, and opened it up and there was the kitty.

This is the same cat that fell in the toilet and managed to close the lid and get stuck.

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my cat likes the fridge too. Once, I let him get in the freezer on purpose, closed the door, waited a few minutes and then let him out. He hasn't been anywhere near that thing since!

Please, make sure you get her spayed, ASAP. :)

Just waiting for the okay from the vet for her to be old enough to get spayed. Definately getting that done. Don't need anymore where she came from:D
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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She's such a cutie! Pay closer attention when you open and close your fridge, OK?

Both Ari and I were in the kitchen searching for her. She was only in there for maybe 30 seconds. We were cooking going where on earth is the cat?!?!:D:D Ari just heard from his sister that her's got stuck in the fridge earlier too.:D
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Anyone else out there get any new pets lately? Any funny pet stories?

Oh My Goodness PAIGE, Foxxy-Love is soooooo ADORABLE!! i want to play with her!!

jj and i have really bad cat-hair-allergies, but we didn't lose hope as to owning a kitty.

we recently adopted Paulo, he's a Sphynx (hairless wonder). he has to be one of the most Lovable & Social cats i've ever seen! we love him so Much B|* any cat who Enjoys taking a shower, is far beyond the norm in my opinion :P.

Bermuda-Paulo-Triangle: His favorite toys are catnip mice (in second photo), which are all missing in the B.P.T... either that or he's a fierce kleptomaniac ~ we've moved furniture, looking high and low, with no Luck as to their location.

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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