
What's your "bad side"?

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In an interview, I'd say I'm just too thorough and driven, and can't relax enough on the job :P

Here at work, I'm too blunt and can ruffle feathers (imagine that!). I procrastinate, and waste time. Outside of work I keep too much inside sometimes, and hope that people will kind of magically notice it. Obviously I can work on that one.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Same here! I swear if someone tells me I can't or am not allowed to do something I MUST do it! Fire alarms, emergency exits, signs that say "Do Not Touch" and I'm all over it. If something says "do not cross this line" I have to take a step over it. It's terrible. I can't help it though.

In that case -

Shannon - you are no longer allowed to come see us in Texas, and I will not let you jump with me!

Further more - You CAN'T molest me at the Dublin Boogie!

Hey no fair! You're using that there reverse psychology mumbo jumbo on me aintcha????


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Same here! I swear if someone tells me I can't or am not allowed to do something I MUST do it! Fire alarms, emergency exits, signs that say "Do Not Touch" and I'm all over it. If something says "do not cross this line" I have to take a step over it. It's terrible. I can't help it though.

In that case -

Shannon - you are no longer allowed to come see us in Texas, and I will not let you jump with me!

Further more - You CAN'T molest me at the Dublin Boogie!

Hey no fair! You're using that there reverse psychology mumbo jumbo on me aintcha????



I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Are you cheap? Like to argue? :$ Catty? A backstabber? Too picky? A perfectionist? An annoying freak that no one likes? :D

Everyone has their bad sides, and we all probably know what mine is. :D

What's yours? :)

I hate bull shit and I very often feel the need to point it out. I believe the world is happy with bull shit but bull shit frustrates me. I will give a few examples.
A couple of years ago car shopping with my parents, the salesman mentioned that his wife was Italian and that he was Dominican. He then preceeded to say that he learned to speak Italian with her. So since I DO speak Italian and I knew he didn't, I started talking to him in Italian and he could not answer/understand the simplest of phrases. I did so just enough to make him feel foolish.
Another example is a freind from work who is more than 50 pounds overweight tried to tell me that he ran 5 miles in 25 minutes on a treadmill. I just couldn't let it go. I did searches on the internet to show him that he would have to be some kind of world class runner inorder to do that and he obviously was not. This tells me that people who bull shit typically are stupid in the area they are bull shitting about because if they knew what they were talking about they would know how easily it could be disproved.
I am 5'9.25" tall, I wish I was taller but I know I am not and ofcourse I never lie about it. However, I can't begin to count how many times people that are obviously shorter than me have told me that they are 5'11". Usually I feel the need to make them aware that I have not fallen for their bull shit.
At the gym recently I saw somebody working out with 80 pound dumbells doing flat presses with them. He had a spotter who was helping him on every single rep. Now obviously this guy is in denial. Clearly he can not handle this weight because somebody is helping him on EVERY single repetition. So why was he doing it? Well, even though I did so as nicely as possible, I felt the need to tell him that he was doing himself a diservice. Risking injury by working out with weight that he could not push even once without a spotter served no purpose other than to risk injury.
That was not as much fun however as it is to carry a tape measure at the gym and whip it out when somebody with a 16 inch arm claims to have an 18" arm. Again I think this kind of bull shit shows ignorance more than anything. Anybody with some minimal experience should be able to tell the difference by just looking.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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