
just a hippy at heart

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Yes, I haven't slept tonight- got some bad news today and can't sleep! :S
Anyways, from many posts and threads on here
I sense a lot of us on the forum have secret 'hippy' pasts.

Expose them! I have photo album of just Grateful Dead concerts I attended one summer. (20+!!) I would show you one but you'd be scared and they might incriminate me. :$

I also keep my vinyls, can't help it. I love them and am keeping them forever. :D

What is your deep dark secret? >:(

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Yes, I haven't slept tonight- got some bad news today and can't sleep! :S
Anyways, from many posts and threads on here
I sense a lot of us on the forum have secret 'hippy' pasts.

Expose them! I have photo album of just Grateful Dead concerts I attended one summer. (20+!!) I would show you one but you'd be scared and they might incriminate me. :$

I also keep my vinyls, can't help it. I love them and am keeping them forever. :D

What is your deep dark secret? >:(

Why don't you start a poll? I'd find the results interesting. B|

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What would define one as a hippie? I'm afraid I'm a little too young to have experienced Haight-Asbury at it's best, but I will be going to Bonnaroo this Summer! I never liked weed either, it makes me stupid. I guess I'm a square hippie.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I never got into the 'drug culture' probably because it means putting all kinds of artificial stuff in your body, to experience an artificial high. And it may be partially because I am a control freak. However, I do spend lots of time in gardens, literally. I feel that we have been tremendously unkind to mother earth for several centuries, and it is up to some group of people to stop that cycle. There have been tremendous inroads in that direction since the late 60's.
I very rarely ever buy a piece of clothing, furniture, car etc, new, there is way too much consumption of stuff, and very little recycling.
I try to be concientious of other peoples needs, and I try to make sure that my stay on this earth will make it a little better place to be for the next guy.
Grandma used to say "waste not, want not" BOY DO WE WASTE!
[email protected]

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You being such an upstanding young man with high standards, principle, and all.

still have those... but what cani say..i smoked my fare share of dope in high school.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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i had the long under cut hair and everything..... some cords and a flannel... ah those where the days...... nothin like driving to school in a friends car smoking a bowl.... but that time has passed... havn't smoked dope in a long time.... damn military will do that to ya....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Grandma used to say "waste not, want not" BOY DO WE WASTE!

In the last 200 years, America has lost:
- 50% of its wetlands
- 90% of its northwestern old-growth forests and
- 98% of its tall grass prairies

The amount of energy used by one American is equivalent to: 3 Japanese, 6 Mexicans, 14 Chinese, 38 Indians, 168 Bangladeshi, 531 Ethiopians.

Interestingly, 8 out of 10 Americans still regard themselves as "environmentalists" and half of those say they are "strong" ones.


As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I planted about 120 trees last year. I maintain forests for people. We lose more every year than we can plant, just from natural causes. It breaks my heart to see people plow down 150 to 200 year old trees to start a new development, then bring in these 2 and 3 inches saplings to start new landscaping.
The city of Venice is now condemning the first floors of many of its' building due to the rising water levels. Comes from the melting of the polar snow cap, from global warning.
People need to plant more solar airconditioners...
[email protected]

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People need to plant more solar airconditioners

i got a maple sapling from my school when i was in the 7th grade and planted itin my parents back yard... it now stands about 20 feet high and s still growing fast........ wheni buy a house i want to have lots and lots of trees..... they make a good wind break, provide shade and are just plain prretty..... to bad it takes so damn long for them to get any where near big... heck it's taken this maple tree almost 13 years to get just this big.... i wish i couldof bought property when i was 3 years old andplanted a bunch of trees and then had the 20+ years it has been sinc ei've been 3 to let them grow........ i don't think i could ever live in a new development... it's just to baren in those.........i wana live in a house inthe woods......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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People need to plant more solar airconditioners

i got a maple sapling from my school when i was in the 7th grade and planted itin my parents back yard... it now stands about 20 feet high and s still growing fast........ wheni buy a house i want to have lots and lots of trees..... they make a good wind break, provide shade and are just plain prretty..... to bad it takes so damn long for them to get any where near big... heck it's taken this maple tree almost 13 years to get just this big.... i wish i couldof bought property when i was 3 years old andplanted a bunch of trees and then had the 20+ years it has been sinc ei've been 3 to let them grow........ i don't think i could ever live in a new development... it's just to baren in those.........i wana live in a house inthe woods......

I have a huge silver (read that weed) tree in my front yard. It's at the end of it's usefulness, but I just can't bear to get rid of it. Lots of shade, and it quiets things down from the busy street in front.
I planted a tri color beech under it about 10 years ago, so that when it finally goes, there will be a new tree ready to take over.
It's a cycle that most people prefer to ignore...
[email protected]

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