
More rain in San Diego

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After weeks of rain, we thought it would be clear for a while. Turned out not to be. We got some really cool sunsets for a few days, but as it turned out, they were just warnings of things to come.

It rained basically from Friday night through today, and they're expecting more rain tonight. Everything that can flood has flooded. See pictures below. The road that always floods is now just gone, and canyons that have been dry for years have rivers running through them. The river in the 'canyon' pictures below is usually bone-dry.

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I've been trying to keep up with the rain and storms going through cali, but do you have the total rainfall amounts for your area?

Its too bad that El Nino hates us so much and that yall don't have storm sewers and such to help with this sort of thing.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Holy Crap!!!!! I had heard that it was still pouring out there...

How is the Perris area fairing in this crap? I know they got a bunch of the crap too in Nov just before the Camp...and it was a mud bowl at the camp in Nov.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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So that's where all our rain went! It's been dry as dust here for the past week and a half, and is projected to last until the coming weekend!


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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>and that yall don't have storm sewers and such to help with this sort of thing.

For the most part we do. But nobody cares much about keeping them clear of sand and debris etc until it rains and then it's too late. Most of the damage we've been getting hasn't been due to standing (or even running) water - it's been hills that get saturated and start to slide. I had a landslide happen right next to me on the highway the other day. It was so waterlogged that a chunk of the hill just detached and started sliding. It barely made it to the right lane, fortunately.

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>Oh, and there's something funky about that last picture (canyon2),
> or maybe my eyes are just blurry.

I had to compress it so much to get it under the 100k limit that it lost color resolution, so you're seeing very few color levels.

That's what I thought... probably would have worked better to resize the dimensions (but I'm sure you know that).

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Hmmm...and here I was reading some report on the 'net that was talking about the complete lack of a proper storm sewer system.

As for the mudslides, I'm going to have to my civil engineering fiance to explain to me what is done in TX to prevent those (besides the obvious soil composition for most of TX compared to SoCal).

All of this weather making you want a heavy 4x4?;):P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Hmmm...and here I was reading some report on the 'net that was talking about the complete lack of a proper storm sewer system.

I have been really impressed with the drainage system where I live (sort of close to Perris). With as much rain as we have had, I'm surprised we haven't had any flooding... but I'm pretty sure that is due to the way this subdivision was built. (And maybe I shouldn't be speaking too soon since the rain is not over yet!)

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>was talking about the complete lack of a proper storm sewer system.

Well, the picture labeled "train station" basically _is_ a storm sewer; it was just being used as a construction road too (hence the road leading into it.) Remember the big race in the movie version of Grease? That was filmed in an LA stormwater canal. If anything, a lot of the problems we have is that people consider them access roads 11 months out of the year, and every year construction equipment/trash/even people get washed away when the rains come.

>All of this weather making you want a heavy 4x4?

Nope! The vehicles flipped over on the side of the road around here are primarily SUV's; their high CG makes them roll-prone when involved in the minor accidents we see here during the rains.

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Heard on the news this AM that this could go down as the wettest month for you guys (over a 122 year period).

They talked about the landslides and how someone's pool slid down the entire hill.

Curious - were those hillsides prone to flooding and slides before they were urbanized?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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From the bottom steps of the Bombshelter across the runway to the landing area was pure water. It's going to take some time to dry out!!!

Oh man :S Hopefully nothing has been damaged.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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