Jose Canseco is a Punk Ass Bitch

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Saw him on TV last night just dimein out everybody.

The reporter would throw out a name and Jose would either say "I've injected him" or "I've never seen him but I know he does."

what a pathetic loser. guess he needs $$$

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I'm sorry . . . isn't baseball the premier "fat ass as MVP" sport?

To me, if you can (and regularly do) use a tobacco product while actually participating in it, it's not a sport. :D

Sort of. The only important muscles in MLB is your back and shoulders, and the more powerful they are the harder your drive will be. So, you can still be overweight (to a point) and be a really good baseball player.

Why they try to inflate their biceps when they aren't even used at all in the actual game is beyond me...

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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He's a loser cause he is telling the truth, and exposing MLB for what it is? I hope this puts the whole league in check

Thank You! Barry and his record??? Record what, # of steroid injections. Hammerin' Hank will always be the Homerun king!B|

Good times and riches and son of a bitches,
I've seen more than I can recall. - Professor James Buffet
Going to see Jimmy tonight!!!

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Sort of. The only important muscles in MLB is your back and shoulders, and the more powerful they are the harder your drive will be. So, you can still be overweight (to a point) and be a really good baseball player.

Your body isn't a set of individual pieces...you have to work the whole body to get results in a single area. For instance, you can't have a very strong back with out strong abs. You can't get strong shoulders without a strong chest and arms.

Its like going to the gym and seeing some hapless 18yr old kid doing bicept curls till he's blue in the face and he's still a scrawny kid with out bicepts or anything else. He won't get any results without dedicated gym work working systematicly all of his muscle groups over the course of a few days and eating a diet that will help him gain muscle.

A word about steroids.

Steroids aren't a wonder druge that instantly give you muscle, infact if someone takes steroids they won't see much of any gains without very hard work in the gym.

So although I hate steroid use, I want folks to know that its not a magic pill, to get strong/big even when using steroids you still have to bust your ass in the gym and eat the right kind of diet.

Rampent steroid use is why I quit the Golds Gym in my town and went to a small gym that has mainly middle aged folks and families. Less expensive equipment, less room...nicer people and no assholes with yellow skin and back zits.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Sort of. The only important muscles in MLB is your back and shoulders, and the more powerful they are the harder your drive will be. So, you can still be overweight (to a point) and be a really good baseball player.

Your body isn't a set of individual pieces...you have to work the whole body to get results in a single area. For instance, you can't have a very strong back with out strong abs. You can't get strong shoulders without a strong chest and arms.

This may be true for losing fat (you can not spot lose fat at all) but you CAN have certain areas of your body be MUCH stronger than the rest. Otherwise, why do swimmers have GIGANTIC backs? Why do hockey players have huge legs (my neighbor played hockey for his whole life...he has very muscular thighs but his upper body is alot smaller)?

It is totally true that you cannot have strong arms and no strength elsewhere, but it is NOT true that you cannot make one set of muscles bigger than the rest. Just look at the weightlifter who ignores his legs to focus on upper body.

If you do isolation movements (preacher curls for instance), you can gain muscle in one area while totally ignoring the secondary muscles that might be used in other exercises. And if you are eating enough calories in a proper diet and working just one area of muscle, it WILL get bigger faster than your other muscle.
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Just look at the weightlifter who ignores his legs to focus on upper body.

Sure, to a point, BUT that weightlifter will never realize the true potential of his upper body without bringing his legs to the level they need to be.

I know I was having problems making any gains with my back and I had slacked off doing any sort of "real" lifting for my legs (just some extenions and curls to help maintain) last year. I got back into heavy squats and BAM my back started growing again.

The point is, sure you'll make some gains, but you're not going to get real far with real gains without working your body as a whole.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Canseco is just out for a dime but I don't have any sympathy for the people getting ratted out. There are a lot of people (like me playing Div I college lacrosse) who made the descision to not take steroids because of the damage it causes our bodies and because of the moral principles we have. We still had to compete against people who became stronger because of steroids to the detriment of their body. Some people say that they'd still go to games if they knew everyone was doing steroids. Great, but that's simple minded. Steroid use to non-athletes could be compared to your boss helping you on an assignment in exchange for anal sex. Some may not have a problem with it, most will and will resent the competetive edge afforded by this agreement. Basically, by allowing steroids, you're forcing people to injure themselves just to be on the same playing field. And yes, you're also a fag.

My apologies to any gay people who don't know me and may be offended, my gay friends think my homophobic metaphor is a hoot.
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Sort of. The only important muscles in MLB is your back and shoulders, and the more powerful they are the harder your drive will be. So, you can still be overweight (to a point) and be a really good baseball player.

Your body isn't a set of individual pieces...you have to work the whole body to get results in a single area. For instance, you can't have a very strong back with out strong abs. You can't get strong shoulders without a strong chest and arms.

This may be true for losing fat (you can not spot lose fat at all) but you CAN have certain areas of your body be MUCH stronger than the rest. Otherwise, why do swimmers have GIGANTIC backs? Why do hockey players have huge legs (my neighbor played hockey for his whole life...he has very muscular thighs but his upper body is alot smaller)?

It is totally true that you cannot have strong arms and no strength elsewhere, but it is NOT true that you cannot make one set of muscles bigger than the rest. Just look at the weightlifter who ignores his legs to focus on upper body.

If you want big arms, you have to do more than just upper body, yes (w/o steroids). But, I got huge traps and a very strong back (1RM seated cable row 315) and I'm just NOW getting everything else lined up... my chest sux (1RM bench 225) and I still got a hint of a tire goin on below my "4-pack", so I still look a bit out of proportion.

Some of these steroid users have what appears to be a beer gut going on, mostly because they avoid cardio workouts and just focus on upper body. They still have less total bodyfat than average people, but they still look "funny."

My legs are bigger than anybody playing MLB and ripped, my leg press workout weight is 850lbs, standing calf raises @ 375lbs.

It's obvious those guys are only doing upper body lifting and not much else... there are a lot of chicken legs running in MLB with beer guts. :P

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Regardless whether he's right or wrong Canseco is a Punk Ass Bitch! He always has been and always will be. He's someone that had talent and pissed it all away.

When a pro sports figure is so broke he's got to auction "weekend get aways" at his mansion w/him for $3000! He's a weak punk!

Now he's hit the book circuit and what better way to boost book sales. Let's trash the sport that made him. He is a washed up has been. The simple fact we're sitting here talking about him, is giving him the publisity he wants & needs to SELL HIS BOOK..

PEOPLE HE IS TRYING TO SELL A BOOK!! It's probably 90% fiction.

Not to say some of the jerks he's fingered aren't guilty. >:(

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Sort of. The only important muscles in MLB is your back and shoulders, and the more powerful they are the harder your drive will be. So, you can still be overweight (to a point) and be a really good baseball player.

Your body isn't a set of individual pieces...you have to work the whole body to get results in a single area. For instance, you can't have a very strong back with out strong abs. You can't get strong shoulders without a strong chest and arms.

This may be true for losing fat (you can not spot lose fat at all) but you CAN have certain areas of your body be MUCH stronger than the rest. Otherwise, why do swimmers have GIGANTIC backs? Why do hockey players have huge legs (my neighbor played hockey for his whole life...he has very muscular thighs but his upper body is alot smaller)?

It is totally true that you cannot have strong arms and no strength elsewhere, but it is NOT true that you cannot make one set of muscles bigger than the rest. Just look at the weightlifter who ignores his legs to focus on upper body.

If you want big arms, you have to do more than just upper body, yes (w/o steroids). But, I got huge traps and a very strong back (1RM seated cable row 315) and I'm just NOW getting everything else lined up... my chest sux (1RM bench 225) and I still got a hint of a tire goin on below my "4-pack", so I still look a bit out of proportion.

Some of these steroid users have what appears to be a beer gut going on, mostly because they avoid cardio workouts and just focus on upper body. They still have less total bodyfat than average people, but they still look "funny."

My legs are bigger than anybody playing MLB and ripped, my leg press workout weight is 850lbs, standing calf raises @ 375lbs.

It's obvious those guys are only doing upper body lifting and not much else... there are a lot of chicken legs running in MLB with beer guts. :P

This is such a complicated issue that I don't know where to start or what to leave out to avoid posting a book or for that matter what to include. First of all I will point out two opposing sources that I have read quite a bit of and direct those interested to read both of them and then after you have gained some education on the subject other that the media hype you can make up your mind. Those sources are www.naturalstrength.com & www.steroidlaw.com .
Now I will say that I read the first one for a long time before I read the latter and I certainly would tend to be biased toward it because of who I am, a mesomorph (a body building term to identify body type that I won't get into here). Instead I will skip to the chase and tell you what I got from naturalstrenth.com. I got steroids kill, they are horrible, they take away any opporunity at a level playing field and only loosers take them. It was what I thought before reading the website so for me they were just preaching to the choir. However if one keep an open mind as he learns more fact and figures there is the possibility that their mind can change, as mine has. For those of you who have yet to be enlightened, I will summarize some very basic facts that are easy to check and can be very eye-opening. Steroids as performance enhancers were first introduced in 1958 by a Dr. John Ziegler who passed out dianabol tablets in a weight room, since then bodybuilding changed permanently. Nobody cared until in the 70’s they found that people in the Olympics were taking. At that point the joke became that dianabol was the breakfast of champions. In 1975 the use of steroids was banned from the Olympics. However, people were still using. They tried to convince users that steroids didn’t work, that it was just fluid retention. But that was so obviously disprovable that users laughed at it. I remember this from my youth. I remember hearing people say that steroids put water in your muscles, and for that reasons they called people using steroids water muscles. Now that I know so much more about it, it puzzles me how stupid people were to repeat such nonsense. Well in 1984 they realized this bull shit was not working and at that point they started telling people that steroids kill and that people who have taken them can expect to die in their 30’s or 40’s. By then there were quite a few people who had taken them 25 years before and were over 50 without any health issues. Now don’t misunderstand me here, I am not saying steroids are harmless, THEY ARE NOT! However neither is alcohol, nicotine or Tylenol. As a matter of all three of those substance are far far more likely to cause a user health issues if used appropriately than are steroids. But lets get back to the timeline. In late 1987 steroids were finally made illegal by the U.S. congress. But this was done against the recommendations from the AMA (American medical association) and the DEA (drug enforcement agency). As matter of fact they the politicians making steroids illegal would mock the medical professionals who did not agree with them. So why did they do it? Because they were determined to give the sports lobby anything they asked for, because of the Olympic committees. In 1990 they criminalized steroids. Now this bothers me because. Now this bothers me because, I have read horror stories of people whose lives have been ruined because of the ignorance that lead to these laws in the first place. I will say that there is no doubt in my mind and that statistics will prove that Mcdonalds is much more deadly than steroids could ever be. Obesity is such a serious problem in the U.S. that life expectancy is going down because of it. Yet can you imagine the fat congressman sitting in a room smoking their cigars while criminalizing steroids. Last I checked and I am sure it has gone up since then alcohol is causing more than 100,000 deaths per year in the U.S., but because there are so many fat slobs or lazy people that can find no other form of pleasure in their life other than being DRUGGED up on alcohol on a weekly basis, prohibition didn’t work. Now lets not forget nicotine it too is a drug, That is the undisputed greatest killer in the U.S. 500,000 people per year on cancer (most related to nicotine), a great deal of the heart disease deaths are related to nicotine as well (over 750,000 from heart disease), I don’t know how many from Emphezima but I know that is in the 5 and also extremely related to nicotine. Or why not pass a law against Tylenol. If the general public really knew just how much more harmful this is to the liver than steroids, then maybe they wouldn’t make such ignorant statements. I have tried to make this brief but I just can’t there is too much to cover and I haven’t even began to scratch the surface. I will try to stop here and suggest for anybody who really wants to know to more to get Rick Collins book, “Legal Muscle”. Rick Collins is a lawyer who specializes in this.
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Please see attachment.... Paragraphs are your friend. That hurt my eyes to read it.

I see what you mean and you're right. Its just that I really didn't intend to type so much. I tried to shorten it as much as possible but like I said its a very complicated topic and requires a lot of background information.
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No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
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Regardless whether he's right or wrong Canseco is a Punk Ass Bitch! He always has been and always will be. He's someone that had talent and pissed it all away.

When a pro sports figure is so broke he's got to auction "weekend get aways" at his mansion w/him for $3000! He's a weak punk!

Now he's hit the book circuit and what better way to boost book sales. Let's trash the sport that made him. He is a washed up has been. The simple fact we're sitting here talking about him, is giving him the publisity he wants & needs to SELL HIS BOOK..

PEOPLE HE IS TRYING TO SELL A BOOK!! It's probably 90% fiction.

Not to say some of the jerks he's fingered aren't guilty. >:(

You know what the biggest disappointed for me is? He used to be one of my favorite ball players when I was a kid. It was Canseco, Mattingly, Mcguire, and Bo Jackson. Canseco was a world class athlete and look at him now. The worst thing about it is that baseball doesn't need anymore drama. The favorite past time is starting to become just a past time. The sport really took a turn for the better when Mcguire and Sosa where battling each other for the homerun record. Now, in light of all the steroid scandles, the ratings are starting to plummet. I wish the media would stop feeding it to the public and just let him disappear.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I wish the media would stop feeding it to the public and just let him disappear.

The whole league even the fans were fine to let sleeping dogs lie. Until Bonds... Bonds started this whole steroid issue. If Bonds would have just been happy to be a player and not strive to bash records no one would be any wiser about the roids and the media wouldn't be eating this up.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I wish the media would stop feeding it to the public and just let him disappear.

The whole league even the fans were fine to let sleeping dogs lie. Until Bonds... Bonds started this whole steroid issue. If Bonds would have just been happy to be a player and not strive to bash records no one would be any wiser about the roids and the media wouldn't be eating this up.

Very true! That was probably one of the most disappointing things I've heard concerning an athlete. I stoped watch baseball for a while. Bonds was definitely the driving force for me to start watching it again. Once I saw the reports of Bonds using steroids, I was completely turned away from watching baseball all over again.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Bonds started this whole steroid issue.

No, he didn't. Back in the late 80's, crowds shouted "juiced" at Canseco. McGwire, too.

Back when McGwire was making his record run, he was consistently asked about steroids, to which he finally replied that he used andro.

This steroid business is nothing new. Canseco is a rat. But, let me ask this. Is there such thing as a rat who is not dirty?

By their nature, rats are involved in seedy things. Rats are in on the bad stuff, and later snitch about it. Informants are not angels. They do, however, have a lot of information.

So people can shoot the messenger, call him a punk-ass for snitching and for telling all. Call him greedy, call him and asshole.

But I'm telling you, while he does have a bit of a fish story to tell, and his story may be the equivalent of a fisherman catching a 4000 pound great white, you can be damned sure that while the fish may not have been that big, it was probably a great white of at least 3,500 pounds...

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I haven't called him a punk ass bitch because he's droppin the dime on anyone. I call him names because he is. He's a worthless has-been looking to make a buck. What better way to do that then get one national tv and hock your wares to 60 minutes.

He's a fuckin jerk asshole who knows he wasted his life on drugs and squandered his baseball riches on legal fees and dope.

Bonds did bring this whole scandle back to the top of the scum pond. If Bonds wouldn't have been so flambouyant and so cocky about his "new muscle" and hitting power. No one would care. BUT Since he broke the records and has now gotten himself investigated. They found his supplier.. Now the media is all over it.

Again if he wouldn't have been so gungho to break the records no one would have investigated him or his past.

Canseco is just a side-show in the MLB now. He's using this time because he can get the most Camera Time to sell his book.

Canseco was a freak, is a freak and he's a punk ass bitch like he's always been. I never once liked him then and I like him even less now.

He should get back on eBay and auction more weekends at his house for $3k a trip. Fuckin bitch!

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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